Chapter 1680
When Jiujiu listened to Ade talking about this, he was choosing building block toys for the children.

Yiyi one, Yangyang one, when you have nothing to do, you can fight together, put together one, and then buy another one.

Jiujiu always hopes that Yangyang can play innocently like a child, and also train Yiyi's patience.

Recently Yiyi is in a good mood, eats well and sleeps well, so her spirit is getting better and better, she can’t sit still, and she plays all day long without taking a nap.

If Jiujiu hadn't arranged for her to play when she should play, study when she should study, and sleep when she should sleep, she could eat and play all the time.

Every day at home, she can happily go up and down, and her laughter is everywhere.

As a result, everyone can’t hear Yiyi’s laughter for an hour now, as if something is missing in their hearts, they must find Yiyi, see her, hear her laugh, and everyone feels like honey is poured into their hearts, Fragrant and sweet.

"how about this?"

Jiujiu took out a box of pirate ships and turned to ask Ade, this is a big pirate ship, the workmanship is a bit complicated, and it may not be possible to spell it out in a day or two.

"This level of complexity is enough. If I fight with the young master, half a day is probably enough."


Jiujiu's eyes brightened up. This boat is very beautiful and atmospheric, just like the boat when she and Yiyi were with Luo Fan back then.

When Jiujiu saw the boat, she felt very friendly, because she and Yiyi lived on the boat for a long time.

"Yiyi, just choose a simpler and smaller one, and just grind your patience."

Thinking that Yiyi will receive one-on-one education from the teacher in a few days, Jiujiu wants to accompany Yiyi to put together a building block.

I won't arrange too much, and I still have enough time to play, but I have to learn what needs to be learned.

As Miss Xiao's, she is destined to have some responsibilities to bear and some energy to guide.


Jiujiu still decided to focus on Yiyi's happiness and health, just study properly.

"Miss, are you going to start enlightenment soon?"

Ade glanced at the little lady's schedule, all kinds of teachers have made arrangements, and all of them are the best teachers in Ancheng or around the world.

Teachers who are near have a special car to pick them up, teachers far away have a special plane to pick them up, or come directly to Ancheng.

Moreover, these courses and teachers were selected after Yiyi looked at them and nodded.

Ade thinks this is very good, the lady has a plan in her life and a plan.

"Well, she's almost two years old, she can start to be confused, and she spends a lot of time playing every day. Let's take her out for more walks, to see the world's mountains and rivers, customs and customs, and learn a lot."

"I think it's better to take her out for a lesson and tell her how beautiful this place is, and let her see it with her own eyes."

Ade nodded. Ever since he was with Jiujiu, he has softened a lot and lost his hostility.

"Ade, haven't you got a girlfriend yet? Amber is about to have a girlfriend, why don't you go out for a walk?"

Ade's fair face suddenly turned a little red, he also considered this issue, but... everyone's circle is small now.

"My mother said for a while, let me go back and give me a blind date."

"You can go there and have a look."

Jiujiu nodded, and after choosing some toys, he walked to the cashier, Ade thought for a while and nodded.

"I'll go back sometime."

After paying the money, Ade carried the toy, and the two walked towards the elevator together.

"Amber has been playing games recently, and his skills have improved a bit, but he can only play one kind of character, and not others."

"As a result, we only play one kind, and a perfect match is enough."

Jiujiu laughed when he heard that, Amber used to only hang around the house, he could play games, chat with Aunt Rong, and it would be nice to fall in love together.

"By the way, I almost forgot. Aunt Rong, the village head of Tongcun, came to talk and said that the village head has a daughter who just graduated from college and wants to meet you. How do you feel?"

"Am I worthy of others?"

Ade raised his eyebrows, saying so, but Jiujiu saw the confidence in Ade's eyes, laughed, and patted him on the shoulder.

"Don't follow me this way, go to Tongcun tomorrow to see the progress, and talk to the village chief by the way."

Ed laughed too.

The lady taught them that no matter what position they are in or what work they do, there is no distinction between high and low.

As long as you are a good person and do good things, you will be fine.

He was also young, and he was pretty good-looking, and he was earning a lot of money. It was no problem to marry a wife and have children.

He also doesn't need his wife to do any work. If she wants to, she can go, and if she doesn't want to, she can just take care of the family.

Ade has figured it out. After he gets married, he will ask a nanny to take care of his wife and children at home. He will try his best to make his wife relaxed, and he will have time to dress himself up and go out to play.

Or do something she likes to do.

Mr. loves his wife and children, everyone can see that since he has alcohol, no woman can get into his eyes.

They follow the husband, and naturally know the responsibility and loyalty that a man should pay.

and so.

Even if Tang Yining took off her clothes and stood in front of them, they didn't have any thoughts.

Because they also want to leave their bodies to their wives, this is what the husband said.

"How about I take Amber down tomorrow to have a look?"

Jiu Jiu nodded.


Amber also likes Tongcun very much. Jiujiu originally wanted to give Amber a villa, but Amber said that wherever the children live, he will live there, unless the children dislike him.

He doesn't want anything, as long as there is a place to bury him when he grows old in the future.

Jiujiu smiled and said nothing, Yangyang hugged Amber tightly and kissed him on the face.

Yiyi also climbed onto Amber's body and kissed him on the face.

Then everyone stopped talking about these things.

But Jiujiu secretly saved 1000 million for Amber, and also secretly prepared a villa for him.

What should be given to him will not be less.

For loyal people, Jiujiu and Xiao Qingzhan have made arrangements.

There is a building in the new real estate that is all used to house their subordinates, staff, etc.


Although Xiao Shi didn't seem to have changed much, everyone knew it very clearly in their hearts.

Xiao's Group, Jiujiu's company, Yangyang's company, and Shiheng's company are all closely linked together, in harmony with each other, and move forward together.

Back in the car.

Jiujiu took out his mobile phone and scanned some news of the past two days.

"How is the Zhou family doing now?"

The Zhou family can agree to Tang Yining's request. For this point, Jiujiu will not forgive. Master Zhou and Mrs. Zhou must accept some punishment.

Especially Tang Yining's face was that of Aunt Xiao's.

The real Aunt Xiao always has a gentle smile in her eyes, like many stars in her eyes.

Unlike Tang Yining, Tang Yining's eyes were only calculating, only ruthless.

"The business has all failed, and the Zhou family has failed in any other aspect except for their academic achievements."

(End of this chapter)

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