Zombie's travel diary

Chapter 180 I agree to a rematch

Chapter 180 I agree to a rematch

Technology competition site.

As soon as Link opened his mouth, he dropped such an explosive news.

He actually agreed to a rematch?
The rematch is when everyone can see that the effect of the T-shaped potion cannot be compared with that of the wild growth potion!
Is this crazy?
If Link didn't speak up, and Bai Lun couldn't produce valid evidence, it was impossible for Link's grades to be cancelled.

after all.

This kind of situation has never happened in the previous science and technology competitions. Since there are no relevant regulations to follow, there is no reason to cancel Link's results in accordance with the principle of doing things where there is no prohibition.

Most of the audience could basically tell that the white-bearded referee must have the upper hand in this dispute in the end. They just watched the process, and the result was already doomed.

Now that Link is doing this, the result may be uncertain. This made the viewers who were tired of watching the disputes aroused their interest again, and they didn't choose to turn off the live broadcast and continue watching.

This is also one of Link's plans.

The dispute between the white-bearded referee and Bai Lun alone can attract a lot of traffic, but it is unrealistic to keep this traffic going, and some serious information is needed.

His voluntary rematch here is definitely a big news, and it will definitely attract many people to stay and watch the live broadcast.

If under such circumstances, the T-shaped potion can perform well, the reputation will be earned, and there will be no need to worry about sales in the future anyway.

"Link, the competition group has never had similar regulations before. It's just that he made trouble for no reason. You don't need to re-match."

The judge with white beard frowned when he heard this.

On his side, he was trying to argue with reason. Seeing that Bai Lun was about to be deciphered, he was at a loss for words. As a result, Link couldn't hold his breath and let him go. Don't you think it's annoying?
Is it easy for him to do such a trick?

Even if the mutation rate of wild growth is high, who can guarantee that the bottle of potion will definitely mutate during the game?

This is a wild growth potion that they have carefully selected with great effort, and they have also had a lot of luck to come up with such a situation.

As a result, with just one word from Link, they let them waste their hard work for a long time. Who can bear it?
The judges with white beard didn't scold out loud on the spot, which is already a result of their good self-cultivation.

"Don't worry, the four judges. I also want to win once, even if I can't maintain a perfect score. I will admit it. At least I can't let others say that I won by luck. It's not good to say it."

Link looked at Bai Lun without changing his face after finishing speaking, "If I still score higher than you after the rematch, then your behavior of disturbing the order of the arena will be considered true, and you will run away from the consequences that the judges said Don't drop it, have you figured it out?"

"If it weren't for luck, your score would not be higher than mine. Now the judges are obviously biased towards you. I ask you to compare with me only on the base score, and the judges' scores must be ignored."

Bai Lun suddenly calmed down, and even showed a smile, "My basic score is 48 points. Do you really think that after removing the luck factor, I can still score higher than me?"

"That might be true. Since you insist on this, then let's have a rematch."

Link spread his hands and looked at the referee on the field, "I want to rematch, can I?"

"This...the competition group happens to have a spare wild growth, but according to the regulations, your previous scores don't need to be cancelled. Are you really sure you want to rematch?"

The referee couldn't help but confirm.

Anyone who meets the regulations and gets full marks will not easily rematch, right?

Even if the results are achieved by luck, they are also real results. There is no need to prove anything for other people's opinions, right?

After showing their strength and winning the championship, who would care whether the first round of the main match was won by luck?

Anyway, he couldn't understand Link's brain circuit.

"Let's rematch, I've already decided."

Link nodded in confirmation.

"Link, think about it clearly, the wild growth potion is not just a cat or a dog, it's not so easy to deal with!"

The white bearded judges couldn't help but raise their volume, hoping to warn Link through words.

But now that Link has already made up his mind, how could he listen?
"Coincidentally, my medicine is not a cat or a dog. I want to show everyone that even if I don't rely on luck, my medicine can not lose to wild growth."

Link said forcefully.

And this passage was heard by hundreds of millions of viewers in Stanland at the same time, and they couldn't help being moved, and their affection for Link greatly increased.

"What a backbone boy!"

"Even if the full score is obtained by luck, it is obtained dignifiedly. What's wrong with not stealing or robbing? Under such circumstances, he is willing to rematch. I really admire this young man's spirit."

"I love it, I love it, even if my little brother didn't score up to the standard after the rematch, in my heart he has already advanced."

Barrages like this can be found everywhere on the live broadcasting website. Among other things, at least in terms of character, Link has stood up, making many viewers look at him with admiration.

Then, the next thing to compare is the quality of the medicine.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's rematch, I'll go prepare."

The referee sighed. After all, he agreed to Link's request and left the arena to prepare for the rematch.

"You... really pissed me off."

The white beard judge snorted coldly, and sat down angrily, "Then let's rematch! If you insist on comparing the shortcomings of your own medicine with the strengths of other medicines, you will regret it."

After finishing speaking, he wanted to be too lazy to take another look at this matter, so he closed his eyes and meditated.

The other three judges looked at each other and sighed.

It was already a success, but who knew that Cheng Yaojin came out halfway and brought the matter to this point.

If Link's potion really doesn't make it through later, the hope for the rise of the potion area will be shattered again, and it's hard to say whether there is any hope for the next time.

"I'm sorry, Brother Lin."

Bai Lun walked into Link and said apologetically, "I just don't want to lose to you in this way. After all, everyone knows that if you really compare it, your potion can't be stronger than wild growth."

"Hehe, come on."

Link sneered, and leaned closer to Bai Lun's ear, "I've heard everything about you and Wang Qi, do you really think I don't know about the deals you guys made?"


Bai Lun's pupils dilated instantly, and when he looked at Link again, he found that this person had already made him elusive.

Since Link knew such inside information, as long as he said it just now, he didn't even have the qualifications to continue arguing with the white beard judges, and he would definitely be dragged down by the competition team in an instant.

But Link didn't do that just now, and even agreed to his relatively unreasonable request for a rematch.

What are you drawing like this for?

"Don't worry, I'm too lazy to expose you. Although it wasn't your intention, you did do me a big favor, so I'll let you suffer less."

Link smiled.

From his point of view, Bai Lun's work gave him a top exposure opportunity for no reason.

Although this was not Bai Lun's purpose, he had indeed received this benefit. For this reason, he did not intend to let Bai Lun die too badly.

And this time.

the other side.

The referee has already done the preparations for the rematch and can start the rematch at any time.

"It's really a rematch? If I'm scolded to death, as long as the competition team doesn't say to cancel my points, I won't rematch if I'm killed."

"Who says it's not! Anyway, it's in line with the rules of the competition, so why not keep it? It will be an indelible stroke in the history of the entire science and technology competition."

"Let's not talk about it, I admire it, I feel that even if he doesn't get full marks, he can still leave a strong mark in the history of science and technology competitions."

Many spectators looked at the posture on the field and couldn't help admiring Link's behavior again.

They asked themselves, put them in Link's position, they would definitely not be able to do what Link did.

The first person in history to get full marks in the first round of the competition, who can resist this temptation?
How many excellent scientific researchers have never been able to create a history and leave their names in history, and now such an opportunity is in front of Link, but Link has rejected it, just to be able to pick To the title of good luck.

How can such courage not move people?

Although most people can see that Link's promise to rematch has a high probability that the hope of advancing is gone, but this courage alone is enough for them to remember Link!
"Please ask the contestants to inject the dummy with medicine."

The referee's voice sounded.

Link left the pale Bai Lun, walked to the dummy, took out another bottle of medicine and injected it into the dummy.

This time, there were no accidents with the medicines of both sides. The dummy after being strengthened by the wild growth medicine became extremely huge, and the boundless sense of coercion once again swept everyone's hearts.

Compared with the dummy on Link's side, it looks very weak and pitiful.

"Start the AI ​​battle mode, and the game officially begins." The referee issued the next instruction.

Link took a deep breath and activated the dummy's combat system as required.


The two dummies moved and rushed towards each other.

A head-on punch, clearly showing the difference in strength between the two dummies.

The arm of the dummy on Link's side was directly crooked by the punch, and there were even many cracks, from which plasma seeped out.

On the other hand, the dummy on the side of the Wild Growth Potion was unscathed and unaffected in the slightest.

This scene once again confirmed the guesses in the hearts of the audience. The wild growth potion is indeed much stronger than the T-type potion in terms of effect.


Bai Lun watched this scene, but couldn't feel happy at all.

He didn't expect Link to be aware of his little tricks with Wang Qi. How could he be happy if Link had this clue?
Link said nicely that he would not expose him, but who knows if he will really not do so?
Even if Link loses this time, if he gets upset and exposes the matter, he still won't be able to advance.

This is already at the end of the road.

And this time.

But not many people would observe what Bai Lun was thinking, and everyone's attention was on the other side of the field.

Although I have already had a rough guess in my heart, as long as the result is not actually announced, there will always be suspense in everyone's mind.

Before the dust settled, they really felt uncomfortable.

boom! !

The two dummies on the field switched arms and punched each other again.

Due to the same AI combat system, their combatants are basically the same, and this head-to-head situation is definitely unavoidable.

In this case, it will be more able to reflect which potion-strengthened dummy is better, as long as one side's potion has a little flaw in its effect, it will be blown up by the other side!
"It's over, now that both arms are useless, I'm afraid I don't even have ten basic points."

"It really means that I had better luck last time, otherwise the full score would be too watery."

"No matter how much moisture there is, it is still a score according to the rules. Anyway, in my heart, as long as he is willing to rematch, he has already won."

"Lose the game and win the character, this wave is not a loss!"

As the failure of Link's dummy became more and more obvious, the discussion on the live broadcast became more heated.

This event has become a phenomenon-level event in the continent of Stan, and it is estimated that it may be recorded in the annals of history in the future, because in history, the science and technology competition is the most grand competition in the entire continent, and it has never been as big as this time. trouble.

As more and more people paid attention, many related personnel also noticed Link's T-shaped potion.

In a certain building, an entire high-level conference room was full of people, all of whom were watching the live broadcast of the Science and Technology Contest.

One of the executives said: "Although the effect of this T-shaped drug is quite satisfactory, it uses a brand-new pharmaceutical technology. The cost seems to be very low, and it is [-]% safe. We can consider investing in it."

In a shop in a certain street, the owner watched the live broadcast of the science and technology competition and muttered to himself: "This potion is already famous now. If the price is right, it should sell well if you buy some while the heat is not down."

In the auditorium of the arena, Zhao Tian looked at this situation with joy written all over his face.

He already roughly guessed what Link will introduce to him later, and it should undoubtedly be this potion.

According to what Link said before, the production cost of this potion is not high, and now that it has such a high popularity, it should be much easier for him to promote his own platform in the future!

After the ghosts and snakes in all directions noticed this incident, they all had their own calculations in their hearts.

And Link on these fields is unpredictable. He only cares about one thing now, and that is whether the recovery ability of the T-shaped potion is really useful.

Now he can count on this recovery ability to come back!
After the first round of the competition, he knew that the score of the game was judged according to the degree of damage to the dummies of both sides after the game, that is to say, he didn't have to defeat the dummy who used the wild growth potion, as long as he caused some damage to it and Just make sure you are intact.

(End of this chapter)

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