Violent Fairy Fairy: Sweeping the Handsome Guys of the Three Realms

Chapter 208 The great cause of unification begins with marriage

Chapter 208 The great cause of unification begins with marriage

Ning Yujiang nodded and said: "Don't worry, I will definitely give you and other people who have been harmed by her an explanation!"

Feng Yanyu has a lot of blood debts in her hands, and Ning Yujiang also feels that she must not be pardoned for her crimes, otherwise the public anger will not be appeased, and the Great Elder cannot ignore it.Anyway, they didn't intend to kill Feng Yanyu immediately at the beginning, they locked her up first, they discussed the countermeasures, and it would not be too late to deal with her.

Feng Yanyu consciously regained her strength, and burst out laughing, everyone in Wuji Hall looked at each other, feeling very embarrassed.

Ning Yujiang was in a bad mood because of Feng Yanyu's matter, so he dragged Huo Yanyang to rock climbing to vent his anger.

Tongzi Yuxiu is also a member of the advisory team, and is currently being seconded to Black Wind Mountain to find a small series of fire-type formations. He cannot stick to Ning Yujiang, but he has a lot of "eyes and ears" on Xunfeng Cliff. As soon as Yanyang arrived, someone quickly sent a letter to inform him.

When there were no other "competitors" near Ning Yujiang, he could squat peacefully on Heifeng Mountain. Now that his love rival is here, how can he stay there?Thinking of an excuse on the spot, he rushed back to Xunfengya.When others arrived, Ning Yujiang and Huo Yanyang were about to go out, and when they saw him, one was surprised and the other raised his face on the spot.

Needless to ask, the one who was surprised was Ning Yujiang, and the one with the long face was Huo Yanyang, he finally found a chance to be alone with Ning Yujiang, why did this damn boy Yuxiu join in the fun? !

Yuxiu boy didn't care what his face was, he was going to follow him with a stern face, and claimed that he happened to have a progress report. After some entanglement, Ning Yujiang finally decided not to go rock climbing, and the three of them went to the scene of Heifeng Mountain together inspect!Yuxiu Tongzi can explain on the spot if he has something to say, Huo Yanyang happens to be from the Fire Clan, and he is the perfect candidate to find the fire-type magic circle.

When Huo Yanyang thought of how the good "date" would turn out like this, he was filled with sorrow, and looked at Boy Yuxiu with Sanwei Zhenhuo in his eyes, wishing to roast him into charcoal on the spot, so that he could vent his anger.

Several elders looked at the three of them from a distance, and they all laughed secretly, their heavy heart relaxed a lot, the second elder shook his head and said with a smile: "My family head has many admirers, all of them are rare talents, I really don't know which one to choose. "

The fourth elder is the only woman among the elders of the Wind Clan. Hearing the words of the second elder, he didn't take it seriously and said: "As long as they are willing, the patriarch will accept them all. We, the Wind Clan and the Thunder Clan of the Wood Clan, can be polygamous or But polyandry."

The Sixth Elder listened to their chatter, and came over to gossip: "It's easy for others to say, is the devil willing to have polyandry? It's no wonder he didn't kill the other few!"

Although the fourth elder has never married anyone, he has never lost his lover. He is a full-grown woman. Hearing the words of the sixth elder, he glared and said: "If he doesn't want the patriarch, then don't want him. Let's see if he is still proud!"

The other elders looked disapproving, how could the devil be so easy to dismiss?
The fourth elder snorted: "Although the patriarch dumped him back then, how long has he hurt the patriarch? If it wasn't for him, our little patriarch would have been born long ago. 100 years ago, the patriarch insisted on breaking into the cave of evil spirits. For righteousness, but in the final analysis, it is not for him? The evil spirits always kill the person with the highest magic power first, and he is the first!"

This statement is entirely from Feng Jingyu's point of view, and it is actually a bit unreasonable, but in view of Feng Jingyu's lofty status in the Feng Clan, everyone agrees with it, and there is no objection.

The second elder suddenly smirked and said: "Think about it, if the patriarch accepts all the men who are interested in her, at least the fairy clan can almost be unified..."

When the elders thought about it, the patriarch really had a lot of admirers!
Although Shui Xiangtian of the Shui tribe has no chance, his eldest son and successor, Shui Liushang, is also said to be devoted to the patriarch.

Although Huo Yanyang of the Fire Clan is not the patriarch, his status is about the same.

The Tu Clan was originally at odds with their Feng Clan, but the new patriarch, Tu Siche, seemed to be very close to his own patriarch, and that kind of virtue was clearly a heart-wrenching move.

Except for the Jin clan, but the Jin clan really doesn't have anyone they can look up to. The patriarch Jin Zeli is not only old but also has a bad character. He has thought about their patriarch, but their patriarch has never thought of him at all. Had a good impression, do not mention worth mentioning.

Calculated in this way, among the five great fairy clans plus the Mu clan that has been presided over by the Feng clan, there are already four clans that have a "close relationship" with the head of their own clan. It is not too much to say that the fairy clan is unified.

If the demon lord is willing to "surrender" under the skirts of their patriarch, then the two clans of immortals and demons may reach a unified situation that has not been seen in tens of thousands of years. It is really exciting to think about it!

Thinking like this, it is very difficult to realize it. First of all, what the patriarch thinks of these admirers is very problematic.

A few elders stopped doing their business and stood in front of the Wuji Hall chatting with enthusiasm, suddenly felt that Mo Ming's chill was getting stronger and stronger, and the several elders shuddered at the same time, feeling uncomfortable in their hearts.

The second elder rubbed his nose and said, "Why is it so cold?"

The third elder looked up at the sky, and a snowflake happened to fall on his eyelid. He quickly wiped it off with his hands, and muttered, "What the hell, it will snow if you say it will snow."

The other people felt bored, they had already survived the cold and heat, but it was obviously uncomfortable to stand here chatting in the snow, so they all broke up with each other.

Little did they know that their words were heard by the other protagonist in the words...

Share his quiet words with others? !Absurd!With a gloomy face, Ye Yan turned around and walked to a street corner.The snow fell heavily, and the ground was covered with powdered salt in the blink of an eye. A line of shallow footprints stretched all the way to the corner of the street and disappeared completely. The owner of the footprints was already on Heifeng Mountain dozens of miles away.

It was also snowing in Heifeng Mountain. Not far ahead, you could see the three people walking in the snow, talking and laughing. The snow powder was flying, and the little beauty with dark blue hair and elves was so dazzling. And the two smiling handsome young men beside her are so eye-catching... If he hadn't made an appointment with his sweetheart, he might not have been able to resist showing up to kidnap her and bring her back to the magic palace.

She is his, other men want to get her idea, don't even think about it!

In less than two months, Ye Yan almost gritted his teeth and thought, at that time, there will only be him and her!

This situation made Ning Yujiang think of another person. In the past, where there was Yuxiu boy, Zhongling boy could be seen in most places. Now Zhongling boy has become a water cup, but today standing beside her has become Huo Yanyang, thinking of this, she couldn't help but sighed, she still didn't know what happened to Zhong Ling back then, with his cultivation base, he shouldn't have died so early.

Hearing her sigh, Huo Yanyang asked, "Worrying about Feng Yanyu? If I had known I wouldn't have to take her to Xunfeng Cliff, I would have dealt with her on the spot! But her face, alas, look I really can't put my hand down..."

"You are clearly greedy for beauty, and you forget righteousness when you see sex. Feng Yanyu and my little ginger candy are obviously far away!" Yuxiu boy already knew that Feng Yanyu was caught by Huo Yanyang and sent back to Xunfengya, Take the opportunity to attack his soft heart.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Huo Yanyang's approach, except that she really didn't have the heart to do it, she also acted according to the rules. Although Feng Yanyu had already been expelled from the Feng Clan and became a felon of the Immortal Clan, she was the relative of the Feng Clan chief after all. Younger sister, if she is replaced by other Immortal Clan members today, as long as they can, they will definitely send her to the Wind Clan and leave her to the Wind Clan for their own disposal.

Ning Yujiang shook his head and said, "That woman has nothing to say, I just thought of Zhong Ling..."

Yuxiu Tongzi said: "That bastard and the Great Elder have gone somewhere, it's really annoying!"

Ning Yujiang smiled wryly and said: "Zhong Ling has already reincarnated, Great Elder... I think if he hadn't betrayed the Wind Clan, then he would have passed away as well."

Boy Yuxiu yelled strangely: "What? It's okay for the First Elder to say, he is indeed not young. But how could that guy Zhong Ling finish playing so early?!"

Huo Yanyang and Zhong Ling Tongzi also met each other once, and he was very surprised when he heard the words, and said: "How is it possible? Zhong Ling's spells are not weak, who can kill him?!"

"He... I don't know, but I always feel that this matter is not simple, and maybe it has a lot to do with me." Ning Yujiang originally wanted to say "he didn't say it", but after thinking about it, he wondered if Shui Liushang would like it Let people know about it, or don't reveal it casually.

Both Yuxiu Tongzi and Huo Yanyang could see that she didn't want to go into details, so they just kept the question in their hearts, and neither of them continued to ask.

Although Huo Yanyang has known Zhong Lingtong for many years, they didn't spend much time together, and it's over after a while, but Yuxiu Tongzi has been with Zhong Ling for hundreds of years. He suddenly heard that he had passed away for a long time, and he was really upset. Know what it's like.

In the past, he and Zhong Lingtong didn't like each other, they had to compete for strength in everything, and they only thought about how to compare each other every day, but when it came to true feelings, they were the most beautiful to each other in the world besides Feng Jingyu. Get close to people you know.

Ning Yujiang saw his thoughts, patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "He has reincarnated and started again, so don't take it too seriously."

Tongzi Yuxiu grinned and said with a forced smile: "It's okay, it's just good to lose him, and I will be the closest to you from now on!"

Ning Yujiang gave him a funny look, and thought: If you tell him that Shuiliu Shang is the reincarnation of Boy Zhong Ling, see if you can still laugh!

Tongzi Yuxiu led them around the Black Wind Mountain area, looked at all the four chain formations that had been discovered, and then he did not forget to conclude to Huo Yanyang: "As for the most verbose ones of your Fire Clan, all the chain formations I have found them all, but you are missing those from the Fire Clan, so I don’t know where they are hidden.”

"It's clearly because you are not good at learning, that's why you can't find it." Huo Yanyang retorted.

(End of this chapter)

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