If You Are the One, the prince is too evil

Chapter 821 Lin Feimo's Threat

Chapter 821 Lin Feimo's Threat
Lin Mufeng frowned, she didn't expect Lin Feimo to say this, the corners of her mouth pulled slightly, "Sister, if you have anything to say, you'd better say it clearly."

"Actually, we have all guessed, because Luoer's appearance did not change much, but her temperament changed a lot, so I didn't think much about it, but Luoer ran away once when she married the emperor, that was when she gave the emperor I wrote a letter, which is now in my hands.

"What did Luo Er say?" Lin Mufeng's face was tense.

"Luoer said she doesn't belong here, she is not our sister Lin Feiluo, her home is far away from here, she can't go back, Mu Feng, think about her playing the piano and singing in the palace, how could she Is it our sister?" Lin Feimo said lightly.

"Nonsense," Lin Mufeng said very annoyed, "Then where is our sister? You think you have something to say about slandering Luoer like this, don't you? Lin Feimo, you are always smart, how can you be so funny?"

Lin Mufeng called Lin Feimo with his first name and surname, so he was really angry.

"Mu Feng, please stay safe and don't be impatient. You can ask the emperor to verify this matter, and see if there is a lie in what I said?"

Lin Mufeng was silent, "I will ask the emperor for proof."

Lin Feimo said in a low voice, "Why didn't I tell the emperor about this, but went to you directly, because I was afraid that the emperor would get agitated, and if he got agitated, he would lose your eldest sister's life, so I told you the whole story first, In fact, this letter is in the hands of the eldest sister, so Luoer is safe. After all, even though she is not our Luoer, she has been with us for so long, and she has not done anything evil, so I will not confess her. of.

Lin Mufeng's hand made a "click" sound, and he said after a long time, "Lin Feimo, what do you want to do? You don't want to stop, you really don't want to die."

"Mu Feng, I don't want to die, I want to live well, I just hope you tell the emperor, don't drive me out of the palace, I will definitely behave in the palace and will not do anything bad until I give birth to the child " Lin Feimo said very calmly.

"You go out to live. Since you are Lin Xiangye's daughter, no one will neglect my elder sister Lin Mufeng. Why bother to stay in the palace."

"Mu Feng, you don't understand. There is a green shadow in this place. I don't want to give it up. I seem to be fantasizing that he can come back. Please beg the emperor not to drive me away." Lin Feimo said hypocritically.

"Alright, but you hand over the letter."

"My sister can't hand in this letter. I will never disclose this matter. As long as I can be safe, this letter will never be seen. Don't worry!"

"You, do you really don't want to live anymore, you want to blackmail the emperor with this letter?" Lin Mufeng said angrily, knowing that she was restless, but he didn't expect her to act like this.

Lin Feimo smiled softly, "What you said is also reasonable, but the eldest sister has to protect herself. You also know that the emperor and Qing Zhuo have always been at odds. I am pregnant now. Just in case."

"Do you think you will live like this, you will die faster."

Lin Feimo said in a low voice, "No, as long as I don't die, this letter will be a secret. Once I die, this letter will no longer be a secret."

Very good, Lin Feimo, just do it!If you don't kill yourself, you will never give up. Lin Mufeng gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will tell the emperor a word of what you said, so you can do it yourself."

Lin Feimo smiled softly, "Mufeng, my husband has disappeared, what can I do? I have to ask for a name for the child in my womb. His surname is Helian. He originally had a prince's father. He It is very possible that the king will come to the world, Mu Feng, can you understand my difficulties?"

"No one can understand your difficulties. You are selfish from the beginning to the end. What can I say? You don't even mind the life and death of your own brother. What else do you mind? A good card is taken by you The beating is so bad that father doesn't even want to admit that you are his daughter now."

"What's wrong with me? Don't think that Lin Feiluo will use her life to save you when facing life and death? I'm telling the truth, why does the truth hurt people like this? Who doesn't do it now? How much do you think? People are great? Why can’t everyone dare to admit their selfishness, or can you say that in the face of life and death, you will use your life to save Lin Feiluo, Lin Mufeng, I, Lin Feimo, are the truth, and you are so hypocritical.” Lin Feimo suddenly became excited.

"Lin Feimo, do you know what's the most hateful thing about you? It's your self-righteousness, your selfishness makes the whole world see it as selfish. Listen carefully, if one day Luo Er and I really want to die, I will definitely protect you. She, sacrifice yourself, because she is my sister, there are people more important than me in this world, one is a lover, the other is a family member, I, Lin Mufeng, cannot sacrifice my family members to live on my own, this is the gap between me and you, don't put you Imposing dirty thoughts on others." Lin Mufeng said angrily.

Lin Feimo suddenly snorted coldly, seeming to be very disdainful.

Lin Mufeng smiled lowly. "This is you, Lin Feimo. You are saying in your heart, who wouldn't talk big, say that they won't put a high hat on themselves, think about it! Not everyone in Lin Feimo is as selfish as you, but your selfishness It will kill you forever."

Lin Mufeng strode out, and Lin Feimo's lips curled up in Lao Gao's mouth. She spoke better than she sang, and she would never know if she was alive or dead.

Lin Mufeng strode into Helian Qingming's bedroom, and a girl came to stop him, "Mr. Yun, the emperor went to bed very late last night, and didn't sleep much. Now he finally fell asleep. Don't disturb him."

"Get out of the way." Lin Mufeng stared, the little girl was startled, and she didn't dare to stop her anymore, Lin Mufeng pushed the door and entered, the little girl lowered her eyes, such a lawless courtier, if he was the former emperor, he would have beheaded a long time ago.

Lin Mufeng walked in, and he heard Helian Qingming's even breathing. He was indeed exhausted, and he could also feel Helian Qingming's impatience these days. Without Lin Feiluo by his side, Helian Qingming was extremely tired. The tyranny, but the matter is urgent, he can't wait for a moment, he can only call out in a low voice, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, wake up."

Helian Qingming felt that he had finally fallen asleep, but there were flies "buzzing" in his ears, which was very annoying. He was a little displeased, and had to open his eyes to see that it was Lin Mufeng. He held his forehead, " Uncle, can you let me sleep for a while, I haven't closed my eyes for several nights."

Lin Mufeng sighed in a low voice, "It's not because the matter is urgent, you thought the humble minister would disturb you."

"Oh!" Helian Qingming was startled, did something happen?He was on the right track these days, and he thought that no one would look for trouble, but that was obviously not the case.

"What's going on?" Helian Qingming got up and leaned on the bed.

"Luoer is not Luoer, is it?" Lin Mufeng said lightly.

Helian Qingming was confused when he heard that, "Why Luoer is not Luoer, what do you mean?"

(End of this chapter)

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