The best martial arts queen: stunning and stunning

Chapter 510 The Death of the Dark Guard Heisha 2

Chapter 510 The Death of the Dark Guard Heisha 2
"Where is he? Take me to see him!" He wanted to see Heisha immediately and ask what happened. If Heisha was also tricked by Wanyan Hongyu, he would definitely kill that woman!Even if it will be stimulated and become a "devil" again.
Nangong Yu said as she raised her legs and walked out the door.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, wait. Heisha has already been carried to the imperial hospital by the minister. He will be sent here naturally after the imperial doctor treats the injury."

lift? !

Nangong Yu's red eyes were full of tyranny, "What did you say? He was taken to the imperial hospital? Heisha's martial arts are not inferior to mine, why can't he walk? No, I can't wait, I want to know the inside story of the matter immediately! "

Seeing that Nangong Yu insisted on going, Liu Ting didn't say anything anymore. He could understand the importance of the secret guard to an emperor. The secret guard represented the emperor to a certain extent. The emperor will be in danger
"Okay, since the emperor wants to visit the Imperial Hospital in person, I will accompany the emperor."

Now the emperor is no better than before, he may lose control of his emotions anytime and anywhere, at least he can remind the emperor all the time.

Seeing that Liu Ting said he wanted to follow, Nangong Jin immediately said, "Brother Emperor, let's go together, too!"

Nangong Yu looked at the two of them with red eyes, and nodded with a dark face. They were afraid that he would not be able to stand the stimulation!He, Nangong Yu, doesn't even have the ability to control himself at all.
When they arrived at the imperial hospital, Liu Ting went in first to report, and a group of imperial physicians came out after a while, the leader led the few behind him to kneel down on the ground, "I wait to see the emperor!"

Nangong Yu frowned, waved her hand impatiently, and said in a deep voice, "Pingshen! I heard that the Prime Minister sent a person, how is this person now?"

It's okay not to mention this person, when Nangong Yu asked about this person, the leading imperial physician looked at Liu Ting beside Nangong Yu with embarrassed eyes.

Liu Ting looked uncomfortable, took a step forward, and said loudly, "Just answer the emperor's questions. If you stare at me, the patient's condition will be cured?"

At this time, Nangong Jin also interjected, "Yes, my lord, the emperor's trip is just to know how the situation of that person is. You... hurry up and tell me!"

Facing the gloomy emperor, the anxious prime minister, and the prince who had nothing to do with himself, the imperial doctor became even more nervous. After wiping off the sweat from his forehead, he carefully looked at Nangong Yu's face and opened his mouth. "Your Majesty, that man's condition is not good. Someone pierced his collarbone with an iron chain, and he also had his hands and feet pulled. There are countless knife wounds on his body. I have tried my best. I'm afraid he is afraid. Your Majesty, I'd better go in and have a look." Bar."

When Nangong Yu raised her leg to enter the Imperial Hospital, she turned her head and gave Liu Ting a hard look, as if she was blaming him and refused to let him come at first.
Liu Ting smiled wryly and was speechless, he didn't want him to be sad because of this matter!

"Prime Minister, from Xiao Wang's point of view, Heisha's life is not long, why don't we go in too, if the Emperor sees him in a bad mood, maybe. Hehe, the Prime Minister must be to blame!"

When Liu Ting was told by Nangong Jin, his body trembled immediately. Yes, the emperor and Heisha have been friends for many years. Seeing him like this now, it is really hard to say that he will be out of control and his temperament will change suddenly.
(End of this chapter)

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