Di Shao's Heartless Wife

Chapter 1600 Gain 1 Point of Fat

Chapter 1600 Gain a little weight

After Jiujiu opened his eyes, he glanced at the time. It was still early, Xiao Qingzhan on the right had already woken up, and Xiao Yangyang on the left who was snuggling against him was still soundly asleep, sleeping soundly.

Looking at his son's rosy face, Jiujiu's gentle eyes, lovingly caressing his son's sleeping face, only at this time can he feel that he is a child, a child who is only five years old.

All along, with Amber's careful care, Yang Yang has grown up very well and is getting taller and taller. Jiujiu thinks that his son is still a little thin and can be a little fatter. The children of other families are all chubby.

Boys who are stronger are always reassuring.

After going downstairs, Jiujiu talked to Ade about some things, and then talked to Xiao Qingzhan before getting into the car.

She had to go to the hospital to see the girl, a girl named Alan.

Tang Yining's surgery was not successful at all. The connected leg was not [-]% perfect, so there were still many details that were not completely clear.

If the girl is willing, she can help to give her the leg back and treat her well.


Jiujiu decided to meet with Alan first.

It is right to help others, but it also depends on whether it is worthwhile to help.

Ade's car drove very fast, shuttled all the way, and left the city in a short time. One or two hours later, the car stopped at the gate of a small hospital, which was called a hospital, or a health center.

This is already a very remote place.

Tang Yining hid herself in an independent private villa, but put her benefactor in a small health center. She had a mysterious big shot and a big doctor to help her, but Xiao Lan lived in a hospital with simple conditions.

But it's a pity.

Everything was too hasty and things didn't work out at all.

Standing quietly in front of the gate of the hospital, Jiu Jiu blinked and let out a long sigh.

A middle-aged man walked past them with a food box, Ade said softly.

"It's this man."

Jiujiu looked at the man's back, took out his phone and took a picture of his back, and then sent it.

Slowly stepping into the health center, maybe because they are too strong, and wherever they drink, the people who come and go can't help avoiding them.

Jiujiu pulled up his hat and walked towards Xiaolan's ward, standing at the door, Jiujiu saw Xiaolan's brows and eyes with a very sweet smile.

The man brought the soup and rice in front of Xiaolan, put the scarf on her carefully, gave her another sip of water, and then started to feed her. Xiaolan said she wanted to eat by herself, but the man said she wanted to eat. Pain her, must feed her.

Xiaolan blushed with embarrassment, her brows and eyes were filled with a sweet feeling.

Looking at this scene, Jiujiu felt a little creepy.

A person, obviously with a knife in his hand, is constantly cutting your flesh, but you still want to thank her for eating the flesh for you.

"Miss, do you think she is pitiful or not?"

Ade asked Jiujiu, Jiujiu was slightly startled.

In fact, she didn't have an answer to this question. Could it be that she is pitiful?

She knew it was this man who bumped into her, but she accepted his favor, and even wanted to marry him and make a home in the city.

Say she is not pitiful?

Being calculated so thoroughly by others, you may never know the truth until you are old and dead!


Maybe she will get a lifetime of happiness because of losing a leg?
"Ade, should I care?"

There was a hint of playfulness in Jiujiu's eyes, and Ade smiled with downcast eyes, no matter what, she already knew it in her heart, and she deliberately tested him.

The man touched Xiaolan's head, then turned around and went out with the food box.

Jiujiu and Ade stepped aside in a hurry, and waited until the man turned to leave before Jiujiu pushed open the door of the ward.

Xiaolan was in a good mood, hugging the pillow with crooked eyebrows, feeling that her life was really good.

She felt that the encounter between her and that man was a kind of fate. Although he bumped into her, it must also be a kind of fate.

"Who are you looking for?"

Seeing that Jiujiu was full of dignity, Xiaolan's eyes flashed with doubts, she didn't remember that she knew such a big man.

Jiujiu took out his mobile phone, called up the video of the accident at that time, and showed it to Xiaolan. Xiaolan nodded without even bending her eyebrows.

"Yes, this was captured by the camera when I had an accident."

There was a trace of alertness in her brows and eyes. The man told her that someone might come to her in the near future and tell her something about the accident. Don't believe it, because those people are trying to cheat insurance.

Looking at Xiaolan's brainwashed appearance, Jiujiu couldn't help sighing, and stopped talking to her, just asking her.

"Take you to see some things, for example, Xiang Maqiang's wife, Xiang Maqiang's children, Xiang Maqiang's dilapidated home!"

Listening to Jiujiu's words, Xiaolan felt like a bright mirror in her heart, she really came to cheat her, to cheat her money.

Ma Qiang is right, these people are not good people, they dress up dignifiedly, but they are all bad people.

Jiujiu knew this was the case, Tang Yining and Xiang Maqiang would definitely make all the preparations to make things go away perfectly.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed a number. Five minutes later, two young policemen in police uniforms appeared in front of Xiaolan.

When Xiaolan saw it, she couldn't believe it even more, these people really acted like them.

Jiujiu pointed to her mobile phone.

"Call the police yourself."

Xiaolan's face turned pale with fright, and her hands began to tremble from nervousness. She hurriedly picked up her mobile phone and dialed [-]. Then, the people from the police station told her that two colleagues had already passed by and were already in her ward. Get her number on the police.

But Xiaolan still didn't believe it, saying that the two police officers must be fake. After hanging up the phone, Xiaolan nestled under the quilt and screamed in horror.

"I'm not going, I'm not going anywhere, you are all liars, you want to lie to insurance, I broke my leg myself."

The more she reacted like this, the more suspicious the people in the police station were, so they approached her and asked her to assist in the investigation. Xiaolan rang the nurse's bell in the hospital and cried.

"I won't go with them, I won't go, I didn't do anything, I fell myself."

"They must be fake cops, they must be liars, they want to kill me."

When the nurse rushed to the ward to watch this scene, she sighed in her heart, how stupid people must be to become like this.

The head nurse stepped forward and patted Xiaolan on the shoulder.

"Xiao Lan, calm down, I can be sure, they are real police, and if they want to take you back to investigate, you have to go."

"They must be taking me somewhere to sell me. I have a broken leg and I can't run anywhere. I just sold it to someone else to be my wife."

At that time, even if she wanted to run away, she would never be able to run away for the rest of her life.

The head nurse, nurses, and police comrades looked at Xiaolan's unbelievable appearance, and felt helpless for a moment, turning their heads to look at Jiujiu.

A trace of helplessness also flashed in Jiujiu's eyes, and he said coldly.

"Take her away."

(End of this chapter)

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