Exorcism Concubine: Miss Seven Against the Heavens

Chapter 447 Imperial Capital, Forbidden Art

Chapter 447 Imperial Capital, Forbidden Art

——This world no longer belongs to you, your world is in the future.

This was the last voice remaining in Yang Mengyuan's mind.


This world no longer belongs to me, can my world only lie in the future?
Yang Mengyuan suddenly felt that her body was suddenly emptied, as if she had completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth, the feeling of being lost.

That feeling is that I can't feel myself anymore.

Surrounded by a vast expanse of whiteness, she couldn't see or hear anything.

Suddenly the white mist dissipated, and there were bustling noises in my ears.

"Hey! Little girl, wake up..."

"Why did this little girl faint all of a sudden?"

"That's right! Call an ambulance?"


Yang Mengyuan heard the word ambulance, and opened her heavy eyelids with difficulty.

Isn't ambulance only available in modern times?

Could it be that she really came back?
Before the person had time to call for an ambulance, just dialed the number, and before she could make the call, Yang Mengyuan opened her eyes.

"Ah! She's awake, she's awake..."

I don't know who it is, but I shouted excitedly.

Yang Mengyuan opened her mouth, but found that no sound could come out of her mouth.

Suddenly remembered, that voice said to her.

When she comes back to this world, she will be a mute.

Dumb, is my current self a dumb?
But what does it matter!

Dumb be dumb!

Just come back, just come back.

But what is this place?

When Han Yu passed by, he saw a group of people looking around.

She just glanced curiously, only to see a dumb man pointing fingers.

Probably can't speak!
Han Yu left without thinking too much.

Yang Mengyuan actually planned to ask the way, to ask the people around where this place is.

But she has never learned dumb language, so she doesn't know how to express where she wants to go.

After hemming and hawing for a long time, no one could understand her words.

But Yang Mengyuan suddenly saw a very familiar figure.

This figure, no matter how long it has passed, she will never forget it.

It's Han Yu.

It's really Han Yu.

Yang Mengyuan was so excited that she was about to cry.

It's Han Yu!

It's really Han Yu!

Yang Mengyuan suddenly pushed aside the crowd of onlookers and rushed out.

But she was still one step too late, Han Yu had already passed the red street light.

Yang Mengyuan was very anxious as the heavy traffic passed in front of her.

When the green light came on, she hurried over, but couldn't find Han Yu anymore.

How to do it?

Han Yu was gone.

Yang Mengyuan searched all over the sky, but couldn't find Han Yu anymore.

She squatted on the ground in despair, scratching her hair in distress.

"It's for you, eat it!"

Han Yu suddenly took a bag of bread and handed it to her.

Han Yu actually went to the bakery to buy breakfast, but she suddenly saw the messy "little beggar" outside and took pity on her and bought her a bag of bread.

Although Han Yu is usually careless, she is a very kind person. Even if she meets beggars on the roadside, she will give money, because she thinks those people are very difficult.

Yang Mengyuan raised her head slowly, her eyes lit up when she saw Han Yu.

She didn't pick up the bread from Han Yu's hand.

Tears fell uncontrollably.

The Han Yu in front of her was the familiar dress and hairstyle she was familiar with.

All this is so familiar!
As if all of a sudden back to the same.

Yang Mengyuan stood up suddenly, hugged Han Yu, and began to cry.

There are too many grievances in my heart.

Yang Mengyuan, who never shed tears, really couldn't control her tears.

Han Yu was suddenly hugged, and he was stunned for a moment. When he realized it, he didn't push away the person who was hugging him.

I don't know why when this little beggar hugged me, I actually felt very kind.

That long-lost feeling.

It's like a relative you've known for a long time.

That very familiar feeling.

She couldn't bear to push the person in front of her away.

Han Yu suddenly patted Yang Mengyuan's back lightly, and comforted him: "Okay, don't cry, if you have any problems, you can tell me if you have any difficulties, and I can help you."

Yang Mengyuan finally let go of Han Yu, sucking her nose with sobs.

But nothing can be said, what should I say?

What about her own bizarre experience, and words that are not of this world?
She really didn't know how to start it!

She was really relieved to see Han Yu again.

Seeing that Han Yu was fine, she felt relieved.

If Han Yu is here, what about Qian Junxi?

What about brother?
Where would they be?

Seeing that the little beggar was just choking and sucking his nose, Han Yu passed a bread bag in his hand to the little beggar.

But Yang Mengyuan didn't accept it, she didn't need bread, she just wanted to find her brother and Qian Junxi.

Now, her only way is to follow Han Yu to find them.

Therefore, Yang Mengyuan just looked at Han Yu quietly.

Although Han Yu couldn't understand what Yang Mengyuan wanted to express, she could see sadness in Yang Mengyuan's eyes.

That kind of speechless sadness, that kind of pain that you want to talk about but can't say.

Han Yu suddenly remembered the little beggar who was on the side of the road just now.

Come to think of it, she doesn't seem to be able to speak.

Han Yu blinked suddenly, "Are you unable to speak?"

Yang Mengyuan nodded, it's not that she can't speak, it's that she is not allowed to speak when she returns to this world, she cannot speak.

So, she could only nod to Han Yu.

"It doesn't matter if you can't speak. Here, take it! These are for you to eat. I'm going to be busy now. I'm going to deliver something."

Han Yu insisted on stuffing the bread bag to Yang Mengyuan.

But Yang Mengyuan still refused to take it. If she did, Han Yu would leave.

At that time, she really didn't know how to find Han Yu.

Therefore, she must not let Han Yu leave now, perhaps, pestering her by herself.

"Don't you want to eat?" Han Yu looked suspiciously at this little beggar who didn't want anything. Didn't she just squat here because she was hungry?

When Han Yu saw Yang Mengyuan squatting outside the bakery just now, he thought she was hungry, so he bought her an extra portion.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mengyuan refused to accept it no matter what.

Yang Mengyuan shook her head vigorously, I don't want to eat, I want to follow you!

So, please, let me follow you!

I can't tell you the truth, but please believe me.

Yang Mengyuan tried to communicate with Han Yu with sincere eyes.

But Han Yu only saw a pair of watery eyes, and could not feel the information revealed in her eyes.

Yang Mengyuan was completely desperate, and then she stretched out her hand and grabbed Han Yu's clothes roguely.

Han Yu blinked, "What do you want to do?"

Yang Mengyuan shook her head, actually she didn't know what she could do now.

But now she is a complete stranger in Han Yu's eyes.

Facing a former best friend, but now can only treat her as a stranger, it is still a big blow to Yang Mengyuan.

But she couldn't tell the truth to Han Yu, she was really going to die of anxiety.

Yang Mengyuan didn't speak, just looked at her.

Han Yu was speechless too!
How did she meet such a strange person today!
"I'm really leaving. I'm going to deliver breakfast to brother Yucheng. If I don't deliver breakfast to brother Yucheng, he will be starving...you know?"

Han Yu tried to reason with Yang Mengyuan, she was really in a hurry and had no time to entangle her anymore.

Yang Mengyuan's eyes suddenly lit up again, and she pointed at herself and gestured desperately.

Han Yu: "..." I couldn't understand what Yang Mengyuan wanted to express.

Yang Mengyuan was very distressed, she didn't know what to do.

Yang Mengyuan suddenly remembered that she could express to Han Yu by writing.

Yang Mengyuan suddenly took Han Yu's hand and wrote two words in Han Yu's palm, "Take me there."

"You want me to take you to see Brother Yucheng?" Han Yu frowned slightly, then looked at Yang Mengyuan warily, "Who are you, and why are you going to see Brother Yucheng?"

Han Yu thought this woman was very strange!

Could it be that she came here with her just to see Brother Yucheng?

Is she a fan of Brother Yucheng?
Han Yu suddenly realized, and then said to Yang Mengyuan: "You are a loyal fan of Brother Yucheng, aren't you?"

Yang Mengyuan was stunned.

How did Han Yu think that he was a fan of his brother?

Yang Mengyuan was a little speechless.

But this time!She seems to have no other choice but to admit it!

So, Yang Mengyuan nodded heavily.

Said that he is really a fan of Yang Yucheng.

Of course, in modern times, Yang Yucheng is a popular idol superstar, much more popular than those EOS and other combinations.

It is normal to have fans of Yang Yucheng.

Because Brother Yucheng is really attractive!

Han Yu knew she had guessed right, "Then you mean to meet your idol, meet brother Yucheng, and ask him to sign something for you?"


What's the name?

Isn't it a matter of minutes that she needs her brother's signature?
What did she want her brother's autograph for?

Yang Mengyuan was speechless again. It seemed that Han Yu really regarded her as his brother's brainless fan!

She doesn't have that hobby, okay?

But at this time, Yang Mengyuan seems to have no choice but to play the role of her brother's brainless fan!

So, be a fan of brains, be a fan of brains!

She ate this bowl of brain powder.

So, Yang Mengyuan nodded vigorously again, grabbed Han Yu's hand, and expressed that she was really a complete brainless fan.

I really want to see my idol side, and I hope Han Yu can fulfill her.

(End of this chapter)

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