Begging in late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 422 The Battle of Gaoyang

Chapter 422 The Battle of Gaoyang
This is already the fourth day of the siege. The age of firearms is really the end of the city wall. With the omnipotent cannon, the city walls that the Ming Dynasty was proud of in the past seem to have become half of paper. Even in the important places of Gyeonggi, I can no longer find a sense of security.

They are not professional fighters either. They are brave and strong, even the restaurant staff in the city, the prisoners in the prison, and the tailors on the East Street all stood up. With the courage to defend their homeland, they fought continuously against the roaring red barbarian cannons. After more than three days, all of them are now exhausted, wrapped in bloody cloth, hanging arms, limping legs, looking down in despair.

The two people who went out to ask for help last night haven't come back yet. The officers and soldiers in Baiyangdian have been completely offended, and they probably won't come to the rescue. And even if they came, it's useless. They don't have several times as many soldiers and horses. Those who have won Jiannu, let alone a group of useless people who dare not even plunder?The nearest government army is far away in Baoding Mansion. It seems that the heavens have abandoned this ancient city with a history of thousands of years.

Along with the sound of ox horns that seemed to come from hell in the Donglu barracks, the guards of Gaoyang County gathered on the collapsed east city wall looked at the snow-covered sky, and a large team came out crying and howling. Despair was written all over everyone's face.

"This old man really has a brain. Those gangs of southern soldiers entered the city, so they can grab some if they want to grab some? I actually offended those poor people to death. Mr. Sun Ge, I am ashamed of you and the people of Gaoyang County. Fathers and folks!"

At this moment, the magistrate Fei was no longer arrogant, and lay on the city wall weeping bitterly, but the old man with the white head and white beard next to him, who looked like a fairy, seemed quite open.

"Forget it, the old man has been an enemy of Donglu all his life, and he has fought bloody battles. Now that he can die in his hometown, it is a well-deserved death. The magistrate of Wu County, your brother and the old man's angry grandson escaped after all. It is not filial to have no descendants."

"Haha, in ancient times, Lian was too old and still able to eat, but now I, Sun Kaiyang, are fighting Gao Yang in a bloody battle. If I die, I won't lose, if I die, I won't lose!"

That hearty laughter spread far and wide in the cold winter, people may really have a halo effect, listening to the open-minded laughter of this old man, unknowingly, many young men in Gaoyang County who were already terrified to the extreme were not so scared .

Anyway, I can't hide, so I might as well fight them!

I don't know if they are thinking about the baby at home, the baby's mother, or the elderly parents. Unknowingly, many people's hands holding hoes, sticks and shovels are much tighter!
"Jiannu's cannon is coming up again!"

But at this moment, someone shouted, and a large group of city guards lowered their heads in horror and hid behind the dilapidated female wall. The five cannons of Donglu probably killed no less than 300 people these days. Many people were directly smashed to pieces by the huge shot put. There was not even a whole body.
Seeing hundreds of slave captives shouting out the five heavy red barbarian cannons, the old man couldn't help but sighed heavily again. The sharp weapon introduced at the beginning to defend against the enemy outside the country has now become a powerful weapon. Being an accomplice who harmed the country and the people, he didn't know whether he was right or wrong for a while.

"Ge Lao, hurry up and avoid it!"

His legs were trembling, and the county magistrate Wu was also persuading him tremblingly, but the white-bearded old man who listened was holding his old bones coldly and arrogantly.

"Fifty knows the destiny, seventy is ancient, this old man is quite old, if he is destined to die under this red cannon, this old man will..."


Before the words were finished, the gunpowder had already spewed out. Even if he was righteous just now, the old man sat down on the ground, and the fat pig Wu County Magistrate next to him simply shrank to the side with his head in his arms and his buttocks pouted. , like a big fat pig about to go to the slaughterhouse.

But after laying down on the ground for a while, the old man got up again in surprise, put his hands on the buttocks of County Magistrate Wu and shouted: "No, the voice is wrong!"

"Ge Lao! At this moment, why don't he make a sound..., uh? Didn't hit the city wall?"

The two became scared one after another, and looked down. The Qing army's Hongyi cannon was too far away, and it was almost impossible to see clearly in the snow, but you could still vaguely hear the frightened and chaotic screams and the chaotic running crowd. .

"Bomb exploded?"

Just when the white-bearded old man was confused, another series of huge roars rang out. This time the movement was even louder. The Qing army did not have much experience in artillery battles. The gunpowder was piled up near the cannons for easy access. It seemed that the gunpowder barrel was ignited, and the Qing army's Hongyi cannon, which weighed [-] jin, suddenly collapsed and smashed into the crowd, killing a large number of people.

"Cannon to cannon?"

Looking for the sound of the cannon, the old man immediately looked southeast to find two places where smoke was coming out. The old man screamed, but he patted his thigh with a beard and staring eyes: "Will there be a war? Is the general of Lianghuai an idiot?"

The Ming army was the most lethal to the Qing army than firearms, and the soldiers of the captives were extremely skilled. How many times the Ming army was broken up by Jiannu who came in by surprise. In order to pursue precision, the two artillery positions of the Qihuo army But it was posted close enough, less than three miles away from Donglu's camp. If it followed the usual practice, it would be sending cannons to Donglu!

He didn't know that a certain veteran cadre was slapping his thigh and calling him stupid!Looking through the binoculars, the Jiannu cannon was in full bloom, and Song Qingshu jumped up excitedly, opened his snow-covered white cloak, and shouted loudly: "Hold the flag!"

The flagpole, which had been frozen in the snow for less than half an hour, was suddenly pulled up. In the unbelievable above and below the city, a five-mile-long battle line appeared out of thin air on the snowfield, with the flags flying like Like a divine soldier descending from heaven.

Don't want to waste money, Song Qingshu really took great pains for this battle. At three o'clock in the morning, when people were sleeping the most, they gathered for the battle, covered their whole body with a white cloak, and lay down in the snow for four full hours, waiting At this moment, considering Jiannu's artillery positions left and right, four artillery positions were set up one after another. Fortunately, they lived up to expectations and took Jiannu's cannons in one go.

It's not all due to luck, it's also because Hou Jin was too arrogant, he didn't pay attention to the beggar army stationed in Baiyangdian, maybe the Ming army was too useless, Hou Jin got used to them and didn't fight at all courage.

Today, Song Qingshu will slap them hard!


While the division commanders and battalion commanders roared whitely, the army of beggars holding bayonets took big strides in order, facing the rising sun, and began to move their hands and feet. Rows of infantrymen stretched out like kitchen knives. Just after leaving the camp, the chaos is as chaotic as Chinese cabbage.

Song Qingshu adopted the classic tactics learned from the 500th century God of War, the French emperor Napoleon, column tactics, a battalion of 80 men, [-] soldiers with the best marksmanship, the most nimble and strong soldiers in a skirmish line holding firecrackers, and tiger crouching The artillery marches in the front gap, led by the chief captain, and behind it is a thick and large square formation commanded by the battalion commander himself. There are [-] people in a row, and there are five rows. Non-combat arms such as cooking squads are not included in the number of corps. of.

Song Qingshu placed five divisions in the front row, and put the cavalry and right-wing cannons together. One division guarded the camp, and the remaining two divisions broke away from the battlefield and went north to outflank. The next branch of slavery is partial to teachers.

Hearing the resonant military drum resounding throughout the battlefield, the old guy standing at the top of the city slapped his thigh sadly: "This Lufeng governor, Ma Shiying, is a complete idiot! He didn't even move the chariot to defend the front. He is waiting for the Eastern Captives to chisel through! It's over, the Huai army will be defeated in a short time, County Magistrate Wu, immediately lead someone to remove the big stone blocking the door, once the Huai army retreats, Welcome them into the city!"

"Yes, Mr. Ge?"

"Oh, one more person defending the city will last one more day, why are there so many worries!"

Unaware that he was being treated as a meat delivery man, Song Qingshu personally waved his imitation Nepalese saber command saber and walked in the ranks of the third begging division to the beat of the drum, shouting that the army would keep advancing, and the French army would always be there. A dedicated drummer counts how many steps are taken per minute to keep the formation in order, but Song Qingshu despises the troublesome drummers. While the chariot drums behind him, the infantrymen themselves are shouting one-two-one to control the pace. Counting, the army is so neat that it cuts straight forward like a straight big blade.

That neat pace carried a breathtaking coercion.

The sudden arrival of the Ming army obviously shocked Jiannu, but these guys had no intention of fleeing at all. Amidst the unintelligible Manchu yelling, those captured coated slaves were like a flood that opened the gate In that way, he was driven to the begging army.

Using the people to break up the army has been a good game of the northern nomads since the Huns era. The Mongol Empire also broke through countless countries with this trick. The incense burner had run less than 200 meters away from him, Song Qingshu couldn't help but frown, but immediately, he raised his command saber forward without hesitation.

The drum beat was quick in an instant, and the approaching army stopped almost instantly, and the sound of standing at attention resounded everywhere, facing the front, the various army formations quickly adjusted their inclinations.

At 150 meters, the front row of skirmishers lay down on the ground one after another, and the front row of musketeers in the large square formation behind them also squatted down, and the rear row put their muskets flat and aimed at the front.

However, it was not Song Qingshu who ordered the order, but the cannons. The Hongyi cannons set up on the fortifications were all pushed down. From two miles to five miles, the four Hongyi cannon positions fired together, and the solid shells of the lead balls were mixed with some flowers. The bullets fell into the crowd like hailstones.

The strict begging army also caught fire mercilessly. The tiger squatting guns, heavy flintlock guns, and countless lead bullets rubbed against the air for a moment made people's ears itchy. In the firelight, the coat that was still crying and rushing forward fell to the ground like cutting wheat.

The bloody killing shocked the city leaders, and that old man Sun even knocked on the city wall and yelled.


(End of this chapter)

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