Chapter 266
It turns out that the two buildings of Mo's and Tang's are basically next to each other, and there is a sky garden between the two buildings, which connects the two buildings, so you can walk back and forth without much effort.

Jiujiu remembered, when she was searching for Tang Yining, this hanging garden had been in the news.

In order to express his love for Tang Yining, Mo Xiuyuan bought this piece of land together with Tang's, and built Mo's and Tang's, which were connected by a sky garden.

He said in the news,

In this way, Yining wants to come to her, so he doesn't have to be cold in winter, hot in summer, rainy in rainy days, and windy!
This sentence,
Once very popular in Ancheng, it became the most reasonable saying of love.

Tang Yining's eyes turned red from being moved, and the love between Mo Xiuyuan and Tang Yining spread throughout the streets and alleys, making the business of the two companies even better!
The apex of the heart seemed to be pierced with small thorns, and it was false to say that it didn't hurt.

With red eyes, staring blankly at the distance, the prosperity of those two towering buildings!

What a wonderful life without her, Tang Jiujiu. Mo Xiuyuan became the president, Tang Yining became the backstage, the Tang family and the Mo family reached the top at the same time, and became the real rich families in Ancheng!


Until now, Mrs. Tang felt that her decision was right, and she deserved to die!
Under the sun, Jiujiu's body was covered with layers of coolness, like falling into an ice cave.

She still couldn't understand how there could be such cruel parents in this world. When she saw Yang Yang, she couldn't help wanting to love her and hold her in her arms. She was Mrs. Tang's own daughter.

It's really interesting!

The biological parents killed their own daughter, such as Mrs. Tang to her.

His own daughter killed her own parents, like Tang Yining did to Shiheng and the others.

Jiujiu felt very tormented in his heart. With trembling hands, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shiheng.

"Shiheng, are you safe? They said they didn't find any trace of your injury or anything else. Shiheng, you must be safe."

"Shiheng, I hope you are safe. I will hand over your body information to the best medical organization. I will tell you when the new medicine comes out."

"Shiheng, the two men who appeared first are not mine, and I don't know who they are. Why do you say that? Those two men were picked up by someone else by plane, and we haven't caught him yet."


Jiujiu sent a total of more than a dozen messages to Shiheng, but Shiheng didn't reply to any of them, as if nothing had happened.

The green light turned on, and the voice reminded passers-by to cross the road. Jiujiu hurriedly put away his mobile phone, trotted all the way, sighed softly, and hoped that Shiheng was all right.

along the way,

Jiujiu's beautiful appearance attracted the eyes of many people, and many secretly turned on their mobile phones to take pictures of her beautiful figure!

When they arrived at Mo's Building, the front desk had already received the news, and they had seen Mo Qingran before, so they came up to welcome them.

"Miss, you are here, the president is on the top floor, please go up."

"it is good."

Jiujiu nodded, made a gesture, turned around and walked towards the elevator.

The lady at the front desk looked at Jiujiu's elegant and glamorous appearance, and couldn't help turning her head to talk softly with the people around her.

"Didn't Ms. Mo send out a draft to break ties with the Mo family? Why did you come to the Mo family again?"

"What do you know? She eloped with other men, and must have come back after being abandoned. She walked out of Mo's house, can she still live?"

"Then she can continue to find a man to raise her. Anyway, she is so beautiful and has such a good figure. I am a woman, so I am tempted."

"Then... Tell me, is she playing with the man? Or is the man playing with her?"

(End of this chapter)

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