Begging in late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 343 What, what, what?

Chapter 343 What, what, what?

Watching Ruan Dacheng hurried down the stairs, looking down at the plan he had written before getting into the car, Song Qingshu couldn't help showing a sly smile upstairs.

Ruan Dabeard is by no means a person who can endure loneliness. He has vigorous ambitions for officialdom, and he is also a person who will do anything for power and position. In the Southern Ming Dynasty, Ma Shiying relied on Fengyang's military power to forcibly promote him to the Ministry of War. In addition to the crazy revenge on Fushe, it also aroused Zuo Liangyu's mutiny in Huguang, and brought an army of 14 to Nanjing Qingjun.

When the Qing army went south, he defected to the Qing Dynasty in order to become an official. He took the initiative to act as the vanguard and followed Azig to attack Fujian. In the end, he became seriously ill in Xianxialing and died on the road of being a lackey.For such a character, Song Qingshu pointed out a way for him to control the court, so he didn't worry that he wouldn't run into a tree stump like a rabbit.

It is inconvenient for Song Qingshu himself to come forward, after all he still has the name of a thief, those noble scholars disdain to make friends with him, but Song Qingshu now controls the way of wealth, especially he has a lot of things that belong to the great scholars of this era Song Qingshu believes that he will attract the curiosity of scholars once he shows what he has never seen or imagined. Once the world changes, he will raise his arms and the political party he will form in the future will eventually stand behind him.

Poor Ruan Dacheng is so ambitious that he can only make wedding clothes for the beggar army in the end.If he is willing to follow the path designed by Song Qingshu, there will be a place for him. If he is like in history, he will eventually be eliminated.

Of course, this is something for later, now with the notoriety of Ruan Dacheng and Song Qingshu, it is estimated that few scholars are willing to deal with them, so they can only put up an airs first, and everything will have to be managed slowly in the future.

Heaved a sigh of relief, Song Qingshu couldn't help but yawned. He had been busy for more than two days in order to plan this association. When things started, he felt tired and confused. He also planned to go Qu Botao prepared a luxurious suite for him, enjoying the sleep of a boss.

However, he is really a hard worker by nature. Song Qingshu just threw himself on the comfortable velvet bed, and when he pulled himself down, there was a burst of noise coming up, just like countless flies, and Song Qingshu's head suddenly It was three points too big, and the pillow covered his head for a while, and finally he sat up annoyed.

"Fucking quarrel during the day and night, is there any more!"

This side of the Qinhuai River is a well-known Fengyuechang, a bustling place, but there are also disadvantages. The nightlife here is about to catch up with post-modern times. From the beginning of the night, the music of the boats on the Qinhuai River begins to ring out. It didn't stop until a few o'clock in the morning. Song Qingshu worked all night in the past two nights, and it was not unrelated to this.

"Sooner or later, I will move! Move!"

Throwing the pillow to the side, Song Qingshu ran back to the window angrily, looked down, but couldn't help being shocked, two or three hundred of the Jiangnan scholars he dreamed of were actually gathered downstairs Unfortunately, they didn't cry and shout to be the little brother, but gathered together to make a noise. The strange thing was that there were dozens of men and women in ordinary clothes or even a little bit shabby standing in front of them.

This is not the point, the point is that it is his shop that is surrounded, and the textiles sent by Dai County are sold here. Qu Botao's short, dry carrot-like man was surrounded in a panic, and the group of scholars seemed to be getting more and more I was so excited that I seemed to rush in and smash it at any time.

What kind of world is this!I'm doing business honestly, and someone else called? ?
His cheeks were really bulging, and with a yell, Song Qingshu turned his head and walked out. The guards of the Xuanfeng Army followed him and picked up the stick, hurried downstairs, and hurried over.

"Hey! Is there any law of the king? Didn't your husband teach you the eight rules? Every scholar openly smashes the shop regardless of morality. Do you still have any sense of courtesy?"

But someone was one step ahead of him, and the screaming made the buzzing crowd retreat a few steps. It turned out that it was Caiwei, Xiaojiao and Li Baoer who came back from a stroll along the Qinhuai River. , but it wasn't Princess Yunjiao who had always been grumpy, but Li Gu'er who got mad.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Song Qingshu, a scholar, felt like a hooligan, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, and they also followed a Qiaoer sister and brother, but for fear that his girl would suffer, Song Qingshu quickened his pace, and made three steps and two steps to catch up. In front of Li Bao'er.

However, he calmed down at this time, although he was still annoyed, at least he didn't make a direct move, but cupped his fists and bowed politely.

"I'm the owner of the company. I don't know what's wrong with my company, so many of you insult and block me?"

"You are the boss?"

While talking, a rather young woman squeezed over from the door of the store. This woman was not bad looking, with bright eyes and white teeth, but the heavy makeup seemed a bit too much, but the hair was quite dignified, and it was coiled up on her head. She wore a lady's bun with a peony flower in it, but this hairstyle made her look a little old.

Although the face is not bad, this woman's figure is really average. Compared with the bijia that wraps her chest tightly like a woman from the Ming Dynasty, the light lotus color skirt she wears is really much more open. , the neckline almost opened to the chest, but the chest was suffocated, and it didn't support the unattractive Tang Dynasty ladies' attire at all, making Song Qingshu lose interest after just one glance.

Especially this woman is as vicious as a tigress, pointing at Song Qingshubi and scolding herself: "Don't think that you can run amok in this world just because you have a few stinky money, tell you, if you want to touch our Xiaowan, the door nothing!"

"That is, if you wait for profiteers to be filthy, greedy, and rob people of food and clothing, Ying Tianfu shouldn't let you wait for traitors to stay!"

"Get out of Yingtian!"

"Defend Miss Xiaowan!"

What is this all about?Song Qingshu's head immediately became dilated twice. What kind of girl is Xiaowan and a big bowl? Ying Tianfu, you have been staying in your own shop for the past three days, is there some misunderstanding?"

"It's a misunderstanding. Your family purposely lowered the price of silk, isn't it just to make Jinxiufang go bankrupt? You and Tian Hongyu are clearly the same breed!"

"Nvxia Kou is right, you are shameless, you bastard!"

Before Song Qingshu could finish explaining, the leading girl, the big peony flower, had already sprayed over like a machine gun, and the scholars in the back followed suit, yelling curses at profiteers, dog dealers, shameless businessmen, and peddlers. no end.

Where did Tian Hongyu appear again?Song Qingshu really had blue veins popping up on his forehead, and happened to have a huge earthenware pot placed in front of the silk and satin house. In a rage, Song Qingshu picked up a green brick from the ground, and slammed it over. There was only a swipe, and it was huge. The smashed earthen pot was instantly smashed into pieces, which can be regarded as calming down the boiling crowd again.

Seeing the stunned little peony girl, and the scholars behind, Song Qingshu's bitter-faced old man spread his hands sadly: "Song came from the north, and he was doing business in the six northern provinces. I have met Tian Hongyu, and I don’t know any girl Xiaowan. My silk and satin village is also polite to receive guests every day, and I am innocent, so why do you say that Song is going to grab some girl?"

"What did I do wrong?"

Song Qingshu's words are really a little hysterical, and it's okay not to be hysterical. Ever since I heard about Miss Xiaowan, Xiaojiali's small hands have already twisted on his waist angrily, and Caiwei also pouted, feeling the pain from being pinched , Song Qingshu's tone became more and more sad, but it became more contagious, and even the big peony asked back in astonishment.

"Really? Didn't you come here for Tian Hongyu?"

"He lied! Look, isn't that the Tian family? I saw with my own eyes going in and out of the Tian mansion!"

Before Song Qingshu could answer, a thin but tall scholar in the back suddenly stretched out his hand in anger. Song Qingshu turned his head in astonishment. It happened that the scholar Tian Boguang he pulled out from Yan'an Mansion was holding two ledgers. , came out of the grocery store.

"Small this profiteer's shop!"

Before Song Qingshu could understand, there was another scream. Just turning his head, Song Qingshu immediately felt a sharp pain on his face, and he staggered back two steps. When he stretched out his hand, his hand was covered in blood. Bloody mouth.

This time it was completely lively, the uncontrollable crowd rushed into the shop, ping-ping-pong-pong began to smash, and the counter was pushed down, and the goods on the shelves fell down with a crackling, and the best northern cotton cloth Being trampled on desperately, some people even stabbed their own signboards crookedly with bamboo poles.

"Bitch, how dare you hurt my man! My old lady tore you up!"

Although I was angry with Song Qingshu, it was a small matter of the couple quarreling at the end of the bed. Seeing that Song Qingshu was scratched, Little Pepper immediately became hairy. The Lord also rushed into the crowd like a shrew, grabbed the big peony flower and slapped her face several times, and followed Qiaoer brothers and sisters as if she was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. The one kicked squatted down, and Xiaobao took the opportunity to bang his fists, pounding that guy like a panda.

Seeing their own store being smashed, the guys at Jiaduobao were also on fire. These people are all local children recruited from Dai County, Shanxi, so they are not afraid of how they are from Nanjing. Big sticks and poles were overwhelmingly beaten down, but In a panic, it made the store even more messy, and more things were broken.

Covering his aching face, he stared at the hoop frame battlefield in a daze, seeing that the unlucky Tian Boguang was also grabbed by a few Jiangnan scholars and kicked his face hard, he couldn't help but slapped his thigh sadly.

"Who did I provoke whom?"

(End of this chapter)

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