
Chapter 132

Chapter 132

As soon as February entered, Empress Xu became angry.Because the Zhuo family is the future descendant, the unmarried Zhuo Xian of the Zhuo family is very popular among the unmarried girls of the Xu clan.Zhuo Xian is young and elegant, so he is a good match, but Zhuo's family has already said, "It is not suitable to marry early. It is destined to be married after twenty or so, otherwise the bride will be bloody." No one can joke about their lives, so His eyes were on Zhuo Xing, who had been widowed for a long time.

Although Zhuo Xing is nearly fifty years old, he has always pampered him and is not old.In terms of appearance alone, Zhuo Xing can be regarded as elegant, and has a strong bookish atmosphere, which makes him even more elegant.If she married Zhuo Xing, even though she was the stepwife, she would also be Concubine Zhuo's dignified mother, the dignified headed mistress of the Marquis of Lin'an.It happened that Xu Yang, a young girl in the Xu clan, was a girl with both talent and beauty, but she had a hard life. On the eve of her marriage, her fiancé fell off her horse and died.Xu Yang didn't want to be a widow, so he naturally wanted to retire and find a husband-in-law.Xu Yang's family was already in the middle of nowhere, but once again, what kind of good family can he find?If he could marry Zhuo Xing, Xu Yang would be very willing.Although the husband and son-in-law are a little older, they are in charge of the house when they enter the door.If you marry a young man, it is quite difficult to return the mother-in-law to the rules of being a daughter-in-law.

Mrs. Wei Guogong went to the palace and told Queen Xu, and Queen Xu thought it was very good.Let the girl from the Xu family be the head mother of the Zhuo family. Concubine Zhuo calls her "mother" and the sons of King Liao call her "grandmother".

Empress Xu first told Concubine Zhuo and Mrs. Lu.Concubine Zhuo was very polite, "A married daughter cannot be the master of her father." Lu muttered, "My father has been widowed for a long time, and he has no intention of remarrying." Abused by his stepmother. Now that the children are grown up, it's time for him to enjoy his late blessings."

Concubine Zhuo and Lu Shi did not dare to call the shots and refused to agree.Empress Xu simply declared Zhuo to enter the palace directly and proposed marriage face to face.Whether you agree to this marriage or not, do you have the nerve to say "no" in front of me?I'm sorry you dare not.

Who knows that Zhuo Xing is a bookworm.Zhuo Xing said politely: "When making an appointment as a couple, is there an agreement that one person dies first and the other remarries? It is only a life-long couple. The marriage between a man and a woman is the same for life. Therefore, there is no ceremony of remarriage."

Empress Xu was stunned, "How many men in the world have unfortunately lost their original spouses, and they all have to stay alone." Zhuo Xing said seriously: "If there is a remarriage as a last resort, Gai Yuan will serve as a father-in-law, or be in charge. Zhuo Xing's parents If you die early, your sons have grown up, and your sons and wives are very good at managing the house, so there is no need to remarry."

Although Empress Xu is also a woman who has read a lot of poetry and books, Zhuo Xing's remarks made her dizzy.Not only did he fail as a matchmaker, but somehow the news spread, and Qingliu Shilin applauded.The princess' father is a man of character!

Zhuo Xing's first wife died of an illness 15 years ago.Zhuo Xing is both a father and a mother, and it is not easy to raise his children up.Zhuo Xing himself is a Juren, and his three sons are all young and lightly elected. A father like Zhuo Xing can be regarded as an example of a loving father.When civil servants and scholars talked about the princess's natal father, they were full of respect.

Empress Xu was so angry that she wanted to fall ill, but she had to hold on.The emperor in Qianqing Palace was getting thinner day by day, and he might let go one day.I also fell ill in this critical season, could it be possible to let Liao King and Concubine Liang do as they please?I had no choice but to hold back my breath and try to pull myself together.

The princess's natal father became so famous that even the fourth wife heard about it.The fourth wife couldn't believe it, Zhuo Xing dared to disobey the empress!The Empress herself spoke to protect the matchmaker, she should have agreed no matter what.According to the script, the empress can issue a decree to marry her!Although in fact no emperor or empress of any dynasty issued a decree to bestow marriages to ministers, but if the emperor or empress opened their mouths in person, who would dare to disobey?

The fourth wife just had a feeling, and went to pick a son-in-law.The Xu family, Wu family, and Gu family selected by Xie Siye are indeed good families, and their children are also handsome and well-educated.It's just that in terms of family background, the fourth wife always has something unsatisfactory.The Gu family is an only son, and Mrs. Gu is too particular about it, fearing that it will not be easy to be a daughter-in-law here.Mrs. Wu is a bit lofty, and nine times out of ten she is not easy to get along with.Mrs. Xu is very lenient, but his family is the second son.The fourth wife picked and picked, and finally decided reluctantly, it's the Xu family. The mother-in-law is generous and easy to get along with, which is better than anything else!
Asking Jinnian, Jinnian's eyes were red, "But it's up to the parents." Parents love me, so let's listen to them.When a girl grows up, she always has to go out, and she can't hide.The sweet dreams I had when I was a child will only be sweet dreams forever.

Fourth Master Xie nodded.Xu Shangshu is famous for his honesty and upright family style. There are only two legitimate sons in the family, both of whom are promising.When Jinnian married into such a family, her parents-in-law could treat her like a daughter and love her, so life would definitely be comfortable.

The old couple of Qiange were selected as matchmakers.The ninth day of April is an auspicious day, and everything is suitable, so the ninth day of April is set to change Geng Tie.Jinnian hid behind the marble screen and eavesdropped on the conversation between the fourth wife and Mrs. Qian Ge, leaning against the screen weakly, feeling cold in his heart.Are you really going to get married? Are you really going to marry like this?

On the ninth day of April, the families of Xu and Xie did not switch to Geng Tie.The emperor in the palace hadn't eaten for two days, and all the ministers were on duty at Wenyuan Pavilion, so how could Mr. Qian Pavilion get away with it?The fourth wife was both annoyed and secretly happy.Annoyed that Jinnian's good deeds were delayed for no reason, and secretly happy that once the emperor died, his concubine and daughter-in-law would lose their confidence and have to set rules in front of her mother-in-law.Although I don't care to see her, but the concubine's daughter-in-law is not flattering in front of her, it is really embarrassing to be a concubine.

In the Qing Palace, the emperor woke up from a coma, and Wei Shuofeng fed him half a cup of ginseng soup with tears in his eyes.The emperor closed his eyes for a while and heard faint crying outside the hall. He asked weakly, "Who is outside?" Princess Anqing, Princess Anning, the Crown Princess, several grandsons, princesses. His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has been serving you for two days without taking off his clothes, and now he is lying on the desk and fell asleep." The emperor turned his head with difficulty and saw King Liao Lying on the desk case, sleeping soundly.

"Wake up Ade." The emperor clearly ordered, "Xuan the cabinet ministers, Cheng Guogong, and the British Duke to come to see him." Wei Shuofeng agreed, and personally woke up Liao King, and ordered the little eunuch to quickly summon the cabinet ministers, Cheng Guogong, and the British Duke. British public.

King Liao rubbed his eyes, and rushed over in surprise after a while, "Father, are you awake?" The cabinet ministers, Duke Cheng, and Duke Ying were summoned to rush into the emperor's bedroom and kowtow in front of the imperial couch.The imperial physician was serving the decoction by the side, the eunuch Wei Shuofeng and the eunuch Ji Cheng stood at the emperor's feet, the eunuch Wei Shuofeng and the eunuch Ji Cheng stood in front of the emperor's feet. , I also know that the emperor is really dying.

The emperor lay on the bed, clearly dictating one will after another.The last one is for the crown prince, "Leave the edict, and the crown prince: I don't hesitate, the emperor you do it. As long as the etiquette is requested by the department, you must be diligent in government and love the people, study and cultivate morality, use talents and abilities, and you will never lose your ability." Keep things idle and protect the imperial legacy." The crown prince heard this with tears in his eyes, took the scroll of yellow silk post that Wei Shuofeng handed over, and prostrated himself on the ground.

After explaining the state affairs, the emperor closed his eyes and gasped for breath.Doctor Chu of the imperial hospital knelt down and took the pulse, "The Holy Majesty wants to rest and recuperate." He took a small cloisonné enamel pot with a thin mouth and slowly fed the decoction to the emperor. After drinking the medicine, the emperor fell into a deep sleep.

The ministers kowtowed and withdrew, and the crown prince stayed by the emperor's bed.The emperor only slept for two hours before opening his eyes.The prince rushed forward to greet him, but the emperor fixedly looked at him with clear eyes, "Ah De, please come over to your mother."

Originally thought that Master Jingxiao would burst into tears, but he didn't expect that Master Jingxiao's face was serene, very calm.Master Jing Xiao sat down in front of the couch, and the emperor held her hand, "I'll take a step first. Little Wei, draw up an edict, and Master Jing Xiao will be buried with me after a lifetime."

Funeral pays attention to "being humble and not dignified", and people with high status should not be moved because of people with low status.If the emperor had already been buried and Jingxiao died later, digging up the tomb of the underground palace and filling it again would disturb the emperor underground.Usually this kind of thing is not allowed to happen, but the emperor has a will, that's different.

With the emperor's will, if Empress Xu died, she could only build a new mausoleum next to the emperor's mausoleum and be buried alone.The real Jingxiao can be the original wife, and "die in the same hole" with the emperor.

The prince burst into tears.He was not her own, but she raised her carefully.She is an ordinary and ordinary woman, and she has never had any wrong thoughts in her life, and she only wishes to be buried with her father after death.She finally got her wish.

Master Jingxiao smiled, "How can I not be buried with you? You are sleeping in the ground, but I go to disturb you, how can you bear it?" Her round and ordinary cheeks are more beautiful than usual, and there are bright drops of blood dripping from the corners of her mouth.

The emperor didn't dare to look at her and closed his eyes.A tear slowly flowed down, and the emperor murmured, "Why are you doing this, why are you doing this?" I am not afraid of being disturbed, since everyone is dead, I am afraid of being disturbed.You have Ade, you have grandchildren, and you can live happily in this world for decades, isn't it good?

The prince anxiously hugged Jingxiao, "Mother!" Jingxiao raised his hand with difficulty, trying to wipe the sweat off his forehead, "Ah, you have a aunt and a biological mother, and they both respect you as the queen mother. It's justified. What about me? It's not good for you to respect me, and it's not good for you to disrespect me. I live to make things difficult for you."

The prince hugged Master Jingxiao tightly, "I'm not afraid of embarrassment." Since a person wants to be the emperor, is he still afraid of embarrassment?Which one is easier to deal with, the cabinet, the General Secretary, or the six departments?There are piles of great truths waiting for me.

A smile appeared on Jingxiao's face, "Ade, your biological mother didn't read any books, but she is very smart and can help you a lot. That woman, you must respect her and obey her a few years before you ascended the throne." , hold her, and gain a reputation of filial piety. Ade, you are no better than Xiaojiu, and you should not be careless if you become an emperor, you know?" The prince broke down in tears and nodded repeatedly.

The emperor opened his eyes, "Ade, bring her to my side." The prince wiped away his tears, picked up Jingxiao, and placed her beside the emperor.The emperor held her hand, and said gently: "Alive, dead, we will never be separated again." Daoist Jingxiao felt a pain in his stomach, but he was filled with joy.He speaks so nicely, I really want to listen to it for the rest of my life...

The emperor quietly held the hand of his original wife. This hand was warm at first, but it became cold little by little.I've never liked her before, but now my heart is empty and I can't tell what it feels like.

The prince wiped away his tears, and gently covered Master Jingxiao with a quilt.The emperor still held her hand, "Ah De, ask Xiao Shi, An Qing, and An Ning to come in." The fourth child and the sixth child have already retired, and these are the only children in front of them.

The Tenth Prince, Princess Anqing, and Princess Anning all had red eyes, and they came in and knelt down on the imperial couch.The tenth prince Weng said angrily: "Father, are you scaring people again? It's not fun at all. Get up quickly." I still remember the time when the emperor pretended to be sick.

The emperor smiled and said, "I'll get up in two days." Princess Anqing is already the mother of two sons, and seeing that the emperor has difficulty speaking, she hurriedly pushed the tenth prince, "Xiao Shi, why did father get up when he was sick? After two days Your body is fine, and you got up naturally." The tenth prince muttered, "Understood." His expression was sullen.

The emperor looked at the son and two daughters in front of him, Xiao Shi was naive, An Ning was coquettish, An Qing would have a hard time without his younger brother Xiao Jiu.The prince prostrated himself on the ground, "Father, my son must take good care of his younger siblings." The emperor smiled, but was speechless.

Then they saw the concubine, grandson, granddaughter, queen, imperial concubine, concubine Shu, and concubine Xian. The emperor just lay quietly and did not speak.Both the empress and imperial concubine knew that Master Jingxiao had come in, but they didn't go out, and when they saw that there was another person lying on the imperial couch, their hearts felt sour.Why was it that she was the one who was worried when the Holy Majesty was about to leave?

State affairs and family affairs have been explained, and the emperor still can't close his eyes.The prince knelt down in front of the imperial couch, "Father, how about calling Ayi here? Take Ziyi with you." The emperor shook his head, "The yin energy is too heavy." A dying person has a very yin energy. Can't resist.

Impulsively, the prince said, "Well, how about I invite Madam Hou of Nanning to see you?" My father hid it so well that few people in the world knew about it.The courtiers all knew that Princess Hanshan entered the palace at the age of six, and the emperor fell in love with him immediately.But no one knows the real reason.

A gleam of light flashed in the emperor's already cloudy eyes.But in the blink of an eye, the emperor shook his head again, "It's a hindrance to her reputation." Before the emperor died, he summoned a Mrs. Hou, how decent.

The prince stood up and said, "Why not come to see you for the last time with the Marquis of Nanning? Ayi is your goddaughter, and you and the Marquis of Nanning are considered in-laws." Before the emperor could answer, he said hastily, "Father, You wait for me." He quickly walked out of the hall.

The emperor was dying, and his mind was in a trance.Will she come, will she come... The door of the palace opened, and the crown prince walked in with great strides, "Father, the Marquis of Nanning please see me."

The emperor tried his best to open his eyes, and a light and beautiful figure appeared at the gate of the hall.The emperor cheered up, smiled and shouted: "Miss An!" He could only call her Miss An for the rest of his life, and the one who could call her by her first name was that idiot Zhang Yu.

I really don't want to die, I really want to live another 500 years.Guard your own people, guard your children, guard her.But as an emperor, he is no match for fleeting years, and will age and die just like ordinary people.There is no escape.

On April [-], the emperor died.All officials in all parts of the country will change into mourning clothes with green clothes and horn belts.Banquet and pleasure for three months.Officials in the capital must kneel outside the Huiji gate to sacrifice before going to the yamen to do business every day.A country cannot be without a king for a day, and the crown prince's enthronement ceremony is in full swing.On April [-], the cabinet ministers and the Ministry of Rites issued a form of persuasion according to the ceremony.The prince replied according to the ceremony, "Looking at the papers you have entered, you can see that Qing and others are worried about the country, and you are concerned about the grief. How can you bear to hear about the matter of Weitong? Please don't allow it." After two rounds in this way, the minister When they persuaded you for the third time, the prince finally agreed, "Qing and other co-words have been presented to three times, and they have been loyal. , reluctantly obey the request."

The auspicious day for enthronement selected by Qin Tianjian is April 28.On April 26, the prince moved into the Qianqing Palace.On April 28, after the prince offered sacrifices to heaven, ancestors, and ancestors, he received congratulations from all officials in the Zhongji Hall and became the new emperor of the Celestial Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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