where is the father

Chapter 478 Yin and Yang separated by two!

Chapter 478 Yin and Yang separated!

Looking straight at the dark chained prison door, he said almost sadly: "This is a place that shouldn't be here, and none of us should come here. If we didn't come, some things would not be the way they are now. This is it."

"But there is no regret medicine in this world. We have already come. If I had to choose again before I came, I would still come, because it was my friend's life. How could I just watch a life in front of my eyes?" Just passing away like a flowing cloud without making any effort? I really can't do it like an outsider." Luo Lan shook her head, thinking of the painful butterfly lying on the bed , and Long Yan, who was also suffering beside him, couldn't help but feel a little pain in his heart.Long Wuhui is only eight or nine years old so far, how could he let her lose her mother?

"However, you have to understand that coming here is tantamount to sending you to your death. Over the past thousands of years, how many people have been able to come out alive after entering this place? It's not for nothing that this place is now called the Sea of ​​Evil Dragons."

Luo Lan nodded, what the old man said was not unreasonable, but now it is irreversible.After pondering for a moment, Luo Lan raised her head and asked, "Old man, why were you imprisoned in Qinglong's dungeon?"

Hearing this, the old man sighed and said, "It's just a mistake I made when I was young and ignorant for fun..."

Immediately afterwards, the old man began to tell Luo Lan about his experience.

"I am originally the son of an upper-class family in the Qingqiu Kingdom, and I am also a cultivator of immortals. I have been unrestrained, romantic and unrestrained since I was a child. I am not afraid of anything. I am used to asserting myself. I fall in love with my lover, the fox fairy Ruyue. , we were supposed to be married. At that time, apart from cultivating immortals, we traveled around the world. We were not people in the world, so we didn't care about or understand the worldly affairs. It was also because of this that we made a big mistake! If we knew at the beginning For some, it will definitely not be like this, with yin and yang separated!"

"Yin and Yang are separated!" Luo Lan was startled when she heard these four words. It turned out that the old man's lover was no longer there. He thought that what he did just now was due to missing his lover too much.

Thinking of this, Luo Lan couldn't help asking: "Could it be possible that your lover was killed by Qinglong's guards?"

Hearing this, the old man nodded, his eyes filled with pain.

"That day, Ruyue and I went out to play after training. We enjoyed the scenery above the clouds. We had a good time, but Ruyue accidentally saw peach blossoms blooming outside the palace here. Ruyue loves peach blossoms the most. I think she likes them. , and took her to play in the Taolin. We played for a long time. Later, Ruyue said that the palace architecture here is very distinctive. We might as well come in and visit it. We can build our own palace like this when we go back. I think Ruyue’s The proposal was very good, so I took Ruyue into the palace. Who knew that entering the palace by mistake this time would be our eternal farewell! If I knew the result at that time, I would definitely not bring her here!" The more the old man said, the more excited he became, A pair of eyes full of regret.Speaking of the last sentence, the old man hit the dark ground with his fist, and the sound of bones colliding with the stone-like ground made people shudder a little in this gloomy dungeon.

Luo Lan was stunned for a moment, and quickly found a piece of cotton cloth from the interspatial ring to give to the old man.And softly comforted: "Old man, don't get excited, don't hurt yourself. Otherwise, your lover will not feel at ease in the spirit of heaven."

The old man sighed for a long time, in a tone that seemed to be sobbing, and said with a strong nasal voice: "Where is there a spirit who is Tiantian, her soul has been scattered by Qinglong. Qinglong is the most important thing to see Don't let someone with love appear in front of his eyes, otherwise he will definitely lose his temper. On that day, Ruyue and I were dating here, hugging and kissing each other passionately. By coincidence, we were bumped into by Qinglong who had just returned from the sea. He was furious and immediately arrested him. I killed my lover Ruyue, and a man in white beside him also trapped me with a bubble like a bubble in water with lavender light. On the ground, he spat out a big mouthful of blood and looked at me. After that, Qinglong used magic to take away my lover's inner alchemy, and then cast a thousand arrows piercing the heart on him. Looking at me begging me to save her, but I can't do anything, do you understand that feeling? Watching the person you love being brutally murdered, but there is absolutely nothing you can do, completely powerless. You look at Her clothes were completely burned by the fire. You watched her struggling in the flames, and you heard her screams of pain, but did you feel like you couldn't save her? Not only couldn't you, but you could only Do you know what it feels like to be able to watch her being tortured and dying in front of your eyes, to see her tears shed, to see the despair in her eyes when she looks at you? The Buddha's heart was torn to shreds, and then glued together with a poisonous liquid, and was torn apart... That kind of painful feeling that makes people crazy, if you don't experience it, you will not be able to experience it in this life. It’s hard to imagine how painful it was.”

While listening to the old man's narration, Luo Lan imagined that scene in her mind, and couldn't help shivering. This is simply a creepy thing!And it's not just creepy, it's extremely cruel!Inhuman cruel killing!
Now, Luo Lan finally realized why the old man said he was lucky, probably because of this.Luo Lan looked around, thinking that the old man had been here for thousands of years, so he should be more familiar with this place than himself. He didn't mention that other people were locked here just now, which meant that Jun Boqing might not have been caught by them yet.

However, she was also a woman who broke in without authorization, so why didn't they kill herself directly, but locked her up with the old man?Thinking about it, Luo Lan was really puzzled.Or do they want to kill the two of them together when they catch Jun Boqing?
Just when Luo Lan was puzzled, the old man took another sip of wine, and stared blankly at the iron gate of the dungeon.

Luo Lan rolled her eyes and asked, "Old man, why did they only kill your lover? I have heard from the outside world that Qinglong is extremely annoyed when he sees lovers who fall in love with each other. How could he let him go?"

Hearing this, the old man gave a bitter smile, "How could it be possible to let it go?"

Back then, after Qinglong killed Ruyue in a cruel way, he ordered someone to infuse me with a potion that would destroy my cultivation base. After that, I had no cultivation base. Then, I ordered someone to feed me a kind of brown pill, which can make people unable to live or die.At that time, it was really difficult for me to die. Later, a man in black came over, and he told me that the master of the Qinglong Palace had an order. Since I am a citizen of the Qingqiu Kingdom, if I ever repent, I will kill you. If you break the relationship, you can let me go out anytime and send me back to the country of Qingqiu.

"Then why are you still here?" Just as Luo Lan opened her mouth, she realized that she had said something wrong, and it was impossible to take it back.

(End of this chapter)

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