Chapter 8

Early the next morning, Hui Yimei had breakfast in her own room, and took Xiao Hong to the main room.

Sun and Wei Yuzhen are serving Huimu for breakfast.

Seeing her daughter in a new skirt and jacket, Mother Hui changed the tense atmosphere yesterday and said with a smile, "The general just came back and wants to go out again?"

Hui Yi also smiled and said, "I'm used to being outside, but other things are fine. I don't have any soaps and creams that I like. I'm really not used to it."

Mother Hui nodded and said, "When your sister-in-law is done with the housework, the three of you go together and get the money from can buy whatever you like! You were born well, and you haven't been at home these past few years, yes It's time to add something."

Hui Yi frowned and said, "I haven't been home for several years, I don't know... So my mother is so rich and powerful! Well, I should spend more money to give my mother some face."

Huimu laughed.

"Your elder brother is a capable man! In the past few years, he has managed several of our farms in the countryside in an orderly manner, and there are still restaurants and grain and oil shops in the county town. Now the Hui family is not what it used to be!" Said Speaking of her sons, Hui's mother had a serious face, "What do you want to buy, what do you want to eat... Just tell your sister-in-law that it is, and you don't have to save it in the future."

Then, she changed the subject again, "Don't be too public when you go out shopping... After all, the second Mrs. Lin just came to the house yesterday and saw your appearance. Today you go out shopping in a glamorous way. It's not good..."

Huiyi smiled.

Speaking of this, Mrs. Sun couldn't help being a little curious.

"Little sister, why were you so vigilant yesterday? Also, you still pretended to be like that... Second Mrs. Lin insisted on breaking in, and your fourth sister-in-law and I couldn't stop it, because we were afraid of being exposed!" Sun asked.

In the previous life, Hui Yimei and the Second Mrs. Lin had been mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years. Hui Yimei still didn't know what kind of character and behavior the Second Mrs. Lin had?
But how can this be said?
Hui Yimei smiled and said, "How did I know Mrs. Lin would break into the backyard to meet me in person? I originally wanted to change my clothes and take a good nap, but suddenly I remembered that I was really tired from the long journey. I put some maintenance powder on my face, I thought that after I woke up, my skin would be beautiful... Who knew she would come..."

Wei Yuzhen suddenly realized, "So that's how it is!"

Sun carefully looked at Huimu's face, and did not continue to ask.

Mother Hui finished her breakfast, waved her hand, and said, "Go! Go shopping!"

The three sisters-in-law and sister-in-law went out of the gate, and there were already two cars waiting at the gate of Hui's house.

Sister-in-law Sun said to Hui Yimei in a implicitly showing off tone, "...Thanks to you speaking early yesterday, I was able to hire a car in time; let the girls take the rented car at the back, the three of us own car."

Wei Yuzhen asked, "Is this the car my brother bought last year?"

Mrs. Sun nodded with a smile, "Hurry up, let's get in the car. I owe it to my little sister to go out for a stroll... After all, I haven't been to the county town for... almost half a year. Let's go, let's get in the car." what……"

Chuyun Town is not far from the county seat, and about half an hour later, the Hui family women arrived at the gate of the county department store.

The three sisters-in-law and sister-in-law went to the department store.

Hui Yimei didn't find the soaps and creams that she used to use when she was studying in England, so she picked some new ones. Besides, she also picked out several bras, cotton socks and pajamas... She was in England At that time, there were already cleaning napkins (sanitary napkins) available on the market, but they were very expensive, and Hui Yimei had to save money to use them; but now there are no cleaning napkins in China, so she picked some expensive ones But soft and delicate toilet paper and a few menstrual belts.

Sun bought the bill for Hui Yimei without even frowning, and very enthusiastically asked Wei Yuzhen to pick some things;

After accompanying Hui Yimei to buy what she wanted, Mrs. Sun led her to the garment company and bought some of the most popular dresses in Chuyun Town.

After shopping around, Wei Yuzhen said that she was going to buy some snacks and bring them back for Huimu to taste. Mrs. Sun suggested, "It's better to go to our own restaurant to have a rest. There are Suji and Lanji two snacks next to the restaurant. Shop, that is the best dim sum shop in the county!"

Wei Yuzhen and Hui Yimei were not familiar with the county seat, so they let Mrs. Sun lead the way, and took two cars to Hui's Restaurant.

Arriving here, Mei Hui felt that the surrounding scenery looked familiar.

She had been away for four years, and the county town had already changed a lot, but the church where Father Tom used to be was still there, and it was not far from Wyeth Restaurant.

She stood still in front of Wyeth Restaurant.

Sun wondered, "...It's only two steps to my home, you are too tired to walk? What? Your fourth sister-in-law and I will carry you in?"

Hui Yi smiled and shook her head.

"Sister-in-law, I'm going to see Father Tom." She said to Sun.

Father Tom has been in the county town for more than twenty years, and he is well known to some well-known locals. Even Sun's son suffered from whooping cough when he was young, and he was cured only after inviting Father Tom to visit; It can be said that Father Tom contributed to my sister-in-law's journey to school. She can understand that my sister-in-law has admiration for Father Tom.

Mrs. Sun pondered for a moment, then said cheerfully, "Success! But, there are too many cars and people in the county now, and you don't know the way, so let Xiaohong and Mrs. Huang accompany you. You and Tom The priest will return after saying a few words, after all, it is not too early now, we have to go back earlier..."

Hui Yimei didn't know Sun's intention of letting Xiaohong and Sister-in-law Huang follow her!
But she didn't point it out, just responded with a smile, and walked towards the church with the two maids.

I haven’t returned home for four years, although the street outside has completely changed; but the inside of the church is still as quiet as before—a magnificent four-story building with a gray and inconspicuous gate, but the old But the exquisitely carved beams implicitly show the long history and cultural heritage of the church...

She stepped into the gate and saw a few people sitting in the large auditorium, and she didn't know whether they were contemplating or confessing.

Hui Yimei stopped Sister-in-law Huang from wanting to drum Xiaozhong to inform the priest to come out to receive her.

She walked towards the back of the church along the road she remembered.

Go through the narrow, short alley, and go through the second door... If Father Tom is free, he usually waters the flowers in the yard or something.

However, a man's voice that Hui Yimei felt very familiar sounded; it was just that he was mumbling and his voice was so small that Hui Yimei couldn't hear what he was talking about.

But what is certain is that this person is not Father Tom.

As soon as she heard the strange man's voice, Mrs. Huang was a little alert; she immediately crossed Hui Yi's eyebrows, and stretched her head to look outside the second door.


Mrs. Huang exclaimed!
The young man's voice stopped immediately.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Father Tom's gentle voice with a somewhat strange tone rang out.

Hui Yi's eyebrows showed a sincere smile.

In an instant, the corners of her eyes turned slightly astringent and red.

"Father, it's me! It's Winnie, Winnie is back!" Saying that, Hui Yimei passed Sister-in-law Huang lightly, walked through the second gate, and entered the backyard of the church.

But in the backyard, apart from Father Tom, who had all white beard and hair, there was another young man; that man was wearing a long gown with short hair, and was sitting at the table with Father Tom. The young man was holding a book in his hand.

At this time, the two men, the old and the young, turned their heads and looked at Hui Yimei.

During these four years, her appearance has changed quite a lot; so that Father Tom was stunned for a while before finally recognizing her...

"Ah! Winnie, God bless! Lost little lamb... why did you come back suddenly?" Tom was very surprised, and immediately stood up from the chair, and walked towards Hui Yimei.

In Huiyi's mind, Father Tom is the only person in this world who is unreservedly kind to herself and never asks for anything in return; it can be said that if Father Tom hadn't been running around for her back then, she would not have had the opportunity to receive education , let alone study abroad!

She looked at the white-bearded and haired Father Tom with tears in her eyes, choked up, but couldn't say a word.

Sister-in-law Huang tugged Hui Yimei's clothes at the right time.

Hui Yi froze for a moment, and then realized that besides Father Tom, there was another strange young man in the yard.

She glanced that way.

It was this glance that made Hui Yi's eyebrows fall into a daze.

The man was wearing a half-worn gown, with sharp eyebrows and bright eyes, and he kept looking her up and down.

And this person, even if he turns into ashes, she will still recognize...

He is Lin Yuehong's cousin - Lin Yuexian!

In the previous life, in that sudden fire, he abandoned himself, took away his grandmother Yan, and vowed that he would come back to pick her up...

The tears in her eyes had already blurred her vision.

In a trance, she seemed to be in the sea of ​​flames again, the fear of being completely engulfed by the flames, the deadly burning sensation coming from all directions, and the feeling that she was alone in the world once again enveloped her firmly... …

"Winnie?" Father Tom couldn't help calling her English name when he saw that her face was so pale.

Hui Yimei finally came back to her senses and clenched her fists.

She was silent for a moment, turned her head slightly, raised her chin and looked at the persimmon tree in the yard, as if she was looking for the fruit hidden among the green leaves...

However, the weather at the end of April at this time, the tall persimmon trees are full of green shadows, with luxuriant branches and leaves, not even a bud, so what is so special about it?
But Hui Yi eyebrows had no choice but to raise her head high.

Because her eyes were already filled with tears, as long as she moved a little, the teardrops would probably fall from the corners of her eyes.

Hui Yimei didn't want to shed tears in front of others.

Lin Yuexian looked at her calmly.

This young girl was exceptionally beautiful, and she exuded a smell of books from her bones; although she was a little emotional, her dignified appearance was not disrespectful... However, her slightly raised chin seemed to be Faintly revealed the stubbornness that she deliberately hid under the gentleness.

He was born in the local area since he was a child, and he has never heard of such a beautiful girl in his hometown.

And Father Tom has been in the local area for nearly 20 years. This girl is so familiar with Father Tom. Could it be that she is also a local?
(End of this chapter)

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