Chapter 124 The Gem in the Mud
As if being pardoned, the guard turned around and ran away with a "hey".

Ning Yujiang turned his head and said to Uncle Ding, "Uncle, take the dog to the yamen and wait later, and there may be places where you can help later." Let's take a trip.

After dismissing the idlers, Ning Yujiang walked to the well and muttered to himself: "I won't go down this time, let's play with the tornado at the bottom of the well."

The strong wind rolled up from the bottom of the well, and the rumbling sound of the wind roared in the well, and all the lighter things at the bottom of the well were caught up in the circle and flew upward. the ground.

Ning Yujiang had long expected that there would be no good things at the bottom of the well. Looking at the pile of smelly and smelly garbage at this time, he couldn't help but secretly rejoiced that he didn't jump down rashly just now, otherwise he wouldn't talk about whether it was dangerous or not. It feels super disgusting to be on the muddy dump.

He casually picked up a long wooden stick by the door and searched through the sundries. Besides the gravel and mud, there were also some leaves, rags, and the remains of rats and cockroaches... nothing special other than that.

When I was disappointed, I suddenly found a little bit of light faintly revealing under a lump of sludge.

Pushing aside the mud with a stick reveals a yellow transparent stone shining brightly on the ground. Even though it is stained with mud, it is still brilliant. Under the sun, it looks like a yellow diamond at a glance, half the size of a ping-pong ball.Ning Yujiang mobilized the memory in his mind a little bit, and couldn't help but be surprised, this is clearly the treasure inherited by the patriarch of the Tu nationality-Xuanhuangshi!

Three steps and two steps to pick up the Xuanhuang stone and wipe it clean, and then carefully confirm it again, it is absolutely true!The status of this black yellow stone in the Tu nationality is equivalent to the emperor's heirloom jade seal. Such an important thing is lost in the human world, and it is also related to the serial murders here. What is the situation? !

Ning Yujiang hid the Xuanhuang stone close to his body and walked to the well. At this time, the bottom of the well had been cleaned by a "powerful vacuum cleaner" and "air-dried" for a round, so he just went down to see the actual situation.With the terrifying experience of narrowly dying in the Cave of the Evil Spirit, this time he dare not take it lightly, especially when he goes down the well, which is the territory of the Tu people. If he is not careful, it will not be as simple as being thrown into the well, but directly filled with soil and buried alive.

Taking out the Pearl of the Night and raising the body protection technique to the limit, Ning Yujiang slowly sank to the bottom of the well relying on his mana.The well is not deep, about ten meters to the bottom, it has just been forced ventilation, and the smell is not too bad.

Ning Yujiang didn't have a dog's nose, so naturally he couldn't smell the victim's scent on the murderer, but he could clearly feel the smell of the Tu tribe, and it was quite strong. It should be that an immortal of the Tu tribe lived here for several days or even longer.

I searched the bottom of the well carefully, and finally found a "relic" of a large earth pit that was deeply turned in the corner. Sure enough, the people who were at the bottom of the well had already escaped.

The real masters of the Tu nationality will not leave any traces on the ground when performing the earth escape technique. Only some half-hearted people will need to use magic to dig up the ground to escape. To complete such a large movement, it takes a certain amount of time, not in the blink of an eye things that can be done.

"No guts!" Ning Yujiang cursed bitterly.She didn't come down directly to chase the murderer at the beginning, but she had already expected that the murderer would take advantage of the geographical advantage to escape. The murderer ran away, but I was still very upset.

But that's okay!The Xuanhuang Stone must have been left by him. With such a precious thing in his hands, he might not be able to attract him to bring it to his door automatically.Ning Yujiang got bad intentions suddenly, found a relatively flat stone at the bottom of the well, took out the Xuanhuang stone and scratched a few words on the stone without mercy: Xuanhuang stone is in my hand, if you have the ability, go to the Qibu Bridge outside the city tonight Ask me for it.

After finishing writing, she held up the black and yellow stone and blew away the debris on it, said to herself with a smile: "As expected, it is the treasure of the Tu people, and it is much better than small stones!" Knowing that this is a treasure that the Tu people value more than anything else, they want to practice it to relieve their anger.

There was nothing to see at the bottom of the well, and Ning Yujiang raised his feet to the well mouth with his magic power.

Hearing the officer's report, Lu Xiangrong quickly evacuated several households near this small courtyard. After thinking about it, he was still a little uneasy, so he took his entourage Tie Shi and went into the "dangerous place". Originally, for the sake of safety, they just stood The courtyard was guarded, but after waiting for a while, there was no sound, so Lu Xiangrong took Tieshi and walked into the empty courtyard regardless of everyone's obstruction.

When the two of them were fully on guard against the dry well in the corner of the courtyard, they suddenly saw a head with long hair protruding from the side of the river railing, they were shocked and shouted in unison: "Where is the evildoer, how dare you commit crimes in broad daylight! "

Tie Shi was responsible for protecting Lu Xiangrong, he used all his strength to plan to attack with all his strength if the other party made any changes, regardless of whether he was a human or a demon, he would fight first.

Ning Yujiang just climbed up and bumped into this one, feeling angry in his heart, he cursed back: "Where are there so many evildoers, please see clearly and shout!" Outside the well, he patted the dust off his body casually.

Lu Xiangrong took two steps forward and asked, "Where are the monsters?"



"He will dig a hole in the ground, and he ran away before I went down."

Lu Xiangrong stopped talking, as if he was dissatisfied with Ning Yujiang's indifferent attitude.

Ning Yujiang Shi Shiran walked past him, and said casually: "The evacuated people can be called back, and I have another matter, please help me post notices everywhere in the city, just write 'Xuanhuangshi is in the seven steps Bridge, tonight only'."

Lu Xiangrong didn't say anything, but Tie Shi beside him couldn't help it: "Miss Ning, can you treat me as the master of my family and your subordinate?!" Changing the address of Ning Yujiang to "Miss Ning" clearly shows that she doesn't believe her. Immortal status.

Ning Yujiang smiled and said: "He's not angry, why are you angry! Do as I say, maybe the murderer can be caught tonight. Just don't forget my conditions."

Tie Shi wanted to say something, but Lu Xiangrong stopped him with his eyes, and the latter said to Ning Yujiang in a good-tempered manner: "I understand, I hope Little Fairy will not disappoint me."

"Got it!" Ning Yujiang said unhappily, and secretly cursed "Smiling Tiger". In her eyes, a person like Lu Xiangrong is far less cute than Tie Shi. Wearing a mask is a habit.

Her mood was not as relaxed as it appeared. She originally thought it was a demon cultivator in the human world who made trouble, but now that Xuanhuangshi is involved, it may not be that simple. Maybe the murderer has a real backer from the fairy or demon clan behind him. It even has something to do with the internal disputes of the direct descendants of the Tu people.

If it is inferred from this, the murderer may be the entourage brought to the mortal world by some powerful immortals or monsters. As for how they are related to Xuanhuangshi, we will only know after we catch them.

Ning Yujiang was gearing up, and suddenly looked forward to tonight's "date", hoping those shady things could see her message.

As night fell, the government office finally returned to calm from the hustle and bustle. It was overcrowded, but now it is empty and there are few people walking around.

During the day, many people from poor families brought their children to the government office of hundreds of households to ask for a safe place to live. These children were sent to the government office of Tongjiang City for arrangement. They were forced to lend out vacant mansions for temporary residence, and inns with vacant rooms in the city were also temporarily requisitioned.

The rich man who provided the accommodation and the shopkeeper sent capable servants to take away batches of boys and girls in the government office. Each batch was accompanied by a servant, who signed and pledged to ensure that the children would be brought back safely and completely with them after the poisonous snake was caught. family reunion.

Ning Yujiang watched in the dark for a while, and had to admire Lu Xiangrong, he was indeed a capable person, and he was able to arrange things in an orderly manner when things happened suddenly. Even if the officials here have the absolute authority to kill or kill ordinary people, it is not easy to do this.

Lu Xiangrong was in charge of the city, and Ning Yujiang went to the Qibu bridge outside the city to wait in peace.

The reason for choosing this location is that, on the one hand, they want to stay away from the bustling area to reduce the property and personnel casualties caused by fighting and casting spells, and on the other hand, they don't want the opponent to take too much advantage of the geographical advantage.

The Qibu Bridge is a long bridge that Ning Yujiang passed through when he entered the city. It spans a small tributary of the Huai River.The so-called seven steps actually refers to the width of the bridge seven steps.

Ning Yujiang walked to the bridge, looked at the river under his feet, suddenly remembered a joke, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"What's so ridiculous about Little Fairy?" Lu Xiangrong's voice suddenly came from not far behind.

Ning Yujiang knew that he was coming from afar, and when he heard the words, he turned around and said with a smile, "I remembered a joke."

Seeing that she didn't ask why he appeared here, Lu Xiangrong acted as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile, "I would like to hear more about it." Behind him was Tie Shi, his entourage, and Master Su who looked reluctant.

Lord Su really doesn't want to come, catch monsters!Such a dangerous thing, why come to join in the fun?Even if you are curious, you will not be too late to be curious until you catch the monster.

But Lu Xiangrong came, and this was another case that happened in his own city. If he didn't come, he would inevitably be accused of retreating, cowardly and fatuous, so even if he was unwilling, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and fight hard in order to keep his official title!

Besides, when the sky fell, there was still a tall man supporting him. This tall man was naturally referring to Lu Xiangrong. This man's name was like thunder, and his entourage, Tie Shi, was also a first-class expert who was famous in the capital. There were two of them Now, he shouldn't let himself die here.

(End of this chapter)

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