Pluto's Concubine

Chapter 70 Investigation in Progress: Rivalry 32

Chapter 70 Investigation in Progress: Rivalry 32
"Sixth brother, you actually hurt your brother because of a woman." He didn't dare to say it.

"I don't have you, a scumbag brother."

"Hmph, no matter how scumbag I am, I can't compare to you who have a crush on the emperor's wife!" Huangfu Feiyu told Huangfu Ren Xi's secret on purpose in an extremely evil manner.

Mu Niange couldn't help being taken aback, "Bastard." The guilty Huangfu Ren Xi wanted to attack again, but was hit in the stomach by a punch. After the punch, his face turned red, "Don't overestimate your capabilities, I don't understand yet. You?"

"Ahem——" Huangfu Ren Xi bowed and coughed.

Mu Niange wanted to help Huangfu Ren Xi, but Nuan Shuang never gave her a chance to help, so she could only deal with the person in front of her before helping, thinking about it, she focused on dealing with Nuan Shuang.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Qu Yuxing couldn't believe it, Mu Fange suddenly lost his breath right in front of him.

The surrounding soldiers could only stand there, wondering whether they should go up to help their emperor, but the queen usually treats them well, alas!
Huangfu Ren Xi was beaten half to death by Huangfu Feiyu, vomiting blood.

Mu Niange kicked Nuan Shuang's chest. When the person flew out, when he picked up the wooden gun and was about to attack her, a vague figure stood in front of him. The figure gradually became clear. Knowing that it was Lin Weiwei, "No, she is the real Mu Yunge."

Pat, the wooden gun in his hand fell directly to the ground, "What did you say?"

Nuan Shuang, who was lying on the ground, couldn't help being startled, took out the dagger from his sleeve, stood up abruptly and stabbed Lin Weiwei in the back, Wei Wei felt a strange feeling, turned around and realized that she had been stabbed.

Suye also panicked, and everyone was stunned, but the situation was a little different, Wei Wei turned around and pulled out the dagger that was still stuck in her back, "This is your body after all, can you cherish it a little bit?" ?”

The blood in this body has already stopped flowing, even if you stab it a dozen times, no blood will flow out, and you will not feel pain, just like a walking dead.

Suye breathed a sigh of relief, it's okay, hey, why is that woman so nervous?

"Huangfu Feiyu, don't fight so hard, you are so stupid, you don't even know that you are being used by this woman."

"What are you talking about?" Nuan Shuang still doesn't admit that she is Mu Yunge, nor does she admit that she has been using Huangfu Feiyu.

"Ah Bo." Lin Weiwei didn't say anything, but revealed a name, which sounded like a man.

After Nuan Shuang heard this name, her face turned completely pale, and she couldn't help clenching her fists. She hid it deeply enough, even from her sister who loved her the most, and couldn't help snorting, "Why do you think I am Mu Yunge, tell me Will anyone believe it?" His eyes were full of mockery.

indeed!Qu Yuxing and his subordinates didn't understand, and they were even more confused when Lin Weiwei suddenly appeared and pointed at Concubine Nuan and said it was the real Mu Yunge!

"Because I am your reincarnation, I felt it from the first time I saw you, so I went to the underworld to check your previous affairs, and I really found out something." Lin Weiwei completely believed that the person in front of him was the real Mu. Yunge.

"You and I are the same person, but you tried to kill the opportunity for me to exist. As long as the immortality technique is not cracked for a day, then you will not be able to reincarnate. Then my reincarnation will not exist and will disappear."

(End of this chapter)

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