spoil her sweet

Chapter 109 Treasure Boy

Chapter 109 Treasure Boy
"This lake is natural. When I first saw this villa, I didn't do any damage to it. There are a lot of fish in the river all the year round. Later we can fish together and bake it at noon."

"Really? Then let's start fishing now." Su Nuannuan looked excited.

"It's only nine o'clock, are you sure you're hungry again?" Leng Moxuan interrupted.

"You...", really ignorant, how could you say this in front of one of her male gods?

Chu Tianhao just smiled, "If you're hungry, you can have some dessert first."

As he said that, he winked at the servant, and the servant bowed his head and stepped back.

After a while, the servant brought over exquisite snacks.

"Wow, so cute!" Su Nuannuan picked up a snack in the image of a piglet, "I can't bear to eat it."

"It's okay, just eat, there are many more."

"Male god, I think you are really a treasure boy."

"You like it."

Su Nuannuan and Chu Tianhao had a happy chat.

Su Nuannuan couldn't help looking at Leng Yi, but he couldn't see any emotion. He just lowered his head slightly, and there was no expression in his eyes. He didn't have any feelings for Nuannuan at all. It seems that Brother Yan also misjudged when.

Ye Xiao took a bunny-shaped snack and handed it to Leng Moxuan. She had a big head and eyes with only a small black spot, making her look fat and cute.

Chen Xueyao took a puppy's snack and took a photo before eating it. Everyone didn't care, they just thought it looked good and took a photo as a souvenir, but in fact Chen Xueyao sent it to Aidan.

Since Aidan left, although the two did not make video calls or anything, they would often send messages.

Aidan always complains to Chen Xueyao that his uncle only concentrates on being with his wife and leaves him to do all the things. Chen Xueyao will also talk to him about some design inspirations, and the two always have a lot of topics to talk about.

Aidan immediately texted back: Do you like dogs?
Chen Xueyao: No, I just think it's cute, let me show you.

Aidan: In the future, let's get a dog, the kind that can serve tea and water, so that I can hold you all the time and never let go.

Chen Xueyao blushed a little, this man always told her about the future.She is also looking forward to what her future life will be like.

When Chen Xueyao was hesitating and didn't know how to respond, Aidan sent another message: Do you know how much I want to find you?I often think of you, and my heart hurts. How many times I want to fly over to capture you and lock you by my side regardless of your wishes.

Aidan: If I hadn't hugged you that day, maybe I wouldn't have known the pain of letting go.

Aidan: Can we video when you get back?
Looking at his words, Chen Xueyao couldn't help but shed tears on the screen. Since she was a child, this was the first time she experienced the feeling of being cared about and missed.

Chen Xueyao was about to promise him to make a video when he got back, when Aidan sent another message: I still don't want it, I'm afraid I really can't help but look for you.

Aidan: I took a picture of you the other day while you were asleep, and it’s in my office now, and it’s so motivating to look at every day.

Aidan: I'll remove anything that might stand between us before you come to me.

Aidan: After you have our baby, I will be with you every day and leave everything to my uncle, okay?

Chen Xueyao was very sad at first, but when she saw what he said, she suddenly felt bad.

Why did you suddenly talk about the child?
(End of this chapter)

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