The best martial arts queen: stunning and stunning

Chapter 501 The small building in the middle of the lake is on fire!

Chapter 501 The small building in the middle of the lake is on fire!

 Xiyan on the embroidered couch slept soundly, and didn't feel the danger at all.
 Centipedes more than a foot long were already crawling under her bed, and there were dozens of vipers more than one meter long. .

 One has already slowly climbed up along the edge of the bed, spitting bright red snake letters from time to time.

 The danger was already at her side, but she was still sleeping deeply on the bed! ! !
 Strange to say, Xiyan's stomach suddenly bulged up a few times, she frowned, and without opening her eyes, she reached out to comfort the fetus in her belly, "Baby, don't make trouble! Mother is very tired, let mother Get some sleep!"

 But the stomach didn't calm down like before, and moved a few times.
 At this time, a hissing sound rang in his ears, and Xi Yan suddenly opened her eyes! !

 She saw a patchouli viper crawling up beside her pillow, looking at herself with its head held up and spitting out snake letters.

 Oh my god, baby, my mother was saved by you this time!

 Xiyan thought in her heart, and then she started to move her luck quickly without moving, and completely transported her kung fu into the palm of her hand.

 She can't move now, otherwise she will be attacked by a poisonous snake. She must wait for the poisonous snake to relax its vigilance or stop paying attention to her
 One second, two seconds, three seconds.
 After about half a minute, the snake lowered its body and swam to one side.
 If you don't attack at this time, when will you wait?
 Xiyan immediately swung a strong wind towards the poisonous snake, sweeping the snake away for more than a foot.

 Damn it!Where did this snake come in from?

 Xi Yan sat up while cursing, put her feet down on the side of the bed, and was about to put on her shoes, when she was surprised to find that the ground was densely packed with centipedes over a foot long! !
 Who is it?Apart from Wanyan Hongli and Wanyan Hongyu who have already surrendered, who else hates her so much?

 "Xiang'er? Lanxin? Qianxun?"

 She has a lot of poison here, and they will definitely have it there!

 Xiyan was worried about them, so she bent down to pick up the shoes, shook them, and after shaking off the two centipedes, she put them on her feet with confidence, then stood on the embroidered couch, and yelled loudly.

 After Xiyan's cry, Xiang'er's anxious voice sounded, "Princess, don't come out! The outside is full of poisons that come from nowhere. Wait a moment, and the princess is coming out after the servants eliminate them."

 "Idiot, there are both our room and the outside, and naturally the princess's room will also have some, you let the princess wait inside alone?!"

 The sound of Chihiro jumping violently sounded, and following Xi Yan, she felt that the door of her inner hall was knocked open, and after a gust of cool wind drifted by, he stood by the bed.

 "Princess, I'll carry you out! It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, we will burn it with fire later!"

Xi Yan looked at the centipedes crawling around on the ground, and nodded. She was not afraid, but now she should not use her skills casually, otherwise, what would these reptiles do to her?

 After leaving the inner hall, Chihiro placed Xi Yan in a spacious place far away from the palace, and said softly, "Princess, you stay here, and the subordinates come to find Huozhezi."

 Xi Yan nodded, indeed, these reptiles are afraid of fire, I hope they can be wiped out in time, so that the maids are safe and sound!
 Just when Qianxun turned around to join Xianger and Lanxin in the human-snake battle, a miserable scream resounded through the night sky
 "Xunxun, hurry up! Don't let those innocent maids lose their lives for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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