Pirated Ronaldo

Chapter 517 Grassroots Shooter Rice

Chapter 517 Grassroots Shooter Rice
Manchester United's performance in this year's Boxing Day War is very satisfying!
West Bromwich Albion in the away game was forced to give up after persisting for less than an hour, and replaced the main forward Nwankovo-Kanu, conceding defeat and surrendering. Debuting together, they became the decisive force in this game. They dominated the half-time game alone, and scored a goal each in the game, helping Manchester United win 3-0 at home.

From another perspective, Manchester United's interim coach Carlos Queiroz is today's biggest winner.

Facing the severe situation of the club's turmoil, Queiroz resolutely dispatched a young lineup featuring young players, and adjusted the lineup on the field when the game was dominant. The effect was remarkable. It was precisely because of Queiroz's on-the-spot command that Manchester United Shortly after the start of the second half, the team played more than the first half. Both Ronando and Rooney played a role in defeating West Bromwich Albion led by the former Manchester United captain Brian Robson. hand surrender.

Facts have proved that Manchester United is still Manchester United. This team has not lost its standard due to sudden changes. They are still the decisive force in the Premier League, and Queiroz is also very competent in his job.

After the game, Ferguson, who was rushing home to obey the curfew order, still accepted the reporter's interview.

Ferguson said he was very satisfied with today's game. He especially mentioned Queiroz's change of formation at halftime. Ferguson believed that Queiroz's change of team formation during the halftime break was the key to determining the outcome of the game. This proves that Queiroz's observation and command skills can be called "excellent".

Now, Manchester United fans can finally sleep peacefully. Their team has passed the most dangerous period, and all that is left is to slowly adjust and wait for the problem to be finally resolved.

A Boxing Day battle turned countless Manchester United fans from anxiety to optimism.

Will Ferguson completely withdraw from the position of the first team controller because of this incident?I am afraid that few people would think so at this time. Ferguson is a Sir, and Manchester United is also the most famous football club in England. They will not just watch Ferguson go to jail, that is to say, he will come back sooner or later.

To take a step back, many people were worried that during the period when Ferguson left, Manchester United would suffer a drastic drop in performance due to the lack of a qualified head coach. This worry no longer exists.

Portuguese assistant coach Queiroz, whether it is the team's tactical arrangement or on-the-spot command ability, has been verified in this independent coaching game. At least, it is not a problem to survive Ferguson's vacant period.

The only thing that makes people feel a little pity is Ronaldo. Will he be forced to leave Manchester United because he can't escape criminal charges in the end?

Manchester United can no longer do without this monster, just as they cannot do without Ferguson. Everyone can see the importance of Ronaldo to Manchester United. The young Portuguese has become an indispensable right for Manchester United. He and Rooney The two newly promoted team vice-captains are already the pillars of Manchester United. If the twin stars become "single stars" in the near future, it will be a huge loss for Manchester United.

Of course, since there are optimists, there will also be disappointers. For example, Ronando himself is one of the disappointers.

Not domineering enough!Not perfect!
This is what Ronando said about himself. After the game, he was unsurprisingly named the best player on the field and received a symbolic champagne. But Ronando, with a smile on his face, was not satisfied in his heart. His performance in most of the first half cannot be called excellent. It is only because of his brave state in several outbreaks that he dilutes his essential mediocrity.

As Ronando got into his car and was escorted home by Salford police, Ronando made a request to Mendes.

"Jorge, can you help me hire a retired striker who is good at running? I don't know when my matter will be resolved this time. Anyway, I can't go to the club to participate in training. Why don't I rent a field in Salford? Find ways to strengthen some of your weaknesses."

Ronando thought very clearly that apart from basic skills, his weakest link was lack of football awareness, such as running positions, such as predicting, these skills are his shortcomings.

Of course, there are masters in the Manchester United team who are good at running positions, such as Solskjaer, but among teammates, even if Solskjaer is willing to teach him, there is not enough time and energy. Ronaldo can't force Solskjaer Do yourself a favor by working overtime?The relationship between them didn't reach that level, and they didn't have the obligation to work overtime after busy games and training.

In a market economy, then spend money to hire someone to be a coach!

Ronaldo does not have to develop the running level of Solskjaer. As long as he has a substantial improvement on the existing basis, it will be very helpful to him on the court, whether he is playing as a winger or a full-back. Nando has the level of getting rid of the marking players and running out of a reasonable position to catch the ball, and his deterrence will be greatly improved.

To put it more vividly, if Ronando's running and receiving level has increased by "1", the defensive difficulty of the opposing players defending him will increase by "2". This is a simple arithmetic problem.

Of course, if Ronando can develop Rooney's level of ball protection and breakthrough in a short period of time, it will be even better. Ronando with that ability will immediately become an absolute star. Nando can be as good as he wants, a player who is good at charging like Rooney, coupled with Ronando's "three-second god" and his long-distance running ability, he can play half of the team by himself , even Maradona, the world champion 20 years ago, couldn't be better than him!
However, everything is just talk. Due to Ronando's lack of talent, he probably won't have the chance to develop Rooney's ability in his life, so he can only settle for the next best thing...


The English media's attitude towards Ronaldo in the Boxing Day World War I is basically more positive than negative. Everyone agrees that he is already a Premier League ace with "decisive power".

The level of West Bromwich Albion team is limited, but Ronaldo's "dominance" in the game is still outstanding. Whether he is in the position of right winger or right midfielder, he can give the opponent a huge deterrent , Such a player is a huge asset for a team. There are only so many players who can be called dominant players in the league. One radish and one pit. Even this kind of player cannot be bought with money , because all clubs with such players will cling to them tightly and never let go.

How much did Manchester United spend on Ronaldo?It's only 533 million pounds, which is a super cost-effective deal!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if a club spends more than 5000 million pounds in the transfer market, they may not be able to find similar players. Numerous facts have proved that the worth of a player is not equal to his age However, capable players may not necessarily be able to adapt to the Premier League, let alone a certain team.

However, Ronando's ups and downs in the game still fell into the eyes of many people. Is he just acting, or is there another reason?

It is not difficult to find the answer to this question, because Ronando has only entered the professional league for one year. When he was in the Portuguese Super League in the first half of the year, Ronando was criticized by the Portuguese media because of his "unstable" performance. Doubts, now that he came to the Premier League, he encountered similar doubts again, or it caused a big discussion in the Premier League.

"He's good, but any good player who doesn't play consistently, his value is discounted."

"He can add to a team, but building a team around a player like that would be a disaster!"

"Temperamental superstar? Maybe also a ticking time bomb?"

Of course, the mainstream media in England will not let go of such an opportunity to comment. They express their views freely. The representative views all recognize Ronaldo’s ability on the one hand, but on the other hand they are warning Manchester United to be “cautious”. Be careful not to let the ticking time bomb of Ronando injure yourself.

The reason is obvious. If there are two players, one of whom can play 80 points steadily, and the other sometimes has 100 points and sometimes 50 points. Which one will the head coach favor?

The head coach of a capable team will choose the former, while those mid-range or relegation teams who need to gamble on luck will probably choose the latter. To put it bluntly, reusing a player like Ronaldo is no different from gambling. You may be able to get super high returns, but at the same time, you must always be prepared to take the same risks.

Of course, among these obviously critical voices, there are also staunch "monster supporters", such as the "British Spear" in London.

Davis Moore: "A temperamental player? The experience of the Portuguese Super League Benfica has shown that the so-called defects do not affect the monster to become a super terminator. This is the fact!"

Indeed, the "flawed" Ronando helped the Portuguese Super League Benfica achieve the European Triple Crown. Going to a mid-level team, if he plays super, can make a certain mid-level team suddenly rise, and if he brings losses to that team, it will not have a big impact.

In this kind of discussion in English football, Ronaldo himself and Manchester United are cautiously silent.

Roy Keane visited Ronaldo's home the day after the game. He said something: "Arguing? The more fierce the argument, the better! The star who can cause a lot of discussion in England may leave forever Isn't the Premier League the biggest joke in the world? So, we just have to watch!"

What Roy Keane said is completely correct. Now Manchester United is not discussing whether to reuse Ronaldo, but is anxiously waiting for when Ronaldo can get out of the bitter sea and return to the team.

How can Manchester United not reuse Ronaldo?They are not Chelsea. They have doubts about a certain player. At worst, they will go to the transfer market to fish for big fish until they find the big fish that makes them most satisfied.


On the second day of Boxing Day, in addition to Roy Keane, another black man walked into Ronando's house, accompanied by Ronando's teammate Ferdinand.

"Hi! Hello monster, let me know, my name is Les, and I am Leo's uncle."

Les Ferdinand, he is one of the most famous players in the Ferdinand family. Unlike the brothers Leo and Anton, Les Ferdinand is a striker, and he is a very famous striker. His career can be regarded as turbulent, but he has a glorious honor, ranking fifth in the Premier League's total scorer list!
Rice played for England's top league teams for 16 years and scored a total of 169 goals. He and Robbie Fowler of the Leeds Youth Army were also known as the two major non-rich marksmen in the Premier League.

Started at the middle and lower reaches of the Queen's Park Flyers at the time. After playing for 6 seasons, the team rose to the middle and upper reaches, so they were favored by Newcastle. - Shearer came to Newcastle, Rice's No. 9 jersey was taken away, and he was cleaned up a year later. He joined Tottenham. After 5 and a half years of effectiveness, the 36-year-old was mixed in several small teams. A few years later, this summer, Rice officially retired and is currently serving as a coach at the Championship team Watford.

Rice's most glorious years were in the Queen's Park Strikers. The most famous achievement was helping Newcastle win the Premier League runner-up in 1995-96. The most tragic thing was that he was purged by Newcastle at the age of 30, and he has never been in the same state since then.

Ronando never expected that his agent Mendes would find such a great god for him half a day after he made the request!
Of course, when Ronando saw Leo Ferdinand's cheerful thin face, he immediately understood that it was definitely Mendes who found Leo Ferdinand and invited Rice to Salford because of him, otherwise , People are living well in Watford, why come here if they have nothing to do.

The excited Ronando warmly entertained Rice, and this will be his personal trainer for some time to come.

It is rather strange that Rice refused to become Ronando's "paid personal trainer". His request was to accompany Ronando to play ball together as a friend, that is, to practice with him.

Rice said this: "Monster, I am not a winger but a center forward, and I don't think I am qualified to be your coach. I have not entered any football school. I am not afraid of your jokes. When I was young, I was a side player. Painter, while playing for an amateur team. I signed with Queens Park Flyers when I was 20, but then I didn't have a ball until I was 22 and asked to be loaned to Besiktas in the Turkish league, Only then did I get a stable chance to play. Now, do you still insist on me playing football with you?"

want!Of course I want it!

According to what Rice said, his experience is exactly the same as that of Ronaldo. Because a painter likes to play football, he finally developed his skills on the court and ranked fifth in the Premier League's total scorer list. This is absolutely awesome. !
Ronando is almost wild. He is nominally a student of the two major youth training camps in Portugal, Akchit and Carnidi, but in fact that doesn’t count. Crash + short-term day study, this is definitely not orthodox Therefore, Ronando's basic skills are not solid and cannot be compared with those players who have received formal training since childhood.

The era that Rice lived in is different from the current Premier League, but many things are common. If Rice is willing to give everything, Ronando has picked up a treasure.

More importantly, although Rice is a center forward, he is not exactly the same as England's traditional columnar center. He is a striker with the characteristics of a modern forward prototype wearing a columnar center coat.

What is a columnar center?That is the meaning of the center in the penalty area, commonly known as the standing center, and many English centers in that era were like this. They had a strong physique, excellent height, and were good at finishing strong runs in the penalty area. They were very suitable for the England team. Pass punching and hanging style of play.

Of course, English football in the early 90s was undergoing changes, and a group of outstanding centers with modern forward characteristics came into being, the best of which was Alan Shearer.

Rice is very similar to Alan Shearer. He also has a strong physique and is not afraid of collisions. Moreover, his height is not outstanding. It is far behind the traditional center forward. He is only 181CM, which is definitely not enough for him. In order for Rice to become a columnar center in the standard sense, if he wants to score goals, he must constantly move and move. , You have to know how to connect, just heading the ball can't make him a leader.

This is the teacher Ronaldo wants to find. Rice is even more qualified than Norwegian striker Solskjaer, because Solskjaer "hidden and kicked", and Rice, a wild player, is not The ability to avoid kicking, he relies on his strong body, while fighting against the opponent's defender, while finding the most suitable opportunity to complete the breakthrough and hit the goal.

This is the teacher that best suits Ronando's own conditions!

"Uncle Rice! Thank you so much! If you don't want me to call you coach, then I will call you uncle. From now on, you will be my elder!"

Hitting snakes with sticks, Rice, the former sharpshooter, came and refused to appear as a personal trainer. It was obviously not for making money. Ronando couldn't use money to bring the relationship closer. Calling him "relative" is the most convenient way. Anyway, Rice is 39 years old, and he is still Rio Ferdinand's uncle. Ronando called him uncle, which is very suitable for both emotion and reason.

Sure enough, when Ronando said "uncle", Rice's black face was immediately filled with a smile.

In other words, although a player like Rice has been brilliant in the past, he has neither received systematic football training nor played for a wealthy club. After retiring, he wants to be a coach or even a head coach. It is difficult to win the favor of picky club owners. If he can really improve Ronando significantly by imparting experience to him, then the benefits he can obtain will definitely be much more than the "salary" that Ronando can pay him, The cooperation between him and Ronando is a win-win situation, and it is your love and my wish.

(End of this chapter)

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