
Chapter 105

Chapter 105

"She was in the age of cardamom, with a graceful figure, soft and lovely. A small face is immature and fair, as delicate as jade, lustrous and smooth like fine Ding kiln white porcelain. She is a little girl, but she pretends to be so serious. It looks like an adult, it looks so interesting, the emperor can't help but smile.

"Xiao Qi is very knowledgeable?" The emperor looked at the little timeless man who looked like a porcelain figure, and became playful, "Then Xiao Qi might as well tell me how to establish my crown prince." Little boy, you are so knowledgeable, let's talk National affairs.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you asked me such an important matter." Liu Nian's face was full of joy, and he smiled happily, revealing two intoxicating dimples, "You are really a son of heaven, you are so discerning!" We met for the first time , I know that Miss Xie Jiaqi has a lot of insights and is worth asking about important matters.

Yaya sat beside her, laughing with the emperor.The little one is really courageous, and he is so naughty when he sees the emperor.Little one, I want to admire you.I have entered the palace every now and then since I was a child, so I am not afraid of the emperor.It's the first time you've seen him, little boy, you're too familiar.

Liu Nian smiled at the emperor flatteringly, his face was very courteous, "Your Majesty, to answer such an important question, wouldn't it be more formal for Xiaoqi to sit down and answer?" You and Yaya are both sitting, why should I stand?

The emperor looked at Liu Nian's lovely smile, and said in a rambling voice: "Yes." Liu Nian happily agreed, moved a small red rosewood chair, sat down upright, cleared his throat, and planned to talk.

Make Yaya happy.Little boy, do you know how many people would kneel and talk when they saw him?It is common for the cabinet elders to kneel and answer, let alone ordinary ministers.Ask for a seat grandly in front of him, little one, you are the only one in the world.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, Xiao Qi's grandfather was the magistrate when the late Emperor was in power." Fleeting Nian's face was full of sincerity and earnestness, starting from Mrs. Xie's young age, "Later, the mine supervisors and tax officials disturbed the people, and my grandfather had no choice but to Hang up the crown and go away." That official is really helpless, for a person like the old man Xie, it is too hard for him to let him linger under the eunuch's hands.

"Grandpa said that at that time, many officials in the world could not pay their salaries, soldiers could not pay their military salaries, and the government could not collect money and food. Mr. Lu, the Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, has gray hair from worry." So many places to spend money, but the income Not taxable.It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. You say that the Ministry of Finance has no worries.

"Since His Majesty the Emperor came to the throne, it's great." Liu Nian raised his chest, his small face still serious, "There are 2000 million adult males and 900 million adult females in my Celestial Dynasty, and I can receive at least 500 million in tax money every year. [-]. Whether it’s a government office or a county office, most of them have stored grain, which can be called a storehouse of rotten rice.” This is a prosperous age.

Fleeting Nian's face became enthusiastic, and he flattered skillfully, "It's all thanks to His Majesty the Emperor! You are diligent and wise, you care for the people of the world, and you are recuperating, which is why you have such a good situation!"

The emperor's face was solemn at first, and then he smiled. At this point, his mood was even more joyful.He had heard a lot of flattery in his life, but what was said by the beautiful little girl in front of him seemed extraordinarily sincere.

"Little one, what does this have to do with the Crown Prince?" Yaya asked Mimi with a smile.Little boy, don't digress, the emperor asked Li Chu, but you flattered him!When he comes to his senses, little boy, you won't be far behind.

The fleeting time smiled complacently, "To sum up, Your Majesty, you should choose a crown prince like you! Your crown prince! This great event is not easy to come by. To continue, there must be someone like you Good emperor!" Your Majesty the emperor, I don't care about the establishment of a long-term successor, as long as there is another model worker who is similar to you, everything will be fine.

"Your Majesty, whoever resembles you the most will be whoever you are!" Liu Nian earnestly counted them one by one, "Be just like you, be diligent like you, love the people like you, and care about the people like you ... "Also, it's better to be like you, to really love Yaya.

Xie Xun really knows how to raise children, a little girl who is a little bit of a boudoir and a weak girl, but she also understands the important affairs of the country!The emperor was feeling emotional and touched in his heart, but he saw the fleeting smile, showing a mouthful of small white teeth, "Your Majesty, Xiaoqi is finished. Is it extraordinary?" The little face is full of longing, waiting People praise.

After all, he is a child, the emperor laughed, "Xiao Qi is very good." In the eyes of the emperor, this is already a compliment, but he doesn't know that such a sentence is nothing to Fleeting Years. "It's far worse than my mother, and it's even worse than Zhang Naishan." Liu Nian murmured to himself.The two of them praised how sincere they are, and they talked endlessly for a long time, with sincere expressions and new words, not repeating the same.

Although the emperor's boasting words are not satisfactory, his actions are in place.Zhao Mengfu was rewarded with the speech of returning home and the picture of Shuangsong Pingyuan. In addition, there are emeralds the size of pigeon eggs and lustrous and soft pearls, all of which are treasures.

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you are too polite! Who are we with whom..." Fleeting Years was elated, and he spoke indiscriminately, which caused the Emperor to burst into laughter.No wonder Ah Yi said that Xiao BuDian is fun and interesting, and it really is!
In Jingyang Palace, Concubine Shu didn't see Fleeting Years back until lunch time, so she sent her confidant eunuch to Qinzheng Palace to inquire about the details. "Your Majesty, Miss Xie Qi and Princess Hanshan are having dinner with the Emperor in the side hall." The little eunuch was smart and reported back after a while.

It seems that Miss Xie Qi is very pleased with the Emperor.Concubine Shu was thinking in her heart, her eyes darting over and over again on the girls.The emperor said that Xiao Shi's concubine should choose a scholarly woman who is well-educated and reasonable.All the girls in front of me looked good.But I don't know, which one will the emperor prefer in the end?The fourth and sixth princes were all born to court ladies, and they were mediocre. Their marriage was just handled according to the rules, and the emperor didn't bother.It was an unexpected joy for the emperor to personally intervene in Xiao Shi's marriage.

Miss Xie Qi... Concubine Shu frowned.It's a pity that it's a concubine, otherwise it's a good match.This prince and concubine, no matter what, she can't be a concubine, right?It's really out of order.But as soon as the emperor met, he kept Miss Xie Qi for dinner, so he must like it.For a while, Concubine Shu's heart was full of emotions, and she didn't know what to do.

After lunch, the concubine Xian of the Changchun Palace brought the maids over, with a smile all over her face, "I haven't seen Mrs. Nanning Hou for a long time, I really miss you." Please ask Xie Yu to go to the Changchun Palace.It was inconvenient for Concubine Shu to stop her, and it was also inconvenient for Xieyu to refuse, so she followed the maids out of Jingyang Palace.

Went to the Changchun Palace, but the concubine Xian was not there, the emperor was there. "...Miss An, what do you think of the girl who is going on an appointment today? My ten-year-old is not young, and I plan to choose a match for him." The emperor talked about family affairs in a leisurely reconciliation.Yaya is his goddaughter, and his reconciliation with Xieyu can be regarded as in-laws, and it is not beyond the rules to talk about family affairs.

Xie Yu pondered for a while, "The fathers and brothers of these girls are all serving in the court, and the girls are well-bred. Your Majesty, you should pay attention to family education when you marry a wife, which is beneficial to future generations. In the past, most of the princes married wives were the daughters of common people, or The daughters of low-ranking officials usually have limited knowledge.” The first teachers of a child are the parents, and if the mother’s quality is low, it will be very unfavorable for the child’s growth.

The emperor tanned slightly, "I didn't hear you say that before Ah Yi got married." I was afraid that I would forcefully marry Ah Yi as a son-in-law.An Jieyu, although I can't be called a holy son of heaven, I am by no means a person who can be difficult for others.

Xie Yu smiled slightly.I'm not following your words, are you sure you're doing the right thing?Actually there is not. "I heard the Tao in the morning, and I will die in the evening." Jieyu quoted the words of the sage, and responded calmly, "Your Majesty knows now, it is not too late." There is still time to choose a lady as a wife for your youngest son.

"Miss An, I see that Miss Xie Jiaqi is not bad, and it is just right for Xiao Shi to be a wife." After the emperor was depressed, he looked at Xie Yu with a smile, and said teasingly.Zhang Yu and Xie Yu are determined to be a younger daughter-in-law, but I want to snatch it up.

"If Your Majesty orders a marriage, what will happen to the Xie family?" Xie Yu did not rush, "I guess, Xie Xun will definitely resign the marriage, and his words are sincere." Is there anyone who does not want to marry the emperor's family?Yes, Xie Xun is definitely not willing.

The emperor Taizu of this dynasty was very suspicious. In order to fear the monopoly of his relatives, most of the concubines married from the people.In order to fear that the eunuchs would monopolize power, they set up rules and regulations.In order to fear that the courtiers would monopolize the power, the Metropolitan Governor's Mansion was abolished and the Five Armies Commander's Mansion was established.The prime minister was abolished and a cabinet was established.The six departments are directly responsible to the emperor, and six departments are set up to check the six departments in the matter.With such restraint and restraint, a huge civil servant group emerged.Even when the emperor was right, these civil servants repeatedly came forward to persuade and ask for fame. If the emperor wanted to forcefully marry the daughter of a civil servant, wouldn't it be even more lively.

"Then, Xie Xun will hurry up and marry the little one." Xie Yu couldn't help laughing, "But who in the world would dare to rob the royal family of a daughter-in-law? They have to marry into my family." I would like to thank you, for my family You did a good job.Originally, Yaya married Tang Nian, and it was very difficult for him to marry the younger one.

The emperor smiled, "Miss An, you are always unwilling to take a disadvantage." You don't want to take a loss at all, you are really good. "How can there be?" Xie Yu shook his head, "My Yaya has only been in her mother's house for five months, but she has been in her husband's house for seven months, what a disadvantage."

When mentioning Yaya, the emperor's eyes softened. "Ayi's marriage, let's wait until winter." The emperor thought, "There are so many rituals and complicated etiquette. Xie's family still has to prepare a new house, so there are many things to do. And..."

The emperor didn't finish speaking, but Xie Yu could probably guess what he wanted to say. "I heard books in the countryside. It is said that a long time ago, an emperor once wrote in hand that 'If only one person rules the world, how can the world serve one person'." Xie Yu said slowly: "As an emperor, your majesty naturally knows the way of an emperor. When it's time to restrain, you must restrain." If an emperor is too egotistical, it will be a disaster for the entire empire.

"If only one person rules the world, how can the world serve one person." The emperor silently recalled this sentence, feeling sad in his heart.Xiao Jiu, if you understand this truth, why should I worry?
After thinking about it, the emperor felt that he was really at a disadvantage.Originally, he thought that An Jieyu could give him back a daughter-in-law, but Ah Yi wanted to marry Tang Nian.Xiao BuDian is a good boy, but Zhang Xi has long been in love with him.

"Miss An, I heard that you have a little niece?" The emperor smiled and stood up, "I'll go to Jingyang Palace to have a look." My niece, Aunt Sai, presumably An Jieyu's niece, is somewhat similar to her.If so, it would be a good match with Xiao Shi.

(End of this chapter)

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