Di Shao's Heartless Wife

Chapter 1688 Her Tears Fall Down

Chapter 1688 Her Tears Fall Down

Jiujiu caressed her swollen belly, and the children grew up very well in her belly and were always healthy.

The doctor has already told Jiujiu that she is pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl.

The younger sister that Yang Yang wants, there is.

I have the brother I want, too!

Xiao Qingzhan wants to have both sons and daughters again, and he also has them!

Jiujiu is also very satisfied, having four children is their admiration.

The sun shone warmly on their bodies, dimpled in the sofa chair, lazily lying on it.

When Xiao Qingzhan came over with fruit juice and nutritious soup, he saw his wife lying on the sofa like a noble kitten, lazy and luxurious, with pampering eyes.

"Come on, have something to eat."

Xiao Qingzhan handed the juice to Shi Heng, and Shi Heng immediately stood up and took it with a flattered expression.

Jiujiu moved.

"I don't want to move."

"I won't let you move, just sit down."

Xiao Qingzhan said softly, Jiujiu glanced at him.

"I just don't want to sit."

Xiao Qingzhan leaned over and picked up Jiujiu, let her nestle in his arms, and then took the soup and fed her mouthful.

Tang Shiheng stared dumbfounded at the scene in front of him, and hurriedly picked up the juice and left in a cold sweat.

If I marry a wife in the future, will I still be pampered and spoiled like this?

It's like putting it in your hand for fear of falling, and holding it in your mouth for fear of melting. Xiao Qingzhan has been with him for several months, and he is in such pain every day. Isn't he tired of it?


He watched his sister lose her temper and act coquettishly with his own eyes. Instead of being angry, Xiao Qingzhan had a smile on his handsome face, looking very happy. Isn't this looking for abuse?
Shi Heng pinched his chin, thinking hard, will he meet this kind of love in the future?

is this okay?

Shiheng didn't know, but in the future, he really met...

"How about I give you a massage?"

After feeding the soup, Jiujiu crawled out of Xiao Qingzhan's arms, nestled lazily on the sofa, basking in the sun, smelling the fragrance of flowers, listening to the children's laughter in the distance, and surrounded by her doting husband, There are two healthy children in the belly, which is really a very pleasant thing.

Jiujiu didn't speak, and stretched out his foot to Xiao Qingzhan's body, Xiao Qingzhan took it naturally, and then gently pressed it for her.

"Are you comfortable? Wife."

The strength was neither light nor heavy, it looked like he had learned it specially, Jiujiu let out a lazy hum.

Xiao Qingzhan looked at Jiujiu's seven-month-old belly, which was as big as anything, and his eyes were full of pain.

The stomachs of the two children are much bigger than the belly of one child, looking at Xiao Qingzhan is a little apprehensive.

The doctor in the villa has been guarding the wine, and the plane is always ready. If there is any problem, he will go to the hospital immediately.

When Mrs. Xiao Er came over with various nutritional supplements, she happened to see this scene, and she couldn't help but frowned and stepped forward.

"What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

Jiujiu hurriedly wanted to take back his legs, and Mrs. Xiao Er hurriedly waved her hand.

"Don't worry about me, Jiujiu, your pregnancy is already hard enough, Ah Zhan is your husband, and it's right to take care of you. I see your husband and wife loving each other, and it's too late for me to be happy."

"I'm fine, Mommy, I'm just lazy and don't want to move."

Jiujiu spoke with a smile, and Mrs. Xiao Er breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, hold on, I'll go see my two eldest grandsons."

Mrs. Xiao Er didn't want to disturb their couple's time. After handing over the things to the servants, she went to find her grandchildren.

Seeing their grandmother coming, Yangyang and Yiyi rushed forward to welcome her.

Yiyi jumped into the arms of the second lady, the little Yiyi who was more than two years old, the longer he grew, the better he looked, and the longer he grew, the cuter he became.

The Second Madam looked at the two children with satisfaction.

"Hey, I'm going to have a little brother and a little sister, are you happy?"

"I'm so happy, grandma, are you happy?"

Yiyi wrapped her arms around her grandmother's neck, and was embraced by the second wife, who held Yang Yang again and sat down together.

"Of course I'm happy, it's just hard work for your mommy."

Yiyi and Yangyang nodded together, Mommy is really working hard, now even turning over, sitting up, and walking is inconvenient, and she has to be supported.


They will also take care of Mommy, help Mommy sit up together, help Mommy go up and down the stairs and so on.

Mommy really needs them.

Daddy also said that they should take good care of Mommy together. Now everyone in the family is staring at Mommy, taking care of Mommy.

There are a lot of people in the villa, everyone is very nice, and Yiyi likes it very much.

The second wife played with the children for a while, and Amber came out to find them for dinner.

Because she was too busy, Aunt Rong didn't stay at Tongcun's villa during this time, but came here to help.

Jiujiu thinks it's pretty good, it solves Amber's pain of lovesickness, and by the way, they can see the truth together in adversity.

The two of them stuck together, busy from time to time, discussing what to do, what Aunt Rong wanted to learn, and they were quite happy.

Jiujiu basked in the sun for half an hour, Xiao Qingzhan wanted to hug her and walk away, Jiujiu saw that he wanted to take care of everything, shook off Xiao Qingzhan, turned and walked towards the living room.

Xiao Qingzhan was startled, and hurried to catch up, helping Jiujiu.

Jiujiu shook off Xiao Qingzhan and made a fuss.

"Don't follow me everything, I can walk by myself, I can take care of myself."

If the road is not allowed to go, it is very annoying.

It was inexplicable and suddenly annoying, and I didn't want to see him.

Xiao Qingzhan looked at the faint tiredness in Jiujiu's eyes, and his heart ached. He knew that Jiujiu was stressed and exhausted physically and mentally. Seeing her in a bad mood, Xiao Qingzhan was still so gentle.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want, but my husband has to follow you and take care of you, otherwise I don't feel at ease."

Jiujiu's pretty face was full of anger, he glared at Xiao Qingzhan, turned around and left with a hum.

Xiao Qingzhan looked at her striding like flying, and his heart was about to jump out. This is not seven days, but seven months, and there are two in his stomach, which is so big that it looks like it is going to explode. Comparing with her.

Worry about being full.


Seeing her walking fast and in good condition, Xiao Qingzhan was very happy from the bottom of his heart.

Mrs. Xiao Er led her grandchildren to hide behind the flowers and watched this scene, covering her lips and laughing.

Yiyi and Yangyang also laughed, and Mrs. Xiao Er stroked Yangyang's head.

"Did you see that when I grow up, I will love my wife so much."

"Okay, grandma."

The second lady whispered to Yiyi again.

"When looking for a husband in the future, you have to find someone who will love you."

"Okay, grandma."

Hearing the soft voices of the children, the second lady led them around and went to play again.

When Jiujiu returned to the living room, he turned around and saw that Xiao Qingzhan did not follow, and the grievance in his heart suddenly spread... Tears suddenly fell down...

(End of this chapter)

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