Chapter 409

If the results of the college entrance examination in June were delayed until October, and many people who had been confirmed to be on the list before found out that they had been taken down, what would it be like?
"This! This is impossible! This is not fair!"

It was not easy to squeeze to the front of the list of the Gongyuan with sweat all over his head. Looking at the densely packed names on it, he searched several times but failed to find himself. A scholar with a blue net scarf obviously collapsed, crying loudly. cried in disbelief.

"This is impossible!"

This scholar was not the only example. There were more than 20 people who collapsed, and the crying filled the entire gate of the Gongyuan.

"It's not fair. Those on the list are all barbarians from the north. They don't understand the principles of saints! It's obviously cheating! Cheating!"


Some people are sad, and some are happy. The biggest winners of Chunwei this time are obviously the children from Shanshan and Shanxi, the family scholars who followed Song Qingshu to the south of the Yangtze River. Siwei's great-grandson, Zhang Fusheng, stood under his name, and he couldn't help but show a lot of pride on his delicate white face.

"Songjiang Lu Duanxing, Minister of Rites of Nanjing, protégé of Cui Zhihao, President of Jiangnan Examination Center, and nephew of Fan Fucui, Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, do you think you must be the champion this time? Tsk tsk, even the burnt tail banquet is there, please those who sing from south to north Qu'er has already planned it, so you have the nerve to say cheating?"

"You, how do you know?"

For a split second, the named scholar turned pale and exclaimed in disbelief, then flushed with anger, pointed at Zhang Fusheng and cursed angrily: "Thief, you peeked at my miscellaneous notes!"

"Hmph, as long as you are collude, why don't we scholars fight back? Everyone! Listen to me! This man surnamed Lu bribed Cui Zhihao, the president of imperial examination papers, with 5000 taels of silver by relying on the world's best friend Kansai. He was originally appointed as the champion Now, where are you studying the books of sages and sages, it's just to accompany the prince to study, and to serve as a foil for them!"

"I, Lu, rely on connections, and your surname Zhang didn't rely on the fact that Wang Yaozhi, the imperial envoy of the right capital, was your uncle-in-law, so he became the number one scholar. In the same year, these damn northerners want to hide from our way of becoming an official! "

"You fart!"

It is said that he is a scholar and a gentleman, but it is related to his own destiny and future. Does it matter whether he sleeps or not?At the bottom of the list, the incumbent and the former number one scholar started a fight, pulling each other's collars and fighting, followed by the northern scholars who made the list and the fushe scholars who failed the list also joined the battle group angrily. There are even some scholars in the periphery who don't help anyone, but form a gang by themselves, and beat anyone they see.

Regardless of the north or the south of the Yangtze River, they are all related households who rely on their connections to occupy their positions. They rob the only way for these unrelated scholars to enter the officialdom, and they don't like anyone.

The imperial examination system used to be the only way the Ming Dynasty relied on to select talents, but with the rise of party struggles, it has also become a tool for various clique struggles. Every time the two major exams in the north and south, the candidates admitted before the exam have been internally determined, not this family friend His son, who was the nephew of the same year, relied on this relationship to support each other's nephews in future generations, and did not give those real poor scholars the opportunity to enter the officialdom.

It’s just that it’s too commonplace. Scholars still have the problem of showing off. Many appointed personnel have recorded these things in miscellaneous notes. Scholars, Zhang Huangyan took the opportunity to find a lot of these things, and used them as evidence to sue Dali Temple.

However, there has been no media exposure these days. Even if it is sued, the result still depends on the result of political compromise. They were all shaved, and the results of the imperial examination this time naturally came to a major reshuffle.

After public opinion hit the Donglin Party, Song Qingshu directly reached out to their lifeline, Jiangnan officialdom!
The reason why Donglin Fushe has such a great influence in Jiangnan Shilin is that on the one hand, it is because of the integrity and talent shown by Zhang Pu brothers, Qian Qianyi and others; Tickets, and even a part of the Imperial Palace Examination, ten years of hard work, who didn't want to be a lord of the Shangguan for the sake of getting a title on the gold list?

There was a lively fight at the entrance of the Gongyuan, and the gathering of Songjiang Fushe was also in chaos.

With a bang, the exquisite Jingdezhen teacup was thrown directly on the ground and smashed to pieces. Zhang Pu cursed angrily with lingering anger: "The jackal is in power, the traitor is in charge of the court, and now even any peddlers can get fame , Entering the officialdom, the sun and the moon are really reversed, right and wrong are confused, bastards!"

"No, we must not let the Song thieves occupy the second place in the Jiangnan tribute list. Bijiang, Taichong, and then send out Jianghu stickers. I will bring Jiangnan scholars to protest at the gate of the Southern Forbidden City!"

Hearing Zhang Pu's unstoppable screams, he turned around and was about to go out. Mao Xiang, Huang Zongxi, Chen Zilong and others quickly grabbed his clothes and belts from behind.

"Brother Gandu, don't be impulsive!"

"This time Wang Yaozhi seized on the matter of imperial examination fraud, staring at the Nanjing Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials, and the eunuch Pei Tai's helper, Mr. Wang Tu, Lu Daqi, Gao Hongtu and many other officials who are already in trouble and suffering. At that time, it is impossible to lend a helping hand for us, the Song thief has bewitched many people, and if he wants to riot rashly, I am afraid it will only add damage!"

"Last time, many of them were in the same year, and I already have lingering fears at the end of the year!"

Hearing the persuasive voices of the Fushe leaders, Zhang Pu also recalled the overwhelming aura of the last 30-person strike, and couldn't help but turn pale, froze for a moment, and then came back with his sleeves thrown , while still yelling.

"A group of traffickers and pawns, ants and gnats, who follow the trend, all are forgetful people who are not the Son of Man!"

"But, shall we just watch the Song thieves infect the national artifact?"

Following Zhang Pu, a dozen other people also yelled at the Huiyingtian workers, and immediately the whole room fell into a dead silence. Following Hou Fangyu's words, those scholars and scholars looked at each other in blank dismay.

In the final analysis, they are just a loose political alliance formed by a group of frustrated people who failed the imperial examinations. Even if they are not as good as the down-and-out bureaucrats of the Donglin Party, their strength comes from their extensive influence in Jiangnan, and they have raised their arms and called thousands of soldiers. Son, hundreds of thousands of citizens will follow suit to threaten the imperial court, but now, Song Qingshu has replaced their influence among the common people. Scholars can be weak if they rely on their own strength alone. It is almost impossible to make any substantive counterattack.

Fortunately, when Fushe was full of groans, Big Brother Donglin finally appeared, and the door was pushed open with a creak. Zhang Pu first turned his head away tiredly, and then suddenly greeted him with a face full of surprise.

"Mr. Muzhai, you are here!"

The person who came in was a handsome old man with a green belt and a green crown. It was none other than Qian Qianyi, the leader of Donglin. Seeing the senior Donglin coming, Zhang Cai, Huang Zongxi and others also surrounded him excitedly. The child complained and asked in a hurry.

"Mr. Mu Zhai, Song bandits have invaded scholars and polluted officialdom, do you have an idea?"

"Now, the war in the north is tense, and His Majesty still has to rely on someone from Song. This is not the time for him to fight recklessly!"

Being ripped apart, Qian Qianyi quickly waved his hands. Everyone in the Fushe who listened could not help showing disappointment. Seeing the low morale, Qian Qianyi knocked down again helplessly. Knock on crutches.

"Everyone, the Song thief is indeed clever and tricky, but he is not a god, but a human being, and as long as he is a human being, he has flaws!"

"Oh? Mr. Mu Zhai plans to send out?"

Raising his spirits again, Zhang Pu asked eagerly again, and other Fushe scholars also surrounded him, but at this time Qian Qianyi actually played tricks, and asked back with some complacency.

"Everyone, tell me, why is this Song able to drive so many Jiangnan natives to cheer for him?"

"Hmph, Li Lingzhi faint, a group of bastards who are stalking, but the leftovers of the song thief in the picture!"

Zhang Pu immediately spat out in contempt, but Qian Qianyi clapped his hands again.

"That's right, Gandu got to the point. Many traffickers and pawns eat Song's salary, so they naturally cheer for him. Therefore, if you want to defeat Song, you have to start from this aspect. This Song thief is expanding too fast. There are too many people, and there will be no food in one load, so naturally its prosperity will also be vigorous, and its death will be sudden!"

"I have already contacted Yangzhou businessman Wang Yuanwai..."

Qian Qianyi whispered a secret word, and all the Fushe scholars who heard it couldn't help nodding their heads and their eyes were shining, but at the end, Fang Yizhi, the son of the governor of Huguang, the backbone of the Fushe, couldn't help frowning head.

"Mr. Muzhai, with such a scheme, once the bandit Song is defeated, how will the hundreds of thousands of Li people under his command live? Won't they starve to death everywhere?"


Before Fang Yizhi could finish speaking suspiciously, Zhang Pu had already patted him on the shoulder heavily himself.

"We are eliminating traitors for the country! Some sacrifices are inevitable. As long as the Song thieves are eliminated and Jiangnan is restored to peace, even if thousands of people starve to death, it will be worth it!"

"Ten thousand people starved to death!"

Seeing that all the Fushe scholars in the same room were excited, discussing the implementation, without paying attention to the lives of tens of thousands of people, Fang Yizhi took a breath.


This end of Donglin Fushe is bitter and bitter, while Song Qingshu, who has the upper hand, is not at ease. There are two letters from the capital on his desk, one is from his immediate superior, the new representative of the imperial court. Minister of the Ministry of War, Generalissimo of the World's Soldiers and Horses, Lu Xiangsheng, the superintendent of aid and suppression, and another letter from Yang Sichang, a scholar of Dongge University and the emperor's confidant.

Both of them are big figures from the capital, but the letterheads they wrote to Song Qing contained completely different contents, and Song Qing's letters were three points bigger.

"Big guy!"

At this time, Sun Chuanting, who hurried over from Anqing, was full of excitement and went upstairs ringing the bell.

(End of this chapter)

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