Begging in late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 594 The Collapse of the Shogunate Army

Chapter 594 The Collapse of the Shogunate Army

36 There is a cloud in the plan, playing hard to catch, throwing bricks to attract jade, in the mainland of Japan, the Shimadzu family in the Warring States Period also had a method of warfare similar to this, fishing in the wild!They all use the vanguard or part of the interests as bait to lure the enemy to attack with all their strength, and finally fall into the encirclement.

This time Song Qingshu also adopted the same tactics. The impregnable Rilun Mountain and Longhe Mountain barriers in front of him are just a bait to lure the Japanese army who broke through the barriers to rush in, and then close the door to beat the dogs in this narrow open place. It's just that the ancients used several times the force to attack, while Song Qingshu relied on cannons!

There are a total of 390 six cannons. For this battle, some of the coastal defense guns at Songjiang Port were dismantled, and they were placed on the top of the mountain near Dakoban Mountain City. Even the Hongyi cannons have a range of five or six kilometers, let alone more advanced ones. Pointed rifled guns, the densely packed muzzles are all pointing at the flat valley town under the Dakosaka mountain castle, which seems to be defenseless.

Just for this moment, even the four divisions with Scarface donated their heavy artillery and fought against the big barrels of the Japanese for so many days.

Li Tiezhu's cannonball was just the beginning. As soon as the signal sounded, the cannonballs flickering in the sky were like meteors from the sky, overwhelmingly falling in the valley where the angle unit had been adjusted for an unknown number of days. It was a completely covering bombardment , The ballistic landing points spread all over every corner of the valley.

These Japanese warriors have experienced what is called hell. The sharp flowering bullets burst on the ground, and the broken shrapnel pierced into the human body like a knife. The horrible wound rolled all over the ground with a hoarse sound.

There are also solid shot balls. This time, we did not use more accurate conical bullets. Because of the fan damage caused by this heavy metal ball, a shot ball weighing more than ten catties bounced like a ping pong ball. Broken blood, broken bones, broken tendons, even the strongest warriors can't resist this terrifying chemical energy. Every time the artillery bombards it, it can plow out a lot of stumped limbs, which is terrible.

What kind of name, what hundreds of thousands of stones, were completely wiped out under the bombardment of the earth-shattering, and there was no more courage. The Japanese warriors who had rushed into the valley were crying and thinking like children. To retreat.

But it is easy to come in, but difficult to get out. Hundreds of thousands of people are crowded together, some want to go out, some want to come in. In the chaos, they can’t move forward or back. The congestion lasted for nearly 10 or 8 minutes. During this period, About [-] to [-] shells of various types fell into the crowded crowd.

The effect is simply a catastrophic massacre!

Finally, the completely collapsed Japanese warriors overwhelmed the comrades who were crowded in the narrow place between Rilun Mountain and Longhe Mountain, trampling on countless corpses and fled in panic, but the Qihuo Army did not let them go.

The Qihuo [-]th Division cavalry who had set off an hour earlier circled behind early. After the horses from Yili and the Arabian horses bought at a high price were improved, the tall horses of the Qihuo Army plunged into the group of dwarfs like dragons. At the same time, through the trenches, Qihuo [-]st, [-]th, and Fengyang New [-]th Divisions, these young men who had been suffocated for a long time after seeing the excitement of the fight, rushed down frantically with bayonets.

There were bursts of gunshots, and the densely packed Japanese warriors fell down like wild boars being hunted. Every time Bayintu led the cavalry to raise their sabers, a piece of head flew up. The bayonets on both sides looked like monsters. Like the teeth, the Japanese samurai was ground layer by layer.

The situation of the battle was turned around in an instant!

"How, how is this possible?"

Standing on the high platform, holding the splendid banner of 72 family emblems, all he could see was the scene of the collapse of the army. Tokugawa Iemitsu stared blankly at this scene as if he was crazy. After a while, he really Crazy, he kicked over the military bench violently, jumped off the platform and frantically grabbed those fleeing warriors.

"Baga, don't run, go back, fight! Keep going! Kill! Kill!"

"General, let's go! It's too late if you don't go!"

Tadakatsu Sakai and other veterans, Banamoto also jumped off the stage in panic, pulled Tokugawa Iemitsu's sleeves and knelt on the ground, screaming in horror. Unfortunately, the shogun who has completely fallen into madness can't hear it, go up He just kicked down a few veterans, and then reached out and drew out his samurai sword.

"This hall is the head of the Tokugawa family, General Zhengyi! How can you escape? Let me go, I will fight Ming Kou to the last drop of blood!"

But at this time, there was a burst of gunfire, and the bannermen guarding near the general's shogunate tent screamed and fell down. Not far from them, the bloody sabers of Qi Qi Division's cavalry also reflected a red light in the bonfire. Hearing the screams of the samurai stabbed to death in the distance, for an instant, Tokugawa After fighting so hard, Jiaguang lost even a single drop of courage.

"Let go of the main hall! Let go!"

Shouting, the shogun himself got on the Japanese horse and followed the crowd back.

That night, the Ming army chased and killed them for five or six miles, but they gave up their pursuit just now because the night was too thick. Those who killed and captured Japanese soldiers were countless, and they couldn't even count them for a while, so they escaped from the four kingdoms The Japanese army on the mountain, the bad luck is far from letting them go.

"Eight Grid Road!"

After fighting and fleeing for a whole day and night, the tired and hungry Japanese soldiers couldn't wait to eat a few rice balls and then have a good sleep. However, when they returned to Ueno, they were greeted by thick black smoke in the barracks. The hungry and thirsty samurai stood in front of the ruins of the warehouse and cursed.

In the distance, on the mountain peak, Song Yongzhong played a flute with his arms folded, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of Song Yongzhong's mouth.

There was no food, but the battle had to continue. Just after dawn, the roaring battle horn came out from Mount Tosa again. This time, not only the six divisions of the Qihuo Army, but also Zheng Sen's Zheng Jun, and Changzong's troops The [-] warriors of the family also followed the turbulent killing.

I couldn't be more excited. Nagamune's tribe was expelled from the territory in the Sekigahara War, and it was destroyed together with the Toyotomi family in the Osaka Summer Battle. Immediately, it was exchanged for the contemptuous rule of the Yamauchi family. This group has been hated for decades. Blood can solve the problem, riding a horse with a round knife, Chang Zongwo and his assistant even rushed to the front line in person, the bows and arrows that Changzong's fame is famous for fell into the shogunate army, tired and hungry, hurried out The fighting shoguns fell as if cutting wheat in the rain of arrows.

On the right side, without even shouting slogans, [-] Zheng troops rushed into the shogunate barracks dully. Prestige needs blood to set off. Zheng Sen is as fierce as a shark rushing into a school of fish. People should kill people, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas. A warrior, even a fierce general like Gan Hui, couldn't help clicking his tongue.

Song Qingshu's six divisions were actually the slowest to attack.

Morale had already collapsed, and coupled with such a ferocious attack, the remaining shogunate army failed to hold out for half an hour before collapsing again. This time it was a complete collapse. Thousands of shogunate warriors lost their lives. Abandoning their helmets and armor, they scattered and fled to the entire Shikoku Island. The unprecedented 25 troops disappeared.

Looking through the binoculars at the back of the savage warriors, Song Qingshu couldn't help shouting excitedly.

"Chasing! It's time to reap the wheat!"


If there are 25 pigs, it will take a lot of time to slaughter them all, but humans are different from pigs, and humans will surrender.

After only fifteen miles away, Nobuo Asano, the lord of the Hiroshima Domain, ordered his subordinates to surrender to Daming. Immediately afterwards, the daimyo Ikeda Tadyoshi of the Tottori Domain, the daimyo Ikeda Nobuo of the Gangshan Domain, and the Hosokawa Mitsuhiro of the Kumamoto Domain, etc. Nearly 40 foreign daimyo families surrendered to Song Qingshu one after another.

Fudai daimyo performed relatively well. Except for a few who couldn't escape seppuku, most of them had no hope of retreating after fleeing to Awa, and they surrendered one after another.

The pro-vassal daimyo Matsudaira Tadaki cut his belly in Kawashima Castle. After fighting Zheng Sen for a day, the remnants of the Tokugawa Family's Third Army also collapsed and put down their weapons in a fire. The pursuit lasted for five days. At the end of April, basically all the shogunate troops on Shikoku Island were suppressed by the Ming army.

The consequences of the shogunate looting were fully revealed at this moment. The shogunate samurai who fled to the countryside were all driven out by the islanders of Shikoku Island with big sticks. No one provided them with shelter, and even many wounded soldiers were killed and burned. Under the dark city of Kawashima, tens of thousands of Kanto warriors tied their necks with ropes as if they were leading animals, and walked out while pulling them out. The soldiers of the Third Fujian Division were still beating angrily with their guns.

"Fuck off!"

The coach Xingzai also personally went to the city of Kawashima, looking at the dark city, Song Qingshu didn't feel distressed at all. It is estimated that Yoshiko Kawashima should have been annihilated in the clouds of history like this city. It should also disappear completely with the remains of Japanese warriors all over the ground.

"I've seen the handsome man!"

Now Zheng Sen's admiration for Song Qingshu has reached a new level. In a backhand, 25 Japanese soldiers were wiped out. Zheng Sen admired that kind of strength from the bottom of his heart. Now he has returned to the state of the commander of the Taiyi Division. Kneeling on one knee to salute subordinates is not contradictory at all.

However, during the meeting, Zheng Sen showed a trace of annoyance, and complained in annoyance.

"Commander, the last general is incompetent, let Tokugawa Iemitsu run away!"

"Run and run!"

Turning his gaze away from the burnt Chuandao City, Song Qingshu shrugged nonchalantly.

At the same time, Awa, Kii Waterway, a large fishing boat was constantly dangling in the sea water, and Tokugawa Iemitsu, who was in a daze, was sitting on the bow like a fool. Pursuing Ruo Nian Ji is like a coolie fisherman, panting and rowing the boat.

Not far from the shore, looking through the binoculars, Song Yongzhong let out a sigh of relief, couldn't help but shook his head and muttered: "Marshal, this task is really difficult, this group of pigs can be regarded as bloody running out! Tired I'm dead!"

Putting down the binoculars, Song Yongzhong turned around, waved to his subordinates easily, and said with a smile on his face: "The mission is completed, and we will line up back to Dakoban Mountain City. I invite everyone to have a drink!"

After many days of exhaustion at the critical moment, dozens of sharp-shooters couldn't help cheering.

"Thank you, Commander!"

The war seems to have come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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