If You Are the One, the prince is too evil

Chapter 798 Give Your Life to Others

Chapter 798 Give Your Life to Others

Prince Rui's Mansion, as night fell, Helian Qingming trimmed Lin Feiluo's nails. With her drooping head and a row of feather-like eyelashes trembling slightly, Lin Feiluo was very curious, "Husband, why did you give me a handcuff today?" I cut my nails?"

"What and why? After thinking about it for my husband, I don't seem to have done anything for you. I will finish it tonight."

"What's wrong? Why do you say that?" Lin Feiluo felt that Helian Qingming was a little strange tonight.

Helian Qingming smiled lowly and said nothing, but her heart was sore, she put her hand on her mouth and kissed it, neat and very beautiful hand, Helian Qingming suddenly told herself to stop, absolutely not Thinking, this is for her good, and I have to pass this uncertain time before I can really have her.

Taking off Lin Feiluo's socks, Lin Feiluo's feet were exposed to the air, she flinched, her feet were still itchy in Helian Qingming's hands, Lin Feiluo broke free, "Husband, what are you doing?" ,lay down."

Helian Qingming smiled lightly, "Don't move, wash your wife's feet for your husband."

Lin Feiluo is completely petrified, he is an imposing prince washing his feet?Although he has done more excessive things, but this?It really made her unacceptable.

"No, my husband can't." Lin Feiluo struggled suddenly.

"Fool, what's the matter with washing your feet? What's more, I feel that this is my husband's welfare. I'm very honored."

Lin Feiluo suddenly said seriously, "Helian Qingming, I don't want it."

However, Helian Qingming put her feet in the wooden barrel prepared in advance without any doubt. The warm body made Lin Feiluo's body tremble, and then Helian Qingming put her hands in the barrel and began to rub her feet together. up.

Helian Qingming was really different tonight. Lin Feiluo let him wash her feet without struggling, but whispered, "Husband, what's the matter? Did something happen?"

Helian Qingming raised her eyes and smiled, "No, I just want to experience the life of an ordinary couple. They say that for a loving couple in the world, the husband washes the wife's feet."

He said that he was very peaceful and there was nothing wrong with it, but it still made Lin Feiluo feel a little uneasy. Helian Qingming tonight was really abnormal.

Watching Helian Qingming wipe her beautiful feet clean with a towel, fearing that she would be cold, he put her feet into the brocade quilt, cleaned her hands, a girl cleaned the wooden barrel, and Helian Qingming went to bed.

It was really weird, but getting into Helian Qingming's arms, all doubts were dispelled, it was good to have him by my side.

Helian Qingming's kiss fell like this, and soon the two became a little emotional. Helian Qingming turned away from the house, it was still early, and her miscarriage was less than a month old, but...

Maybe there will be no more chances in the future, Helian Qingming's hands suddenly become dishonest, Lin Feiluo has never seen such a quick-tempered Helian Qingming, "Husband."

Her answer was his increasingly uncontrolled movements.

In the end Lin Feiluo was so tired that she couldn't even lift a finger, she slowly closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Helian Qingming stared at her, his eyes suddenly became hot, he turned his head away, tried his best to control his emotions, then touched her sleeping point, and then poured the medicine into her.

Washed her body clean, and put on one piece of clothes for her piously. She didn't have many clothes and jewelry, only the qin he gave her was emitting a faint light.

Wrapping her in a package, the night was getting deeper and deeper, his hands tried to figure out her face over and over again, as if he wanted to remember, then he put his lips on her lips, and he didn't let go for a long time.

With the sound of knocking on the door lightly, Helian Qingming raised his head, his whole face was very dull, and said lightly, "Come in."

Wen Ze led Wen Che in, Wen Che didn't know why, but obediently greeted Helian Qingming, "I have seen my father."

Helian Qingming put his hand on Wen Che's head and stroked it. He had never liked children, and Lin Feiluo meant for Wen Che, but now he envied Wen Ze for having such a cute child.

"Master, everything is ready. Helian Qingzhuo is already waiting outside. This is what he entrusted to you. Don't worry, we will not go far. The subordinates will keep watching everything in the capital, and absolutely not It will make He Lianqing burn the princess."

Helian Qingming took the wax pill and put it away, and said in a low voice, "I believe you, if everything is normal, you can just bring me Luoer, I won't mind anything else."

What he said didn't care to make Wen Ze feel sour. He said this because he loved Lin Feiluo so much, "Master, don't worry, this subordinate will not let the princess lose a single hair."

"Okay, let's go!" Helian Qingming urged even though he was extremely reluctant.

Wen Ze asked Wen Che to hug the things, knelt down for Helian Qingming, kowtowed three times, and said, "Master, this subordinate is being presumptuous."

Wen Che stared wide-eyed wondering what happened?But still obediently did not ask.

Helian Qingming waved his hand, as if to say hurry up and leave!
Wen Ze picked up Lin Feiluo, grabbed Wen Che's hand, and walked out of Helian Qingming's room.

Helian Qingming was a little numb, he lost any consciousness in his dull mind, tears dripped for a long time, he actually surrendered his life like this, smiled miserably, but heard the door knock again.

Wiping his face indiscriminately, Helian Qingming called out "Come in"

Wuhen walked in with a person on his back, stared at the red-eyed Helian Qingming, bit his lips and said, "Master."

"Is everything done?"

"It's done. This is a death row prisoner who has been executed and can replace the princess."

"Okay, let's put it on the bed!" Helian Qingming said lightly, and continued to ask, "I checked the house, and there is no one there, right?"

"No one, everyone was dismissed by the subordinates."

"That's good! Let's go!" Helian Qingming whispered.

Wuhen nodded, pushed Helian Qingming out, poured wine on Helian Qingming's bed, and threw down the candle.

The sound of running water resounded, and the entire Prince Rui's Mansion was in chaos. Helian Qingming looked coldly at the room engulfed by flames. This was his and Lin Feiluo's nest. There were too many things here, but he couldn't help it. Do not give up.

"Master." It was Ling Yu and Lan Ying, they stared at Helian Qingming's bedroom with wide eyes and spit out flames, but he watched coldly, as if there was no worry or anxiety at all.

"Miss." Later Xiaotao's miserable voice resounded through the night sky, and she was about to rush into the fire.

Wuhen hugged him, but he heard Xiaotao's crazy voice, "Miss is in there, right? Wuhen, let me go, let me go!"

Wuhen hugged him, and someone stood beside Helian Qingming and knelt down, "Master, the fire is too big to be controlled."

"Just do your best." The cold voice made Ling Yu and Lan Ying jump in fear.

"Helian Qingming just does his best, my lady is still inside, you bastard." Xiao Tao was almost going crazy, and suddenly bit Wuhen's shoulder, "Ah!"

Wuhen was shocked by the pain, but still hugged Xiaotao tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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