Pirated Ronaldo

Chapter 147 Personal Credit Crisis

Chapter 147 Personal Credit Crisis
Benfica, who is in the Seaview Hotel in Condi Town, is in a mess, and Ronando also feels that he is in a mess!

After being besieged by a group of reporters who didn't know where they came from, Nunia Bemutis left a few plausible words, and then drove her car leisurely through the night Left the town of Condi and went back to Spain, leaving behind a lot of chicken feathers...

"It's a conspiracy! It's a fucking conspiracy! I didn't even touch that woman's finger!"

After Ze Ruoyi learned that he had been wronged so much that he became the shameful supporting actor among two men and one woman, he was so angry that he cursed.

However, it is useless to be angry, the photos of Ronando and Ze Roi wearing half-open pajamas and the almost naked Nunia Bermutis have appeared on the Internet at a fast speed , one can imagine what those media will say when the newspaper comes out the next day!
Now, the whole of Portugal wants to know: What happened between Ronaldo, Ze Joy and Nunia Bermutis?
Until then, Ronando didn't know the great name of this Spanish agent!
Nunia Bermutis, a well-known rumored agent in Spanish football, she used to maintain unclear personal relationships with many professional players, and almost all the players associated with her were revealed to have had sex with her In close contact, the most famous is the England star Beckham. Although Beckham has always denied it, he has not been wiped clean.

The main reason why Beckham couldn't explain clearly was Nunia Bermutis herself. This woman has a habit of never denying that she has slept with those stars!

The so-called cats have cats and dogs have dogs. There are so many strange things in this world. Nunia Bermutis relied on the gimmick of her abnormal relationship with the stars, not only did she not become a famous player in Spanish football. On the contrary, she has a very good life. Some brands just fancy her "characteristics" and give their own brands to her players to endorse. Of course, these brands are generally not good brands, and big brands must be around. follow her.

Nunia Bemutis's fame is so great that players who are clean and self-conscious are afraid to approach her, because approaching her means being her guest of honor.

Ronando is a standard recruit, of course he doesn't understand these things, even Ze Roy, a rookie who has just been promoted from the Portuguese League to the Portuguese Super League, only knows a little bit about it, he has heard of Nunia Bermutis name, but the specifics are unclear.

Two rookies, so unlucky to get into the game, but this time they are extremely popular, two men and one woman, this is not popular!
Just when Ronando was in a state of desperation, Carolina's phone call came.

"Ronaldo, what is your relationship with that woman? I don't believe you slept with that kind of thing! But a reporter ran to my house and showed me the pictures!"

"Damn it! Karna, I didn't even touch you, so of course I wouldn't fall in love with that woman! She ran into my room by herself, I can't throw her out, can I?"

"That's a conspiracy! Someone is targeting you! Shameless woman, she won't come and harm you for no reason!"


Who will come to frame Ronando?It's hard to say, Benfica's enemies, Ronando's enemies, are all possible, especially Sporting Lisbon and Akchit, who are the biggest suspects, but Ronando, who has no evidence, is crying Tears are useless, what evidence does he have to prove his innocence.

If he's a woman, it's easy to deal with, at worst, go for a sex test, and everything will be clear, but a virgin, how do you get this test?

But one thing is for sure, Ronando and Nunia Bemutis have no grievances in the past and have no grievances in the near future. There is no need for Nunia Bemutis to come out like this. It is not good for her. If Luo Nando is really a superstar in the world, and she may be able to gain some fame by posting it, but at this moment, Ronando has only just emerged and become popular in Portugal, which does not mean that he is a figure in Europe, at best he is just a young recruit.

If Nunia Bermoutiz really wants to play, there are plenty of famous players in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​why bother to come to the small town of Condi.

However, just because it didn't make sense, the truth of the matter became even more apparent, making it even more difficult for the unlucky Ronando and Ze Ruoyi to explain it clearly.

On April 4th, Benfica's 10th league match day, but the town of Condi has become a whirlpool. Not only did Portuguese journalists from all walks of life come to get the news, but even nearby Spanish journalists also came. I was isolated by the hotel staff outside the floor where Benfica was located, but they all gathered in the lobby and corridors of the hotel, eagerly asking for all useful news.

Agent Mendes arrived, as did Benfica's manager and press officer.

However, everyone was at a loss. The only evidence they could find was the video taken by the camera in the hotel corridor, which proved that only 16 minutes had passed since Nunia Bemutis walked into the room and reappeared at the door of the room. And for the first 4 minutes, the door was still open, that is to say, the time to close the door was only 12 minutes at full count.

12 minutes, two men, this time is obviously too short, but what can this explain?At most it is suspicious.

Benfica's press officer held a live press conference at the hotel to clarify the truth and released the video to prove the innocence of Ronando and Ze Roy.

However, the reporters were extremely dissatisfied with the club's explanation!
Compared with the ambiguous photos at the scene, everyone is more willing to believe in their own judgments!
Especially the ambiguous words of Nunia Bemutis, "More fascinating than David" and "Can you give me back the coat", these words are too easy to associate, and it is very clear It can be imagined that some abnormal things happened to the three people in the room at that time, and in the end they "forcibly left" Nunia Bermutis' coat...


In the morning, Carolina arrived in a hurry. After she arrived at the hotel, she expressed her attitude to the reporters present in the hotel lobby.

"I absolutely believe in him, he is definitely not a man who will play around! As his girlfriend, I know exactly what kind of woman he likes! Does she have a pair of beautiful big eyes? Does she have delicate skin? I said this I just want everyone to know that it is impossible for him to have a crush on that woman!"

"So, there is only one explanation for all this. This is a coincidence, or, a premeditated! Conspiracy!"

This is the first time that Carolina has appeared in front of the public with such a tough face. In the past, she was youthful and cute, but this time, she is like a raging lion cub.

Carolina’s entry point is also very interesting. She announced Ronando’s aesthetic hobbies, big eyes and delicate skin, which definitely do not match the aesthetics of ordinary Portuguese. Portuguese men probably care about their figure first when they look at women. Protruding forwards and backwards are the favorite of Portuguese men. Face control like Ronando's is really rare.

After Carolina's explanation, it really had some effect, at least many people have already become suspicious in their hearts.

First of all, Benfica's games are so intensive, Ronaldo would be crazy to do such a thing the day before the game, and secondly, Nunia Bermutis' figure is hot enough, but she certainly does not have what Carolina said In the end, 12 minutes, this time is too short for both Ronando and Ze Roy, even if one of these two guys is not good, are they both fast shooters?

When Ronando knew that Carolina was here and made such remarks downstairs, he couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

Ronando's aesthetics that Carolina figured out by herself is correct, which proves that she really understands Ronando's preferences, but if this little girl knows the relationship between Ronando and Yang Xiaotong, and her own experience in Ronando I don't know how she will feel about the true position in her heart.


The head coach Trapattoni was angry and annoyed by this sudden and confused incident. This incident has greatly affected the team's games and training. Even if Ronando and Ze Roy did not participate in this game, Other players have also been affected. It is difficult for anyone to be surrounded by so many reporters.

The team adapted to the field training in the afternoon, and Ronaldo and Ze Roy were left in the hotel for reflection.

In the evening, when the official competition started, a pair of brothers and sisters still stayed in the hotel.

The result of the game was 0:0, the emotionally affected Benfica players did not perform well enough on the field, they were stubbornly tied by the home team Rio Ave, and instantly changed from being tied with Sporting Lisbon with 53 points to being behind the deadly enemy .

Of course, the worst player in this round is not Benfica, but the defending champion Porto.

Before this round of the league, there are a total of three contests between the top four teams, namely the Porto Derby in this round, Porto vs. Boavista, and the Lisbon Derby in the 33rd round. Benfica played against Boavista in the round of 34.

As a result, this round of Porto is still immersed in the shadow of the Champions League defeat, defeated by Boavista with one goal, and suffered a miserable three-game losing streak in the league.

Sporting Lisbon has 56 points, Benfica has 54 points, Porto and Boavista are tied with 52 points.

Benfica's 2 points are so wronged. If it weren't for the fact that Ronaldo was caught in a scandal and the team was affected, it would be reasonable to take all of Rio Ave, then they would have an advantage in the league .

First of all, compared with Sporting Lisbon, the two teams will have a UEFA Cup quarter-final match four days later, but Benfica won the first leg. They can be more conservative in the away game, leaving spare energy to return to the league to grab points. , they are a little more relaxed than Sporting Lisbon.

Secondly, compared with the two Porto teams behind, if Benfica accumulates 56 points, it will lead by 4 points. Even if they accidentally lose an extra game, they will still lead!

However, Benfica is in big trouble now. Ronando is deeply involved in the scandal. It is hard to say when he will be able to get out of the predicament and recover. When this kind of league and Europa League matches are in a mess, such things happen. The word "disaster" can be used to describe it.

Could it be that Benfica is destined to miss the league title, let alone the European title?

(End of this chapter)

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