where is the father

Chapter 127 Why Are Zombies Afraid of Sunshine?

Chapter 127 Why Are Zombies Afraid of Sunshine?
A moment ago, he was still a good person, but at this moment, he turned into a pool of thick blood. Outside this house, there are thousands of zombies. My family, I bite everyone... Will his favorite father become like this?Will you also not know Xiaoyang?Will he bite Xiaoyang too?

Luo Lan stepped forward, hugged Xiao Yang into her arms, and said softly, "Don't worry, Xiao Yang, everything will be fine with mother here."

Xiaoyang lay in his mother's arms, muffled and whispered: "Will Daddy still want Xiaoyang? Xiaoyang doesn't want to be without Daddy."

It was not easy for him to have a father, and he didn't want to become the child who didn't have a father again.

Luo Lan held his small face, pressed a kiss on his forehead, and said with a soft smile: "Silly boy, of course Daddy wants Xiaoyang. It is his blessing to have a son like Xiaoyang. How dare he not? Damn, mother will definitely not let him go."

Xiaoyang finally felt relieved, hugged his mother's neck and giggled.

At this time, the little fur ball has put the black crystal back to its original place, and the huge He Mansion has returned to tranquility again, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, this night is destined to be a sleepless night.

When Luo Lan entered the world of the Red Spirit Cauldron, Jun Boqing was still in a deep sleep. No matter what she tried to do, she couldn't wake him up. His soul seemed to have gone to another world, and only his body remained here. What happened? what?Why did he become like this?

In the early morning, the sun is flooding, and the country full of zombies roaming around returns to tranquility and desolation again. Those zombies that forage around in the dark hide in the dark room without sunlight, waiting for the night to come.

The gate of He Mansion opened, Luo Lan and Hua Yan stepped out one after the other, Xiao Yang and Xiao Mao Qiu followed behind.

According to Huayan's confession, An Yue came to Shen Yue Kingdom every three days. After leaving yesterday, he would return three days later without exception. Another pharmacist he invited lived in the Baifu in the south of the city. There are many master guards in the Dark Moon Hall in the mansion, and no one is allowed to get close to the alchemist.

"Mother, why are zombies afraid of the sun? I think the sun is very comfortable."

Xiao Yang followed Luo Lan, a small figure bathed in sunlight, dressed in white clothes, bright peach blossom eyes, delicate and cute little face, just like a fairy boy.

Without waiting for Luo Lan's answer, the little hairball snorted and said, "Xiao Yangyang, let me tell you that sunlight is the most yang, pure, and positive energy, and zombies are the most yin and evil bodies, and they must not touch the sun." Otherwise, you will be burned by the sun immediately."

Xiao Yang nodded, so that was the case, the handsome little brow was slightly raised, and he turned to look at the little furball.

"How did you know?"

The little furball scratched its head, with a confused expression, and asked him how he knew it. In fact, it was not very clear. It seemed to know a lot of things, so why did it know it? General amnesia.

Luo Xiaoyang connected with the little furball, knowing its confusion at this time, touched the top of the little furball's head and smiled: "It's okay if you can't remember, let's think about it slowly in the future, and one day we will remember."

Luo Lan looked at the little fur ball with meaningful eyes, thinking to himself, what does this little guy's body look like?
Huayan was speechless all the way, only secretly thinking about how she could regain Jun Boqing after solving the immediate crisis.

Not long after, the White Mansion was right in front of him. Luo Lan released magic to hide the aura of the group of people, and released his spiritual sense to probe the situation in the White Mansion.

In the White Mansion, there are a total of eight expert guards, four of which are strong in the realm of the earth, two of the strong in the mysterious realm, and the other two are strong. She can't detect the strength of the other two. Obviously, the strength is not higher than hers. 01:30 At the very least, he is also a strong man in the heaven realm.

The Dark Moon Palace is indeed a big deal. In the Dark Moon Palace, such a strong man is only doing the job of guarding the gate. If it is in other places, it is possible to dominate one side with such strength.

With Luo Lan's strength and the help of Hong Ling, he can deal with up to four experts in the realm at the same time, and Huayan should have no problem dealing with two experts in the mysterious realm. If the last two unfathomable experts, If Luo Lan and Hua Yan join forces to deal with it, it may not be impossible to win.

Luo Lan told Huayan what she thought, and Huayan's face turned pale. Is this woman crazy?How dare you fight four against one?Do you think that the strong in the realm are all vegetarians?

However, having said that, if she loses to the battle and dies, it is not a bad thing. If she survives by chance, her strength will be greatly reduced. For her, there is only benefit and no harm, so she naturally agrees.

Luo Lan secretly smiled, Huayan's suddenly radiant face betrayed her deepest heart, did she think that Luo Lan would die in battle?And she can sit back and reap the benefits?It's ridiculous.

"Xiaoyang, when my mother fights with others, you and Little Maoqiu will go wandering around, remember what you see and hear, and tell your mother about it later."

Luo Lan said to Xiaoyang.

Xiao Yang nodded obediently, mothers were just fighting, it was commonplace, nothing unusual, but I don't know who is going to be unlucky this time, it's really pitiful.

In Xiaoyang's heart, Luo Lan and Jun Boqing are both powerful and invincible people. He never thought that his mother would lose. The opponents rushed, and only by eliminating the guards of the Earth Realm and Profound Realm as quickly as possible, could they unite to deal with the two strong men who were at least in the Heaven Realm.

The four mid-level powerhouses were enjoying a delicious breakfast at this time. They never imagined that a beautiful woman would suddenly fall from the sky and appear in front of them abruptly, with provocative eyes in their eyes.

They threw away the tableware in their hands one after another, and returned provocative gazes. The oldest middle-aged man among the four sneered and said, "There is another person who does not know how to live or die. She is pretty, second child, go and tease her. What a catch, we brothers haven't eaten meat for quite a while."

Luo Lan's beautiful face was covered with frost, just based on his two words, his fate was already doomed.

"Red Spirit, come out."

Luo Lan shouted softly, a red light flashed from the necklace around her neck, and an illusory girl in red clothes appeared in front of everyone.

"Master, what are your orders?"

He was so arrogant towards those four people, but when facing Luo Lan, he showed another face, respectful and even humble.

"What the hell is this?"

The older middle-aged man pointed at the red spirit and yelled, this girl in red is obviously not a human being, she doesn't even have a body, it's just a phantom visible to the human eye.

Luo Lan sneered.

"Fucking thing? You are the fucking thing, your whole family is a fucking thing, Hong Ling, fight side by side with me, and kill all four of them."

After saying that, he raised his hand high, chanted the mantra silently, and the powerful fire dragon technique rushed out, ruthlessly rushing towards the middle-aged man.

Seeing the wind, the fire dragon rose up, and within a few breaths, it grew to the size of a full-grown buffalo. When it reached the middle-aged man, it was already dancing wildly in the air like a giant python. The fire dragon opened its mouth wide to devour it. rushed to the middle-aged man.

(End of this chapter)

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