Begging in late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 661 The Great Revolution

Chapter 661 The Great Revolution

The later French Revolution began with the capture of the Bastille, and this time the low-level citizens captured the Jinling Forbidden Palace, which also became the beginning of the Great Ming Revolution.

The invasion of Jiannu not only brought heavy disasters to Jiangnan, but also indirectly disintegrated the natural economy dominated by large landlords and large farms in Jiangnan in a short period of time. A large amount of land was occupied by Jurchen nobles. They were driven out of their own land, and the new Jurchen aristocratic landowners had not yet formed social influence. Those who were forced into the farm were full of hatred for the slave landlords. As for those who did nothing in the slave building south The famous Jiangnan celebrities are even more discredited.

As the ruling class, the old power of the landlord class of the Han nationality is at its weakest moment.

More importantly, the workers led by the bourgeoisie showed their prowess in this national crisis. Now Jinling is under the control of the new bourgeoisie Song Qingshu's begging army and hundreds of thousands of armed workers.

Originally, Song Qingshu wanted to imitate the Glorious Revolution of Britain and transform this old empire a little bit, but now, this idea has been aborted. The massacre of slaves and national oppression have made social conflicts unprecedentedly sharp, which also brought Unprecedented fanaticism and radicalism, unprecedented bloodshed!

"No, grandpa, please spare me! Please forgive me! Ah~"

The jailers who usually show off their might have now turned into soft-footed shrimps, throwing water and fire sticks and knelt on the ground and kowtowed. After shooting and firing, amidst a few bang bang gunshots, these jailers also fell into a pool of blood.

As far as crime is concerned, they are really not guilty of death. Unfortunately, who made them act as lackeys of Jiannu at the wrong time?

The prisons are full recently, and most of them are Han Chinese who refused to shave their hair and wear clothes easily, or Han Chinese who escaped from the occupied land and were arrested according to the "Law of Escaping Persons". Aha, there are still some scholar insurgents who were arrested against the Qing Dynasty. However, there are still a group of Jiangyang robbers and murderers. But at this time, no one pays attention to distinguishing these. prisoners released.

"Mr. Chen, we are here to save you!"

Here, the most popular person is Chen Zilong from the former Donglin Party. He can be regarded as an outlier in Donglin. When Qian Qianyi and others were in a full-scale party struggle, he seemed like a rebel, and he always stood by Song Qingshu. In the Beipai case, he made it clear that he wrote a letter, and he was a slave, and he was also a murderer!The greatest enemy of Ming Dynasty is more harmful than intruders!When Song Qingshu cleared up the land, he also clearly supported it under the banner, and even took the initiative to report all the concealed land. Nanjing fell, and this person organized anti-Qing forces in the Taihu Lake area. In the hearts of Jinling people, he is still a hero.

After breaking through the official prison in Stone City, a rebel army composed of a large group of workers and scholars rushed to rescue him first.

After squatting in the prison for a long time, this Chen Zilong's face is also much haggard, but seeing his student Shen Jingtang rushing in full of tears and holding his hand, Chen Zilong is holding on to the prison railing as if full of electricity stood up.

"Leave me alone! Go inside and save the prince!"

Under his leadership, a group of rebels hurried to the innermost part of the prison.


When Chen Zilong was brought to the Forbidden Palace, the place had already become a sea of ​​people. Hundreds of thousands of Jinling people seemed to put down everything and crowded here. Everyone was full of fanaticism, raised their fists high, and shouted murderously. yelling.

"Traitor! Traitor!"

"Jianu's lackey!"

A wooden high platform was built near the palace gate in Zhuque Square. On the high platform, a familiar figure of Chen Zilong was wearing prison clothes and standing at the front of the platform. A dozen workers escorted him, facing the denunciation of thousands of people. , that person is still plausible.

"What do you foolish people know? My master cares about the common people and submits to the imperial court... The cooperation with Jiannu is also to stabilize the situation and reduce killings. If it is not for this master's compromise, you will all be killed by the Eight Banners. It all depends on this master Mediation, Jian Nu promised to provide some food in exchange for your life, you lowly mud legs, how many principles do you know, are you worthy of accusing me?"

They are still so arrogant and domineering until now. These Chinese scholar-bureaucrats are weak to the outside world and tough to the people to the extreme. Listening to Gong Dingzi's eloquent refutation, these people in Yingtian who have been bullied are even more angry, and those who are close raise their fists in anger roared.

"Fart, stabilizing the situation, that's why you, a lackey, helped Jiannu kill people? On May 1000th, at Yuhuatai, it was you, a dog thief, who led Jiannu to massacre more than [-] Ming people."

"In order to collect military rations for Jiannu, you bastard took away Yingtian City! Hundreds of us starved to death, but even my baby was sick and couldn't even drink porridge, and the food was all gone. It was snatched away by you bastard."

Even some old masters, scholar-bureaucrats and landlords couldn't stand Gong Dingzi's shamelessness, and roared angrily.

"Crossing to surrender, captives to surrender, you are unfaithful, unrighteous and unfilial! What face do you have to live in this world!"

Overwhelming stones, broken banana peels, and rotten vegetable leaves were thrown on the table, and even the worker rebels who were in charge of custody were unlucky. Chairman Han Dahu hurriedly raised his horn and shouted.

"Gong Dingzi is a thief who has a high official and rich salary in Ming Dynasty. He is greedy and shameless. He is willing to act as a lackey for Jiannu and kill my people! There is no redemption for this crime! In the name of Ming Dynasty, he is sentenced to death!"

It really imitated the French Revolution. Even the towering guillotine with triangular blades came out more than 100 years earlier in France, and they were all built on wooden platforms. In fact, Song Qingshu was more inclined to hang. It is the most terrible punishment, and the guillotine, compared with the traditional owl's head, has the meaning of the advanced nature of the bourgeois revolution at that time.

And there are too many heads to lose today!Too busy with executioners and gallows alone!
Hearing Han Dahu's sentence, Gong Dingzi still looked indifferent at the beginning, yelling that he is a famous official through the ages, and later generations will understand, but listening to the executioner dragging the heavy blade, the rope creaked, The face of this Donglin celebrity turned pale again.

After being pushed to the guillotine and his head bound by shackles, this Jiannu running dog, who was just called a loyal minister, unexpectedly poured out feces and urine. Pushing the shackles with both hands, this guy yelled at the back of the crowd like crazy.

"Marshal Song, I'm a famous scholar in Donglin, and I'm still very famous in Jiangnan. As long as you let me go, I will be an official, slave, and slave. I will obey you in everything from now on! Forgive me!"

What is anticlimactic?The stench covered his nose, and Han Dahu yelled in disdain: "The commander-in-chief doesn't need a thief slave like you, go to hell!"

As soon as the plug was pulled out, the heavy blade immediately lowered with a bang, and a head and two dog paws flew out with blood. Seeing the death of Gong Dingzi, a traitor of the Ming Dynasty, immediately attracted the joy of thousands of Jinling children. Cheers loudly.

It has always been those high-ranking corrupt officials who dictate their fate. The officials throw down a torch and kill the little people with a single blow, but the little people can only submit to it. If the people don't fight with the officials, even It is a social phenomenon, and it is also a kind of helplessness of ordinary people. Today, the feudal customs that have been handed down in China for more than a thousand years have been reversed. the verdict of the people.

This is true democracy!

"Take a prisoner! The traitorous bachelor, Wang Duo!"



After finally crowding to Song Qingshu's side, looking at the stands, Wang Duo, the former Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites who led the crowd to surrender and become a slave, was crying bitterly on the guillotine, kneeling down ugly and begging for mercy, the citizens of Jinling whose eyes were reddened by the blood stimulation Still frantically shouting kill, kill, kill!Chen Zilong obviously showed a wave of disgust.

Gong Dingzi acted as the inspection envoy of the Ministry of Households for Jiannu. Under his control, many people in the south of the Yangtze River starved to death, and under the order of shaving their hair and obeying the order, he took the opportunity to take revenge and unjustly killed many former political enemies and their families. The defeat of Taihu Lake is all due to him, and Wang Duo, Tian is a scholar of Dongge University of Ming Dynasty. The enemy is currently not thinking of retreating the enemy. Qing people, these people are full of blood, in Chen Zilong's view, killing one is cheap for him, at least they should be executed everywhere.

However, according to the rules of the game handed down by the scholar-officials, even if they are executed, they should be executed by the emperor or such upright officials as Hai Rui and Bao Zheng. Mudlegs come to judge.

This is simply embarrassing for the scholar-bureaucrat class. In the future, how will these officials control these ordinary people?Isn't this turning these small people into troublemakers?
"Please stop this farce immediately! Marquis Jingnan! Even if these people deserve to die, they should be handed over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for punishment!"

Watching with great interest Wang Duo, who kept clamoring for alliance with captives and bandits, and who had come to build slaves and ignored his moral integrity, was pushed to the guillotine. Song Qingshu turned his head away with a smile and asked Chen Zilong back.

"Mr. Chen, the current national crisis, Minister of Criminal Affairs Lu Zhenfei and Lord Lu have disappeared without a trace. Dali Temple Minister Zhang has not seen him for several months. The left servant, Mr. Zhao, and the right servant, Mr. Li, are all waiting for trial here. In the team, you don't want them to judge themselves, do you?"

Chen Zilong who asked this question was speechless. The Ming Dynasty has been raising scholars for 300 years, and they have been raised to perfection. In the face of adversity, less than [-]% of them can maintain their integrity and fight to the death. More than half of them escaped. In the past few months, it seems that Jiannu has come to the fore, it seems that the country has stabilized, and it is as shameless as a fly to vote for it. I don’t know how many people are willing to be slaves for Jiannu. It is really a while to follow the rules of the past. After a while, we can't come up with a justifiable criminal department.

"Jingnan Hou, it's not the right time to kill these scumbags and criminals. The whole Jiangnan is watching. If this matter gets out, isn't it about those vacillating people pushing Jiannu? What's more, let these small people humiliate the court officials like this. Where will the majesty of the court lie in the future?"

After being stunned for a moment, Chen Zilong hurriedly thought of an excuse again, wanting to save the face of these scholar-bureaucrats, who knew that Song Qingshu sneered even more when he heard this.

"The majesty of the imperial court? Jiannu went south, you scholar-bureaucrats resisted on the day of death, and threw the people to Jiannu in exchange for glory and wealth. Is this what you call the majesty of the imperial court?"


Suddenly, incomparable hope bloomed in his eyes. Looking at the boiling crowd, Song Qingshu showed a warm smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Besides, the next battle is still long. Only those who truly control their own destiny will be willing to sacrifice their lives to defend this freedom!"

 My friend got married and was dragged to help. I was too busy and delayed the update. I am very sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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