Begging in late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 547 Accident

Chapter 547 Accident
Originally, the begging army was the attacking side, but now they are the defenders. Zheng Sen set up barricades along several streets around the section of the city wall that had just been broken through, relying on rapid fire from flintlock guns and bursts of fire. Well-trained, at the north city gate, the native soldiers rushing over fell to the ground as if they were cutting wheat, blood flowed into the gutter, and even submerged more than half of it, finally, the Catholic fanaticism instilled by the priest also rained He was doused by the bullets, and a soldier who was shot in the thigh hissed and fled backwards while clutching his bloody wound, causing the entire formation to collapse.

The effect of an accident on the battlefield was really astonishing. The fleeing soldiers broke through the large Spanish phalanx that was coming in a group, and fled back with a battle line of several hundred meters. There were scattered soldiers everywhere. It's all howling.

Stepping on the corpse, the First Division took the opportunity to advance another 200 meters. The Third Battalion continued to advance along the city wall, and worked together to take down the north city wall.

However, at this time, there were still more than 3 troops in the city, while the Taiwan First Division was only less than [-]. The furious Spanish commander ordered the furious order to be the closest, and the Spanish colonists guarding the east by the Saigon River gave up their positions, and they would take it back no matter what. city ​​gate.

Under the loud threat of the pastor, the soldiers also reorganized the order, and once again formed the strategy of the soldiers firing cannon fodder in front, and the large square of Spanish conquistadors slowly approaching behind. Whoever dares to retreat will go to hell, and so on, but it is the Spanish conquistadors who flaunt the Catholic model. The officers use the slogan that wise men fight hand-to-hand with swords and hand-to-hand combat is definitely not their opponent to boost morale. After moving in, facing the Western Army slowly advancing like a big bug, Zheng Sen swung his saber arrogantly again.

"Boom him son of a bitch!"

The invention of the tiger squatting cannon was originally intended to deal with large groups of Japanese pirates in the rough terrain. When bombarding dense crowds on this street, the effect is also accurate. A bullet the size of a pill can knock down two people in one shot. Three, amidst the roar of tiger squatting guns and flintlock guns, the soldiers in front also fell to the ground one after another.

However, the role of religion was revealed. Encouraged by the pastor and threatened by the native chiefs, these native soldiers continued to march forward, carrying rattan shields, staring at the astonishing casualties and leaning forward, staring at the four In 5 minutes, after paying the blood of almost a thousand people, these natives finally reached more than ten meters in front of Taiyi Division.

Seeing the excited eyes of the natives and the Spaniards, as if they could kill themselves if they got close, Zheng Sen snorted coldly with disdain, and pulled out his sword suddenly.

"Go on the bayonet!"

This battle cry is the most inspiring one among all the battle calls of the Qihuo Army, because the next battle will be extremely bloody and thrilling, and it has become a common practice for charging. With this sentence, followed by the sound of Kaba Kaba, the blood-stimulated soldiers of Taiyi Division rushed out of the barricade like a tiger descending the mountain with the deadly thing in both hands.

The earliest regular army bayonet was invented by the French around [-]. Although the Spaniards now use matchlock guns, the infantry still wear swords. The sword and the yin-yang stick, but coldly, the gun stabbed straight at it, and amidst the piercing puff puff puff sound, a large number of Manila defenders who charged with their chests straight were stabbed to death again.

"Fuck you uncle!"

The bayonet hit the chest, and while the red-haired monkey in front of him was vomiting blood unbelievably, Li Xiaohei kicked him on the chest, and kicked the corpse into the crowd behind him. He has experienced stabbing people with knives before, why would he be afraid of such a scene?Moreover, the Spaniards massacred overseas Chinese, and so did he. The feeling of sadness of the death of the rabbit made him feel extra hatred.

In addition, there is also the nourishment of love. The county hospital nurse Chen is said to like military officers, and it is much faster to join the army and climb up the ranks than to be a businessman in the West India Company. For the first time, despite Li Laobai's objection, Li Xiaohei is burdened He joined the Taiyi Division.

In the army, brothers are one body. As soon as Li Xiaohei retracted his bayonet, the Spanish battle sword next to him slashed at his forehead, but he didn't even dodge, and the bayonet directly stabbed at the other side. The vine lump was about to hit the native's back on his comrade-in-arms. With a bang, a stream of blood sprayed on his face, and the Spanish soldier who cut him knelt down on the ground with his eyes protruding forward.

Fighting hand to hand, the Taiwan First Division not only did not break up, but was evenly matched.

But at this time, the mistake of the Manila commander was revealed. He threw the army into the battle at the gate of the city in a desperate manner. He completely ignored the position by the Saigon River. The Spanish conquest on the other side The visitors were looking west nervously, when a horse's hooves sounded suddenly and passed behind them.


Amidst the shrill shouts, a black whirlwind hung directly beside the Spaniards in the position, followed by soaring blood. In the age of firearms, against the roaring cannons and firecrackers, the weak light cavalry is the most dangerous There is even a famous saying among the French hussars that if a hussar has not died in battle for three years, then he is not a hussar, but a coward!But even so, there are still an endless stream of people who are willing to serve as cavalrymen. There is no way, cavalrymen are too elegant and unrestrained.

Dancing on the tip of the knife, as soon as the blade passed, the heads flew up, and the 500 hussars, led by several Mongolian commanders, soared through like the wind. Even the pastor couldn't escape, since he didn't care about these magic sticks anyway, the cavalry team charged at the gorgeous velvet bishop's robes, and a few heads flew into the sky, the natives couldn't hold on any longer, and started to retreat again. Then their Spanish masters also began to crumble.

"Don't run, God is watching you, children, go! Kill the heretics!"

What a coincidence, one of the two magic wands who negotiated with Song Qingshu in the morning was also there, holding the wand in his hand, and he was still sweating profusely while "releasing" his encouragement skills, but unexpectedly a black horse ran from behind him He flashed by, and with a click, his big head flew up into the air. Before his head realized that he had hung up, the soldier behind him caught him by the hair while yelling excitedly, and threw it to the natives next to him In the crowd, the archbishop, who was usually omnipotent, had only his head left, and his head was like a smoking bomb, and a large group of them collapsed in fright.

Amidst the plopping sound, the trench was covered with a layer of planks. On the city wall, the Spanish artillery fire was still spraying sporadically. Staring at the man running past, the remaining cavalry of the First Dai Division and the veterans of the First and Second Gezuo Divisions also rushed forward bravely. Retreating backwards, behind him was the excited cheers of the soldiers of the beggar army with whips and horses.

"Report to Commander! Our army has taken down the northern city wall, and Master Zheng is sweeping southwest!"

"Commander, Deputy Commander Xia personally led a division of cavalry to take down the position in the east of the city, and now he is competing with the Western Man for St. Jack's Temple!"

"Marshal, the city hall has been taken!"

"Commander, the remnants of the enemy's entangled troops are resisting near the Hagia Sophia Temple and the Governor's Mansion. Master Li Dingguo hopes that all the troops will move closer!"

The messengers came back one after another. In two hours in the morning, more than half of the 64-hectare Spanish royal city had fallen into the hands of the Ming army. Seeing black smoke rising everywhere in the city, Song Qingshu couldn't help being satisfied Nodding straightly, in another half a day, it is estimated that this fortress will be gnawed down by himself, and the city of Manila will be lost. The remaining Spaniards on Luzon Island will be his favorite turtles, and he can catch them as he wants.

"Send the Third Beggar!"

"Marshal, is it true that there are too few troops left around?"

There are still two divisions around Xiaotushan, the headquarters, and the Third Qi Division is also sent out, leaving only the Fengyang Division 300 and more than [-] soldiers from the commander-in-chief. A staff officer named Wang Fuzhi next to him couldn't help but speak. Persuading him, but how could Song Qingshu, who was so engrossed in the battlefield at this time, be able to listen, he shook his head indifferently.

"The headquarters has trenches, fortifications, and a division. Even if tens of thousands of natives come to attack, I'm afraid of what he will do. Tell Deputy Commander Xia to let him step up the attack. Tonight, the commander will spend the night at the Governor's Mansion in Manila. !"

"Follow your orders!"

Amidst the loud replies, the group of infantry lined up neatly again, chanted and ran up the wooden ditch to quickly intercept the passage.

More and more resources were transported into the city, and the land artillery in the trenches were pushed into the city, and the sound of guns in the southwest of the city became more and more intense, but this was also the last step of the Spanish defense. The line of defense gathered more than 1 natives and more than 4000 Spanish remnants. Colonel Manila struggled to the death. However, the good news just didn't come for a long time, another hour passed in a blink of an eye, eating dried meat, Song Qingshu looked anxiously at the top of the city.

But at this juncture, the sound of a rumbling gun suddenly came from the Manila Bay in the southwest, which caused Song Qingshu to turn his head in shock. In the sky above the ship, a puff of black smoke could still be seen, following behind, some unfamiliar sails showed their tips.

"Damn it, the remnants of the Spanish barbarian fleet!"

Heartbroken, Shi Lang immediately cupped his fists at Song Qingshu: "Commander, please return to the navy immediately to defeat these bastards!"

Looking at the sea, Song Qingshu's face was also covered with a layer of gloom. Unexpectedly, in the morning, the weird and tough Spanish mission came into mind again. Since they dared to speak out, they must have something to rely on, but he was full of thoughts in Manila. However, he lost his composure, forget it!

"Go, stop them!" After hesitating for a few seconds, Song Qingshu nodded emphatically.

(End of this chapter)

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