Chapter 629
Li Jia was the commander of Fengyang Ninth Division brought by Sun Chuanting. He was considered a new officer, but his division did not belong to the most elite first-line division.

This is also related to the upcoming military operations. Song Qingshu said that it was Song Lianghuai, but his sphere of influence was along a long and narrow area along the Yangtze River. Zhouzhou, Huai'an, Xuzhou, and Yangzhou are now in the hands of the other three towns in Jiangbei. If you guard the river, you must guard the Huaihe River!Now along the Yangtze River, Song Qingshu has deployed the main force to Yingtian, presenting a posture of aggression to the north, waiting for the emperor to succeed, giving Liu Liangzuo Gaojie a title to trap others in Yingtian, the first one to take Yangzhou Gao Jie performed the operation.

Looking at the strength of Yingtian City, there are only two divisions left. Li Jia's Ninth Division is one of them, which is stronger than the Tenth Division. His subordinates were designated by Song Qingshu as the escort.

However, even if it is not a first-line elite, the well-trained Ninth Division is still more spirited than the Nanjing Forbidden Army gathered by those honorable soldiers. They carry flintlock guns and directly press bayonets on them to deal with emergencies. The legion, one cavalry battalion, five infantry battalions, sixty brigades marched neatly on Yingtian's official road like a mosaic, and the more than 3000 imperial guards who were driven behind were sloppy and long, like a bloated tail.

Last night, I was drinking flower wine and playing leaf drama with the kitsch Japanese girl until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night. Zhu Yousong was obviously mentally weak, and he yawned while sitting in the carriage. Xiaoling is located in Zijin Mountain , It is twenty or thirty miles away from Yingtian City, and it takes at least half a day to march. Song Qingshu only built economic trunk roads, and Xiaoling could not be developed for tourism. Naturally, he ignored this road. It had been in disrepair for a long time, and the obese Jian Guo was shaking his head left and right, and finally leaned on the chair behind the car with a thud, and a strong snoring sound came out immediately.

China pays attention to the rule of benevolence and filial piety, and the emperor's worship of ancestors is also a major event in the imperial court. Normally, one needs to bathe, burn incense and fast for seven days before he can go up, and along the way, he has to sit upright, unsmiling, and time is running out. It was a big concession made by civil officials and scholar-officials. At this moment, Jian Guo actually fell asleep. This made Shi Kefa, Jiang Riguang, and Shangshu Wang Duo, who followed the queue, very dissatisfied. Even Ma Shiying's face was not so good. The eunuch Lu Jiude drove his horse to Yu Jia in a hurry, knocked on the window and shouted anxiously.

"Your Highness, the land of gods and spirits in the ancestral mausoleum, I hope His Highness is strict and cautious."

However, from the car window, there was a sharp and ugly scolding.

"Presumptuous, this is the filial piety of His Royal Highness, which is felt by the great grandfather. Tetuo Menglai, you old slave, you have to be the one to talk about your highness's affairs, get out of here, you will delay the friendship between your highness and the great grandfather, and you will eat all your heads I can't blame you!"

Lu Jiude who scolded at these words was really furious, but he was out of breath. After a while, he had to restrain his anger. Indeed, he had served the old King Fu in the early years, and this time he had a plan again. However, once he was the emperor and a courtier, in terms of closeness, he was no match for Tian Cheng, the eunuch who served Zhu Yousong since he was a child. Now it is a critical period, and it is not a good thing to offend him. After hesitating for a moment, Lu Jiude was helpless Kicking his horse back, he told the rest of the ministers what Tian Cheng had said.

"It's a bunch of nonsense! You don't talk about strange powers and chaos! It's a matter of worshiping the ancestors, and the supervisor is using such nonsense to fool the officials. It's so unbecoming. The old man will go to the prison to correct his mistakes!"

Wang Duo, the old Ministry of Rites, was so angry that his beard flew up, and he was about to go to the front to stir up Zhu Yousong. Who knew that the same old-fashioned Minister of the Ministry of Households, Gao Hongtu, was unexpectedly tolerant today, with a helpless look. Then he grabbed Wang Duo's sleeve.

"Old man! How difficult the world is! I heard that the supervisor of the state was worried about the northern part of the capital last night, and reviewed the memorials until late at night. Everything is based on the overall situation. At this time, it is better not to make trouble!"

"Yes, sir, the overall situation is important!"

Even Lu Daqi, Minister of the Ministry of War, Gao Hongtu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Households, and other supporters of Lu Lixian tried to persuade him, and Wang Duo, the orthodox faction of King Fu, had to flick his sleeves angrily.

"Forget about this matter! But after Jian Guo ascends the throne, this old man must make up for Jian Guo's respect as a king!"

The matter of going to sleep was finished for a while, and despite the dissatisfaction of the officials, the car continued to drive slowly, but when it arrived at Xiaoling, another troublesome thing happened.

Later generations commented on the officialdom of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The biggest drawback is that they are so flattering and overstaffed!Even the cemetery of the ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang is the same. The emperor did not come to worship, and the eunuchs and civil officials were greedy for the maintenance funds. appearance.

This is the fault of the Ministry of Rites. When he came here, he still opened his mouth to reprimand Jian Guo, but when he arrived at his dojo, he saw such a scene, and old Wang Duo couldn't help but blush.

This sacrifice had to be added again, clean up!Li Jia's Ninth Division and more than 1000 imperial troops were unlucky. They were ordered to clean up the weeds around the perimeter and reinstall the peeling and collapsed walls. However, ordinary people are not allowed to enter the forbidden area of ​​the imperial mausoleum. Wang Duo personally took some eunuchs and imperial guards into the sacrificial place in the inner hall to clean it up.

As a result, Fu Wang's car was thrown aside for a while.

At some point, Zhu Yousong, who had slept enough, woke up rubbing his eyes again, opened the car door to look at the scenery, and after a while, he became bored, and when he stretched out his hand, he actually took out three of them from his sleeve. Dice came and waved to Tian Chengcheng who got out of the car and was waiting in front of the car.

"Companion, come up, play with me for a while!"

If Zhu Yuanzhang knew that his unfilial descendants were betting dice in front of his grave, he would be so angry that he would come back to life. Anyway, Tian Cheng would not dare to dare, full of sorrowful reminders, he hurriedly bowed, and exclaimed .

"Thousand-year-old! This is the ancestral mausoleum! If those old masters find out, if they write a letter of impeachment, the slaves will not be able to bear the crime!"

With a face full of tears, Tian Chengcheng almost couldn't squeeze out any tears. Zhu Yousong was also quite scrupulous about the ministers of the DPRK and China, especially the Donglin Party. After preaching endlessly, especially Ma Shiying's dark face, Zhu Yousong had to put away the exquisite ivory carved dice, and retreated to his seat full of depression.

"No fun!"

It made his parents unhappy, Tian Cheng also seemed to be a little nervous, he looked left and right like a thief, and suddenly put his head into the emperor's royal car again, and whispered with his hands clasped.

"Master Qiantui, the dead old man Wang Duo took the eunuchs and the imperial army to clean up the sacrificial ground, and he will not be able to come out for a while. The servant found out that there are still many mountain scenery nearby that can be managed. Why don't you sneak out to take a look at this opportunity?"

"Yes, Master Ma..."

Still very scrupulous about the ministers of the court, Zhu Yousong was moved first, but then he hesitated. Who knew that this time, Tian Cheng, who was as timid as a mouse, suddenly became as bold as a tiger, patting his chest and guaranteeing the ticket.

"Don't worry, Lord Qiantui. The servant knows Dong Yaogou, a thousand households of the imperial army. Using him as a cover, he said that Lord Qiantui was motion sick and was taking a breather in the distant mountains. Those ministers will not pursue it further!"

"Well, you dog slave will do this!"

Suddenly excited, Zhu Yousong jumped out like a meatball.

At this end, a large group of left-behind ministers were still discussing the current state affairs anxiously. Watching dozens of forbidden soldiers come out surrounded by Jian Guo, the commander of the ninth division who stayed behind immediately led people to stop in front.

"Before the sacrifice, where are you going to take Jian Guo?"

"Jianguo motion sickness, I need to go to a distant mountain to let the wind out and get some air, get out of the way!"

"Master Ma, explain..."

"Presumptuous, where is Jian Guo going, and you can't approve it, you dog, get out of the way of our family!"

Grinning his teeth, Tian Cheng shouted arrogantly.

At this moment, Ma Shiying was inside, and his immediate superiors had gone to pull weeds. He glanced at the officials in embarrassment, but no one paid any attention. After hesitating for a while, the leader of the team still had to get out of the way and salute to see him off.

Just like a pig released from the cage, Zhu Yousong was so excited that he didn't need anyone to help him, and rushed out first by himself.

While chatting about state affairs, Gao Hongtu cast a meaningful glance back unexpectedly, and immediately a smile bloomed on his face.

Following Tian Cheng out for a run, he only ran a few tens of meters. Zhu Yousong's fat body was tired again. He was dragged by two guards, walked around, and finally climbed to the top of the nearby hill. Covered by the hot and thirsty discomfort, looking around, Zhu Yousong yelled angrily.

"Slave dog, what's so delicate about it? It's over the top of the mountain. What's there to see! I'm dying of thirst. Get some wine for me. I want cold grapes!"

Before worshiping the ancestors, who dared to let Jian Guo drink, he didn't bring it with him at all, which made Tian Cheng feel anxious like an ant on a hot pot. The melodious and melodious sound of the piano was so touching that Zhu Yousong couldn't help but stood up again, looking for the sound.

In the valley below, there is actually a small pavilion, which is completely covered by a light veil. Inside, there is a figure looming, with long sleeves, elegant and suave, and the sound of playing the piano is like flowing water, which arouses Zhu Yousong's curiosity, and his heart itch Next, he took a few more steps, and lifted the veil with great interest.

However, to his disappointment, the person sitting inside was not some peerless beauty, but a bad old man.

"Old man Qian Qianyi, kowtow to Jian Guo!

Seeing the impatience on Zhu Yousong's face, Qian Qianyi stopped pretending, and knelt down on the ground with a smile. At first, he was not interested, but Zhu Yousong heard the name, but immediately let him His heart skipped a beat, and he looked vigilantly at Tian Cheng's smile, which was uglier than crying, who was following behind him, and then shouted angrily.

"You old thing, what are you doing here?"

"The old minister came to relieve the prison country!"

Qian Qianyi replied solemnly, but Zhu Yousong was even more annoyed when he heard it.

"If you don't go to be loyal to King Lu, what are you going to do with me? I have Mr. Ma, Mr. Sun, Wu You, my sister-in-law, General Song, why are you in trouble? Don't scare me, let me leave immediately!"

"I don't know if His Highness has raised eagles before!"

With a serious look on his face, Qian Qianyi suddenly bowed again, and immediately started making gestures.

"A well-fed eagle won't look for prey for His Highness! This is the difficulty of supervising the country!"

"What's the meaning!"

After all, he was born in the royal family. Although he has no ambitions in eating, drinking and playing, he still has a head. Zhu Yousong immediately heard a bit of conspiracy, and asked more vigilantly, but saw Qian Qianyi pointing at him with a smile. Pointing to his nose.

"Your Highness, don't you think it would be interesting to have a prey like the old man, and General Song, Mr. Ma, these eagle dogs will work harder, and won't be too lazy to move because they are too full, but they will neglect the master?"

(End of this chapter)

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