Di Shao's Heartless Wife

Chapter 460 Frightened to Fall Chapter Seat

Chapter 460 Frightened and fell back to the seat
"Who is your cousin?"

Mr. Liang is so annoyed by her that he now wants to go out and arrest some bad guys to vent his anger. This Miss Lou is really powerful. She stays here for a few hours, making noise, crying, and wronging others. It's annoying.

"My cousin is... the leader of the seventh team of the Xiao Foundation's legal affairs department. He has great power."

The leader of the legal team?

Mr. Liang raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this, his whole body was upright and proud.

"I don't care what his status or position is. For me, the law is his status."

"Sit down!"

Mr. Liang let out a snarl, which made Ms. Lou tremble and fall back to her chair, glaring at Mr. Liang angrily.

"My uncle is a lawyer, I can sue you at any time."

"You are welcome!"

Mr. Liang growled more and more impatiently, and then the female colleague drank tea and chatted with Jiujiu again. Jiujiu's beautiful face had a gentle smile, which made the female colleague look at him without blinking.

She didn't expect that Miss Qianjin would be so elegant and gentle, that a woman like her could become friends with a delicate lady like Miss Mo.


She was surprised to find that Miss Mo knew so many things that she could even chat with her about anatomy! ! !

But it surprised her!
Later she found out that when Miss Mo was in the hospital, she was good friends with the doctors. The doctors were afraid that she would be bored, so the doctors of various departments took her around to see and learn.

She has even been in the authoritative dissection room!
Policewoman Wang Xiaoyu looked at Jiujiu with admiration, and felt that the weak figure in front of her was much taller.

The forensic agency in a hospital in country M has top-notch technology. They are also eager to learn, but they don't have the opportunity. I didn't expect that Ms. Tang could go in if she wanted to learn.

Wang Xiaoyu regained his energy immediately, ran back to his seat, took a book and handed it to Jiujiu.

Jiujiu opened it and almost covered her eyes. The front page was full of bloody photos, and there were even more terrifying pictures. This kind of visual impact really shocked her.

"Wow! Miss Mo, you're really not afraid. Can you see any doubts in this?"

Wang Xiaoyu looked excited, she just wanted to hear Miss Mo's opinion, sometimes the authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear, this is very important.


This is not top secret!
If some citizens care about their work, or care about a certain case, and they can disclose it, they will also talk about it. The police and the people are a family, and they should be the police who make the people feel at ease.

Citizens can also better supervise their work, making the city peaceful and peaceful!
Jiujiu flipped through the pages one by one, and Miss Lou leaned over to take a look, she quickly shrank back in fright, and looked at the two of them as if she was looking at a monster, it was so disgusting.

When he finished reading the information booklet, Jiujiu closed his eyes and recalled it carefully, and finally opened the third page.

He pointed to a shaded area and typed with his mobile phone.

Wang Xiaoyu looked at Jiujiu's words and was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair.

What she said was exactly the same as what the boss guessed, but what Miss Mo said was more reasonable.

They all said the murderer was a woman!

Wang Xiaoyu really thinks that Ms. Mo is a very amazing person. Not only is she beautiful, she looks weak, but she is actually very sharp and unique.

(End of this chapter)

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