The best martial arts queen: stunning and stunning

Chapter 182 Nangong Yu cuts her arm to take blood [4]

Chapter 182 Nangong Yu cuts her arm to take blood [[-]]

Are you saying he is rebellious?How many heads in his fluttering dare to break ground on Tai Sui's head?If it wasn't for the attention of his princess, he wouldn't dare to say that even if he was killed.
Although Piaoyang smiled on his face, he began to mutter in his heart, "Princess, princess, are you sure this is all right? If your judgment is wrong this time, you will lose me as a competent person,,,"

After a while, Nangong Yu nodded, and turned back to tell Fulai, "Go prepare a dagger and send it to the Queen's Palace. Prime Minister Piao and I will go first!"

Being dragged by Nangong Yu, Piaoyang felt like a child, feeling uncomfortable all over, especially when there were quite a few court ladies and eunuchs paying attention to them along the way.
"Your Majesty, can you let Piaoyang go?"

Nangongyu's footsteps paused, and after reacting, she found herself dragging him, embarrassed, "I'm sorry, I can't wait too, I'm a little impatient." As she said that, she let go of her hand, and Feiyang felt light all over in an instant. The feeling of people pulling is really cool!

The two talked while walking, and when they reached Fenglai Pavilion, Piaoyang had already explained the steps of taking the medicine in detail.

The news of the imperial palace is spread from ten to ten, and within a short time, Fenglai Pavilion was surrounded by many people, including concubines in the harem, and cabinet ministers who have not returned home after the court.
The foreign ministers all knew that the emperor was going to cut his arm to take blood to make medicine for the queen, how could Concubine Liu not know?

When she came to Fenglai Pavilion, she happened to see Nangong Yu rolling up her sleeves and slashing at her arm with a dagger!The dagger was sharp, and when he cut it down, the cut was big and deep, and the blood flowed horizontally. Seeing that the person who ordered him before was still in a daze and did not move, Nangongyu endured the pain and shouted, "What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you go find a bowl? Do you want my blood to flow in vain or do you not want the Queen to recover from her illness?"

The maid who was yelled at by Nangong Yu immediately left in a panic to look for the bowl.
After a while, a bowl full of blood was collected, and the queen's medicine was available, but the emperor's wound became a new problem,
Fenglai Pavilion, which was originally orderly, is now in chaos. Some imperial physicians advocated that the queen be given medicine first, and some advocated that the emperor should treat the wound first.
"What do you quack doctors dare to do? Are you all dead? After all, there are so few of you, can't you act separately?" Concubine Liu couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but speak.

Several imperial physicians looked at each other, and finally divided into three groups, one group treated the wound, one group took medicine for Xi Yan, and the remaining group wrote prescriptions
The main hall was quiet, but Piaoyang kept shaking his head in the corner, it seemed that they were Jin's favorite, no matter what they did, they were orderly and orderly, of course it was inseparable from Xiyan's guidance. .

After taking the "Yaoyin" and the medicine, Xiyan opened her eyes soon. After looking around for a week, she immediately frowned and said weakly, "Why are there so many people? Let all the idlers leave, Ben Gong Needs to be quiet."

As soon as Nangong Yu heard it, she turned around immediately, "Did you hear that? Your Majesty said that you need to be quiet, so you all step back!"

The imperial doctor, maids, and eunuchs all left, and there was Concubine Liu standing not far from the bed, Nangong Yu pulled her face, "Concubine, didn't you hear?"

Grand Concubine Liu was taken aback, she is also an idler?Alright, Shangguan Xiyan, Aijia Nian just woke up from a serious illness, so I don't care about you, let's wait and see!
(End of this chapter)

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