Chapter 150 Going to Shushan

"Your courage is commendable, but you are also worthy to be my opponent?" Chonglou said disdainfully, and with a slap, the bloody big hand that had turned into substance quickly slapped Xiao Li.

Xiao Li looked solemnly at the giant bloody hand that came to him, he didn't dare to be negligent, he quickly took out the cold electricity, and blocked it with his spear.

Chonglou's bloody giant hand is condensed with devil energy, and this kind of evil energy is just what Leng Dian likes.

The moment the bloody giant hand came into contact with the cold electricity, the devilish energy in the bloody hand was crazily sucked in by the cold electricity, but even so, Xiao Li was still slapped backwards extremely fast, plowing a ten-meter-long trace on the ground.

"Hey, Negro, do you want it?" Jing Tian looked at Xiao Li who was backing up from behind and directly caught up with him, and asked,
At this moment, a white figure in the sky suddenly landed beside Sedum, and said, "Brother Jing, Senior Xiao."

"Brother Jing, the head asked me to pick you up to Mount Shu." Xu Changqing said directly.

"Wow, Bai Doufu, you came at a good time. There is a red-haired monster called Mo Zunlou over there. It seems that even the black people can't beat it. Hurry up and take us to Mount Shu and find that old man for help." Seeing Xu Changqing coming, Sedum seemed to catch him Like a life-saving straw, he hurriedly said.

"Demon Lord?!" Xu Changqing's face changed, and he put on a fighting air, but was stopped by Xiao Li.

"You take Sedum and go first, I'll hold him back." Xiao Li said while blocking Xu Changqing with his spear.

When Xu Changqing was still a baby, Zixuan, a descendant of Nuwa, knew that Xu Changqing would have a catastrophe this year, so she left a nuwa spirit stone to help Xu Changqing survive this catastrophe, and this catastrophe was to be beaten by the Demon Zunqing Building. Because he was seriously injured, if he was the one who stopped Chonglou, the tragedy that followed Xu Changqing might not have happened, and he could also change the plot.

From Xiao Li's point of view, Xu Changqing is also considered pitiful, and he was greened by him, and the tragedy between Zi Xuan and Xu Changqing can be said to be completely caused by Zi Xuan, no matter which life Zi Xuan has a big problem, In the first life, if it wasn't for Zi Xuan's stalking, the two of them would have cut off their relationship long ago. Human beings are absolutely acceptable to reincarnation, but Zixuan insisted not to say it, causing tragedy again, and in this third life, Zixuan sent Xu Changqing to Shushan when he was born, but then came to harass him again, The ending turned into tragedy again.

Zixuan had waited for Xu Changqing III for 200 years, it was indeed very painful, but if she hadn't been stalking at the beginning, and even more entangled later, the result of both of them would have been much better, you know, every time Zixuan stepped into Xu Changqing's Life is when Xu Changqing is about to become a fairy, and Xu Changqing, whose road to immortality was cut off by Zixuan, is not pitiful?
"Changqing has a mission, thank you Senior Xiao!" Xu Changqing did not say anything unnecessary, but flew away directly with Sedum Yujian.

"Don't even think about running!" Chong Lou saw Sedum and the two leaving, and turned into a huge crow trying to catch up.

But just as Chonglou flew up, a silver-blue cold light flashed by, and the bright thunder light bloomed like a flower, and then a bloody hole opened on Chonglou's wings, and scarlet blood sprayed out.

"Oh? You can actually hurt me, ants. I recognize your strength and leave your name behind!" Chong Lou looked at Xiao Li with some appreciation in his eyes, and said.

"Xiao Li." Xiao Li said calmly holding Lei Ya.

Although Xiao Li's move just now hurt Chong Lou, the wound in his body was also affected again, and a trace of abnormal red flashed across his face.

Of course Chonglou doesn't care about this, he only knows that Xiao Li is the second person besides Fei Peng who can hurt him!
Without using magic energy, the double blades on Chonglou's forearm popped out, rushing towards Xiao Li like a cannonball.


When the cold electricity came into contact with the double blades of the heavy building, there was a sound of gold and iron intersecting, and where the weapons touched, sparks continued to shoot out.

The stalemate lasted only for a moment, then Xiao Li turned his hand and took out the Thunder Fang, and slashed along the double blades of Chonglou, Chonglou was forced to retreat, and then rushed up again with the double blades.

Chonglou didn't use magic qi, which was something Xiao Li couldn't wish for, and he naturally wouldn't use grudge qi cheaply, and the battle between the two turned into a pure battle of moves and physical strength.

Chonglou's double blades are light and flexible, and Xiao Li's cold electricity is not weak at all when combined with Thunder Fang. Coupled with the length of the cold electricity itself, the two of them fought back and forth.

"Hahaha, happy! Xiao Li, I remember your name, but you are injured, and I will not take advantage of others. Let's fight again next time." Chonglou suddenly said with a smile, regaining strength in Feipeng During this period of time, he probably has someone to relieve his loneliness.

"Xifeng!" Chonglou yelled again, and instead of chasing after Sedum, it turned into a stream of light and left Yuzhou City directly.

"Oops, I forgot that this guy has a pony!" Xiao Li cried out inwardly.

Spreading his wings behind his back, Xiao Li turned into a beam of light and flew towards the direction where Sedum and the two left.

The location of Mount Shu is not difficult to find. It is the only place where practitioners gather in the human world. As long as you sense it carefully, you can find the direction.

As soon as Xiao Li arrived at the foot of Shu Mountain, he saw Sedum lying in the bamboo forest, while Xu Changqing hid beside him covered in injuries.

"Are you late?" Xiao Li thought in his heart, quickly lowered his figure, came to Sedum, patted the latter's cheek, and asked: "Sedum? Sedum?"

"Hmm..." Sedum shook his head, slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw Xiao Li, he kept Xiao Li with surprise on his face and said, "That's great, black man, you're fine, it's really great Already!"

"Do you really hope that I have something to do?" Xiao Li said with the corners of his mouth twitching.

"Of course not, who told you and Bai Doufu to tell the horror of that red-haired monster, making you look like you are going to die." Sedum curled her lips and said.

"By the way, where is the white tofu?" Sedum suddenly thought of something, looked around, and was relieved until he saw Xu Changqing not far away.

"Black man, is there any way you can save the white tofu? We were about to arrive at Mount Shu, but a strange person popped up on the way, and beat the white tofu into this appearance in three or two strokes. Speaking of which, who the hell is Fei Peng? Why do you call me Fei Peng?" Jing Tian scratched his head and said, he has been just an ordinary person since he was born, it seems that everything has changed since he made a wish that day.

"Fei Peng was your previous life, to be precise, it was your first life." Xiao Li didn't hide anything and said it directly.

While speaking, Xiao Li walked to Xu Changqing's side to check his injuries.

Xu Changqing was seriously injured, but his heart was protected by a wave of purple energy. Although he was not healed, his life was safe. Obviously, the owner of this purple energy was Zixuan.

"Since you choose to let go, why bother with it?" Xiao Li sighed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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