Chapter 264 You are already surrounded by me!
The two boys are independent from the elders, they are the right arm of the patriarch, and they have great authority. If the patriarch dies unexpectedly and no heir is determined, these two boys will act as the patriarch together until a new one is elected who can get the patriarch. recognized heirs.

In the history of the Feng Clan, there was even a case where one of these two boys directly inherited the position of patriarch, until a new heir was selected nearly a thousand years later and then abdicated.

If there is no accident, usually when the new patriarch succeeds to the throne, the two boys will become elders.It can even be said that the authority in the hands of the two boys is no less than that of the patriarch.

In the Wind Clan, the authority of the patriarch is not as great as that of other fairy clans. Many things must be carried out with the consent of the elders and the two boys. In addition, the people of the Wind Clan are unruly in nature, so the competition for the position of the patriarch is far more important than other fairy clans. few.

Feng Jingyu grew up with Zhong Ling and Yuxiu, and they have a deep relationship with each other. Ye Yan had enough confidence in the past that Feng Jingyu liked him. Naturally, she could tolerate the open and dark arrows of these two people, but now , he is not sure if he has that self-restraint.

Shui Liushang naturally felt Ye Yan's cold gaze cast on him. To be honest, being shot by such an unfriendly gaze from such a top expert, coupled with the coercive aura he unleashed invisibly, was really stressful, but he On the surface, he still had a calm demeanor, as if he was not affected at all.

Similar situations have happened many times along the way, and it is impossible for Ye Yan to really do anything to Shui Liushang at this time, and in the end he just turned around coldly, returning to his previous attitude of ignoring each other.

Mu Huaqing quickly rushed to the small island where the people of the Five Leagues lived. Although the Five Leagues avoided overseas and set up magic circles on the small islands to avoid the danger of being slaughtered by evil spirits, they were also affected by the magic circles on the island for many years. The suppression of evil spirits has resulted in damage to mana and body functions. Up to now, the total number of "survivors" is less than one thousand. 100 years ago, because they had a method to subdue the evil spirits, all of them moved away from the place where they originally lived. Protected islands live on top of ordinary islands.

They thought that the Three Realms had already been poisoned by evil spirits, and their lives would inevitably be ruined. It would not be a problem for them to become kings and hegemons after their return.Unexpectedly, after sending people out to investigate, it was discovered that the evil spirit did not appear in the world a year ago!After many investigations, they found out that it was the patriarch of the Feng clan who entered the cave of the evil spirits and stopped the appearance of the evil spirits. All the creatures in the three realms were intact. Yes, so the leaders of the Five Leagues had to adjust their plans. Originally, it was okay for them to wait 1 years, but they couldn't wait any longer.

The lives of immortals and demons are limited. For this generation of people in the Five Leagues, they don't want to survive like mice in the gutter for a moment.They want to use the biggest weapon in their hands to fulfill the last wish of their ancestors and become the rulers of the Three Realms!
So they began to develop their own power, using various means to lure and lure people from the fairy and demon clans to cooperate with them.It's a pity that God seems to want to fight against them. Every time no matter how well-planned the plan is, there will always be an accident at the last moment, and the success will fall short and the army will be lost.

The money they had accumulated over the past hundred years was about to be wiped out in the blink of an eye. Mu Huaqing, who was the think tank of the Five Leagues, felt so depressed that others could never imagine.

However, no matter how depressed he was, he would not show it in front of his tribe. The first thing he did after returning to the base camp was to gather all the important people of the Five Leagues who stayed on the island and publish an article entitled "The Situation". Everything is good, the road is tortuous, but the future is bright" speech, without mentioning the setbacks in their plans, encouraging everyone to unite, work together, and continue to work hard.

The speech was quite successful, but just like the fate of all their previous plans, when everyone was so excited and wished to go out with Mu Huaqing to have a big fight right away, a basin of ice water was poured down on their heads, and they were thrown It was a chill.

"Everyone on the island has heard this, and immediately gather on the beach on the east side of the island, or they will be killed without mercy!" Ye Yan's voice came coldly, it wasn't loud, but it could be heard clearly from every corner of the island clearly.

As soon as Mu Huaqing knew something was wrong, his face turned pale instantly. It was obvious that someone was following him to his lair. He was obviously careful and cautious... Now that the other party dared to blatantly yell like this, it was obvious that the person who came was not a good person, and there might already be a gathering of immortals and demons outside Experts from all walks of life, waiting to catch them all in one go!

The leaders who were being mobilized were also taken aback, looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally focused their eyes on Mu Huaqing.Mu Huaqing thought about stretching out his head and making a stab, and then retracting his head was also a stab. He gritted his teeth and tried to stay calm. He strode out of the conference hall, looked up, and was stunned on the spot.

There was no encirclement as imagined outside, only a young man in green standing in the air, looking down at them indifferently.

After Feng Jingyu's "death", Ye Yan has been closed in the magic palace, and has reappeared for more than a year. Except for one appearance in the battle between immortals and demons, he has not done anything earth-shattering. Mu Huaqing Those who waited for the Five Leagues had never experienced the era when the Demon Lord swept the Three Realms, and their knowledge of the Demon Lord was only at the stage of "everyone said he was very powerful", and they had never personally felt his tyrannical strength, let alone witnessed it with their own eyes. over himself.

So everyone was very familiar with this person on Yunshang, and when they found that he was the only one standing on Yunshang, everyone felt relieved that only one person came?That's easy to deal with!Hundreds of them swarmed up here, and every kick could turn him into a pulp!

Mu Huaqing made up his mind, cupped his hands towards the sky and said with a sneer, "Your Excellency's tone is not small, I don't know who is the master."

"My name is Yeyan. I will count to three, and if you don't reach the people on the east beach, prepare to die." Most people are not familiar with the name Yeyan, and everyone is more used to calling him the devil, so I don't care Hua Qing also reacted for a while before remembering his identity. Although he was a little scared, he was lucky after all. He felt that no matter how strong the devil is, he should be able to fight with all the strong opponents on the island.

Before he could speak, the irritable bosses behind him couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted loudly: "Where did the unknown pawn come from, court death!"

They have been trapped on the island, and have never seen a cloud of fierce people outside. They have always indulged in self-indulgence. Confused, after a long time, they all think that the outsiders are chickens and dogs, but the victory lies in the large number. If they are against them one-on-one, they will definitely lose.

Seeing that someone came to the door single-handedly at this moment, I can't wait to go up and beat him hard, so that he can see how powerful these elite descendants are!

Mu Huaqing was more sensible than them, and before they asked for a one-on-one fight, he said to the bosses who were eager to try: "This man is the number one expert in the Three Realms, he must not be underestimated, let's swarm up and fight quickly!" !"

Not only are those leaders not afraid, but they are even more excited. They are about to defeat the top experts in the Three Realms. Why don't those people outside bow down to the elites of the Five Alliances? !There was no need for Mu Huaqing to greet, they all shouted, showed their magic weapons, and greeted Ye Yan with a huff.

On the surface, Ye Yan seems to be indifferent to these people, but in fact, he has been secretly vigilant.Before he came, Ning Yujiang had told him about the origins of the Five Leagues, and asked him to deal with them carefully. These people's mana might not be very good, but they might have some magic weapon left over from ancient times, or special spells. , must not be careless.

Looking at the posture of these people now, Ye Yan is quite disappointed. The strength of these people is at most a second- or third-rate master in the Three Realms. The alliance's scheme is so big, but its strength is so weak. I really don't know what kind of evil the Lord Lieyuan has fallen into to mix with these people.

Even if the opponent is like this, he still remembers Ning Yujiang's words, take a defensive position first, and see what tricks they have.Mu Huaqing was watching the battle below, seeing that Ye Yan was just dodging, not making a move, and his speed was not so fast, he finally felt relieved, and said to himself: "The so-called devil lord is just a vain name, no wonder he hasn't been seen out all these years Let's go! We must catch him as soon as possible, and ask him how he followed him, and whether he has any other accomplices!"

Thinking of this, Mu Huaqing twirled the magic formula with his hands, and a green vine as thick as the mouth of a bowl broke through the ground behind him, and rolled towards Ye Yan who was fighting with several leaders of the Five Leagues in the air like a spirit snake.

Ye Yan patiently watched the few people in front of him "show off their power", and finally couldn't stand it after a while, it was too bad!
Their spells are a little different from what he sees in daily life, but the effect is not too great. I was a little curious at first, but after a few glances, I calmed down, just like a child playing big swords in front of you. One is to get used to routines. One is a new routine that has never been seen before, but no matter which one, one cannot avoid the fact that the attack power is extremely low, just for fun!

Judging from their expressions and breathing, they really did their best, so Ye Yan decided not to waste any more time...

Then, the fight ends in the blink of an eye...

All the magical weapons and weapons used by the eight leaders of the five alliances who besieged Ye Yan were turned in. Ye Yan rubbed them into a pile of waste and scattered on the ground. Among them, Mu Huaqing, who had the strongest magic power, released the longevity treasure The vines were uprooted and burned into "long charcoal", and the nine people themselves were suppressed to the ground by a huge force at the same time, and they were completely powerless to do other things except vomiting blood.

(End of this chapter)

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