Begging in late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 46 Another big boss appears

Chapter 46 Another Boss Appears

Closed for one day!capricious.

With a speechless expression all over his scarred face, Song Qingshu, who got up early in the morning, happily hung the sign on the closed gate, and walked happily on the street.

At this time, it is almost May to June, the spring plowing has already ended, and the crowds on the street have increased. The industry and commerce of the Ming Dynasty even surpassed that of the Southern Song Dynasty. The capital, an important town on the trade line of the old Silk Road, Xi'an City still reveals a different kind of prosperity. The streets and alleys are full of businessmen from Hamiwei and Turpan, as well as local Hui people with high noses and deep eyes. , wandering around at will.

At the time of the afterglow of the empire, this northwest land can vaguely glimpse the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties. On several commercial streets, the bustling bustle makes Caiwei excited like a butterfly, running around, wishing everyone Shops, every stall to take a look.

Having seen more lively scenes than this, Song Qingshu didn't care too much, but he was worried that Caiwei was alone, and he also ran around. From time to time, he could hear Song Qingshu's sad cries and Caiwei's clear laughter Looking at the looming figures of boys and girls, the scarred face following behind also showed a rare smile on the ugly face that was always rigid.

Making money is as difficult as eating food, but spending money is as easy as detoxification. After walking around for a long time, more than two taels of money disappeared in a blink of an eye. Song Qingshu felt a sense of satisfaction in spending money for his girlfriend. There was also an extra string of pearls hanging in front of her forehead, an extra embroidered shawl from the Western Regions, and half a section of lake silk was pulled back to make a skirt, and she bought a bunch of weird little things. Only then did the man stop resentfully.

Holding Caiwei's warm and soft little hand because of excitement, walking on the busy street, it seemed that he was vaguely satisfied when he was in college, seeing other people in pairs, and the regret of being single, Song Qingshu suddenly I think it is not so unacceptable to come here to suffer.

The most important thing in the morning is to find the two partners, Qu Botao and Zhang Xianzhong. On the one hand, the profit of the store must be distributed to them. The first month's profit must be paid out as soon as possible, so as to give the two partners more confidence. On the other hand, buying a cow is a big deal. Buying a cow or a horse these days is the same as buying a car in later generations. After all, Song Qingshu can't make the decision by himself, so he needs to discuss it with his two partners.

When Zhang Xianzhong was found, he was about to leave the government office and lead the office servants to patrol the streets.Now that Zhu Cunbiao is dead, half of the city of Xi'an, Zhang Butou has been mixed up, and he also has some relationship with the nephew of the governor of Shaanxi, gangsters, big and small, and shopkeepers, all of them are taken care of by him. The docile post is indeed worthy of being the famous Eight Great Kings in history. Under Zhang Xianzhong's iron-blooded wrist, the chaos of the beggar gang was quelled by him in less than a month. , kill, kill, the beggar gang that has been rampant in Xi'an for nearly ten years has completely disappeared.

In fact, among the anti-kings in the late Ming Dynasty, Zhang Xianzhong was the most loyal one. When Li Zicheng was at his worst, Zhang Xianzhong supported others, money and grain, and gave him a chance to make a comeback. , Huo annexed Cao Cao Luo Rucai, killed Ge Liyan He Yilong, and tried to force Zhang Xianzhong to become his subordinate when he was weak, forcing Zhang Xianzhong to leave Sichuan.

Seeing Song Qingshu come to send the money at this time, Zhang Xianzhong just stared at him, stretched out his hand and stuffed the money back, seeing that Song Qingshu wanted to force the money back, he just widened his eyes even more, shouting that if Song Qingshu gave it again, he would look down on him as a big brother, and finally Song Qingshu had to make it clear that the money would be saved for him first, and he could get it from him when needed.

As for the matter of buying a cow, Zhang Xianzhong just waved his hand casually and let him handle it by himself, but mention his name when buying a cow, and see if the clumsy one dares to discount it!

After doing this, Song Qingshu's heart warmed up, and he had a much better impression of this guy who caused him a lot of trouble as soon as he came out.

After leaving the Fuya Yamen, Song Qingshu turned his head to Linjie again, to discuss with Qu Botao.

Although Zhang Xianzhong was very annoyed by Qu Botao's retreat before the battle, but this guy really has a trick, and finally won Zhang Xianzhong's understanding by continuously lowering his figure, and also reaped some benefits. He also opened a house near the center of the city. The new fruit shop, imitating Song Qingshu's appearance, is also being renovated at this time.

Hearing Song Qingshu's intention to come, Qu Botao also pushed back the money, but unlike Zhang Xianzhong's mistake, Qu Botao is old in business, he asked Song Qingshu to keep all the money to expand production, hoard materials, and buy nearby shops, Hearing Song Qingshu's idea of ​​buying cows and making milk by himself, he agreed with both hands, and wanted to follow him to choose, but at this time, the fat man Wang Hao from Jinguan City came to him.

Like Xie Liuyan, a merchant from Huizhou, he operates a variety of projects, but his family helps run a large orchard for the Shu Palace near the Chengdu Plain, which is rich in Sichuan peaches, kiwis and lemons.

Originally, these fruits were not exported to Sichuan. In this era, the roads are congested, the insurance technology is poor, and the fruits are rotten before they can be transported far. Except for supplying the Shu Palace, Chengdu and nearby areas, more than half of the rest are rotten on the trees.

The Wang family was used to it, but just a while ago, in order to open a shop to make fruit juice, Song Qingshu asked Qu Botao's carriage dealer to go to other places to buy fruit, and Qu Botao's clerk went to the vicinity of Hanzhong and found the Wang family's shop.

When I first heard that they were going to Xi’an, the storekeepers of the Wang family in Chengdu scoffed and didn’t take it to heart at all. They supplied a batch of fruits with a foolish mentality, and it happened that Wang Hao, the eldest son of the Wang family, was going to visit relatives in Shaanxi. , to visit his uncle Wang Yu, who is currently serving as a student in Shaanxi, he arrived in Shaanxi, but what made the fat man's eyes almost pop out was that as many as half of this batch of fruits made it to Xi'an alive.

This is terrible. If we figure out the secret of freshness preservation, the sales range of fruits in Bashu can be expanded by a generation. It is not impossible to even go down the Yangtze River and sell them directly to the prosperous and prosperous Nanzhili!Fatty Wang came to the door, trying to figure out the secret recipe.

However, Song Qingshu gave the secret recipe for fruit preservation. Besides, Qu Botao has been in business for many years, so how could he be easily coaxed by Wang Hao's words of calling him a brother?As a result, after more than a month of hard work, Wang Hao finally had to vomit and gave up a large part of the profit. He was responsible for the supply, and Qu Botao was responsible for all the sales in the Northwest. , and also handed over to Qu Botao's friend, Xie Liuyan, an Hui merchant, to take charge.

The past few days were the critical period for the business cooperation. Seeing that Wang Hao came to the door in a hurry, Qu Laoxi, who couldn't leave, had to confess his crime to Song Qingshu, and sent a buddy to lead the way to accompany Song Qingshu to choose cows.

In the Tang Dynasty, the most prosperous place in Chang'an was the East Market and the West Market, and the word shopping came from this. However, after the wars in the late Tang Dynasty and the wars between the Song and Jin Dynasties for Shaanxi, the city of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty was completely destroyed. The Xi'an city built during the Hongwu period was only within the scope of the original Chang'an imperial city, but a trading market was built at the location of the original West Market.

The cattle and horse market in Xi'an was also built there.

In the Ming Dynasty, my management of cattle and horses was very strict. Zhu Yuanzhang was born in a peasant family, and he attached great importance to farming. It was strictly forbidden to kill cattle in the world, and even the old ones were not allowed to be killed!Offenders will be sentenced to exile for one hundred rods! Shi Naian, the author of "Water Margin", described the Liangshan hero who cut up a catty of cooked beef every now and then, which fully reflects the sour attitude towards this ban.

However, the Ming Dynasty has gone through more than 260 years, and the ban has been relaxed long ago, and there are countermeasures under the policy. Isn't the ban not allowing the Han people to slaughter cattle?Then use the Mongols and the Muslims from Ningxia and Gansu to slaughter them, so in Xi'an City, the Huis became the biggest cattle and horse dealers. Before Song Qingshu bought milk every day, he also looked for those bearded bearded people in the areas where the Huis lived. It was purchased by profiteers, but these people are getting more and more excessive. The price of milk has risen three times a month. Calculating the cost, it is better to buy two cows and raise them yourself.

But it's a good idea, Song Qingshu will be dazzled as soon as he arrives at the place.

The black and white flower cows of the later generations were bred from the cows introduced by the Dutch and the native cattle. There is no such naive and lazy cow in my memory, but there is no one in this market, but the irritable northern Shaanxi cattle. Everywhere.

"Damn it, who can produce milk!"

It was almost noon, and his stomach was growling with hunger, but he couldn't find any. Song Qingshu simply played the evil method of the evil capitalist and waved his hand at Scarface.

"Xia Xiaoer, I will send you to find out about the military situation! Everything that happened to a particularly large cow will be recorded!"

The scar face almost didn't spray out!Staring at the place where the cow is, shouldn't it be regarded as a pervert?But seeing Song Qingshu licking and licking a sugar figurine with one arm in a wretched way, Cai Wei had no intentions, gritted his teeth angrily, made an obscene gesture to Song Qingshu, and went out to inquire with a depressed face. Military situation.

After dismissing Scarface, Song Qingshu didn't have the energy to continue picking. He led Caiwei to find a stall and ordered two bowls of mutton noodles to fill his stomach.

But before the noodles came, words with a strong Shaanxi accent suddenly sounded behind him.

"Brother, do you want to buy a cow?"

Turning his head in surprise, Song Qingshu's eyes immediately widened. The shabby felt hat, the shabby official uniform worn by postmen, the thick beard on his face, and those piercing thick eyebrows and big eyes, are similar to those seen in TV dramas. , The images seen in literary works are almost exactly the same, Song Qingshu subconsciously blurted out.

"Li Zicheng!"

(End of this chapter)

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