Pirated Ronaldo

Chapter 561 Birthday Party

Chapter 561 Birthday Party
Toss the oxtail!There is no player in Portugal who can practice well!
Portugal is the originator of Latin-style technical football in Europe. Portuguese players are not much less talented than Brazilian players, but according to Nani, there is no one in Portugal who can successfully practice the stunt of flicking a cow's tail. Not only does it not exist now, Even in history, no one has been able to complete this movement.

Isn't it possible for humans to practice ox tail flicking?Nonsense!Ronando almost twisted his nose at Nani's words!

Aren't Ronaldo and Ronaldinho human? How could they practice this thing!
However, Ronando was angry because he was angry. He also understood that Da Luo and Xiao Luo were not ordinary people. Those two guys were no longer "human" in a certain sense. Moreover, even Da Luo and Xiao Luo had not learned The moves can always be kicked out. Ronaldo can't do it after his knee injury, and Ronaldinho can only do it in the past two years. It is estimated that after this summer, after that guy has the opportunity to overeat, he will not It must be done, and the stunt of flicking the oxtail may disappear from football again next season.

If next season, Ronando has practiced oxtail flicking, and he becomes the successor of this technique, then it will be awesome!

However, Nani is one of the most talented Portuguese players of this generation. Even he can't succeed, so why would Ronando dare to hope?

Disaster?No matter how difficult it is, try it!Didn't Nani practice?At any rate, it is better than a novice like Ronando, so let Nani be the teacher first, and use it as a learning experience from failure, that is also very good!

Soon Nani arrived in an old Ford.

"Oh! My brother, why do you drive such a broken car!"

"No money! Do you think everyone is as rich as you?" Nani spread his hands and said, "Not only me, but even Rooney drives a BMW X5. That kind of car consumes fuel, and most people don't like to drive it. You Know what the English say about people who drive a BMW X5? They say only poor people drive that car! Haha, I can usually drive your car anyway!”

Ronando rolled his eyes when he heard that, because he doesn't know how to drive, and he doesn't usually pay much attention to the cars of his teammates. He just knows that many of his teammates' cars are very impressive. For example, Ferdinand, a veteran international player, can drive a luxury car at home. In a small car show, the British and the Chinese have different consumption views. If they have money, they spend it. Players usually work hard in training and games. When they get results or celebrate their birthdays and need to reward themselves, most of them will buy themselves a car. Cars, as time goes by, there will be more cars.

Is Rooney poor too?Maybe, regardless of Rooney's high social status, his weekly salary is only more than 2 pounds. Although the endorsement income is high, Rooney's family is poor, so he is counted on to make money to support the family.

Come on, anyway, these youngsters, now is not the time to talk about money. Being able to play well is the key. As long as you keep your position in the team, the money will not come rolling in in the future.

Nani has really practiced tail flicking!
When Ronando and Nani started training in the small garden of his home, Ronando immediately discovered the difficulty of this matter.

With the ball under his feet, Nani's foot posture is somewhat similar to that of Roberto Carlos, but it is only a similarity. When Nani cuts into the lower end of the ball with his feet and sends the ball out, the ball is no longer there. It was under control, either flying to the side and forward, or being kicked into the sky. Anyway, it is easy to let the ball move in one direction with a kick, but if you want to change the direction of the ball, come If you do the second large-scale exercise, you can't do it!
Nani sighed in frustration: "Look! You can't do anything! Human feet are not hands. If you want to change the direction of the ball at will, the frequency of contact with the surface of the feet cannot keep up!"

What Nani said is very reasonable. If you are playing basketball, you can use your hands to do this movement. It is simple. You only need to hook your five fingers inward. As long as you have enough strength, the ball can move in the opposite direction, but it is different with your feet. , even if you can hook your toes up, but the toes hidden in the sneakers will have a wool effect if you force them!

However, Ronando still heard something different from Nani's words!

"Nani! What do you mean when you say that the frequency of touches on your feet can't keep up?"

"That means that the second movement of my feet is not fast enough to keep up with the trajectory of the ball! Think about it, to make the ball move in the opposite direction, you must give the ball a second force, which needs to be fast enough speed!"

Nani's words made Ronando shiver!
Everyone is saying that the action of flicking the ox's tail is "a big change of direction with one touch of the ball twice". In fact, this statement is completely wrong!
Just like what Nani said, if it’s just one touch, how do you make the ball change direction again in motion? The reason why you say “one touch” just means that the player is extremely frequent when he touches the ball twice in a row. Quick, what looks like one touch on the surface is actually two touches to the ball, or at least two forces applied to the ball in one coherent movement, and the two forces are in opposite directions. .

In Ronando's mind, it was like a door that was tightly closed, and a crack was opened!
Tossing the bull's tail is not only about the sense of the ball, but more importantly, about physical fitness!Spell out the foot speed!Fight the fine movements of the muscles!
Therefore, after Ronaldo injured his knee, he couldn't do it, and Ronaldinho also lost his magic after his body was ruined!

His grandma's!Fight for physical fitness and fine movements, then there is a door!

Ronando's sense of the ball may not be strong enough, but his level of fine motor control muscles, there is no "three seconds God" to help, with this advantage alone, he is ahead of other players in the world After one step, other people didn't even have the chance to experience the action of flicking the ox's tail, but Ronando still had a chance. He could use the super state for three seconds to slowly understand and ponder!


Salford, Manchester, England, the yard of a very ordinary house.

A very young black man with short curly black hair on top of his head was sitting beside a flower bed with a sad face, his thick lower lip turned out, and he looked bored.

Not far in front of the little black man, there is a big tree with a few ropes hanging from its low branches. At the end of each rope is a football. A football is as young as the little black man. The big man of Asian race is rushing towards these footballs again and again. When he rushes to the front of the football, he will kick the ball obliquely with his right foot and kick these footballs to his right front. He sometimes After kicking the ball, he will stand down and make another gesture with his right foot, then run back, kick the ball a second time, and so on.

Not far behind the two young men, under the porch in front of the door, stood a young woman with long black hair. She also had a typical oriental face, delicate and quiet. With a faint smile, his eyes followed the figure in front of the big tree.

The courtyard is not big, and there is a narrow street a little further from the entrance of the courtyard. There are not many passers-by there, but everyone will be attracted by the movement in the courtyard, and stop outside the courtyard wall to watch.

Oh!The monster is practicing at home!Is he practicing passing?

He is so hardworking!No wonder many people say that his football talent is mediocre, but he is the hardest working one!
Manchester United's monster and Liverpool's Gerrard, they are a model of hard work!

At this time, several children ran quickly along the side of the street, lying on the outside of the courtyard wall and staring at Ronando carefully, and one of them shouted, "Look, I'm right, right?" ! The monster is playing football at home! His moves are so cool! He is my favorite Manchester United star!"

"Shh! Bills, you should be quieter!" A taller, more stocky kid immediately warned, "And you should be called Mr. Monster! That's very important!"

Bills scratched his head and said in a low voice embarrassingly: "Oh! It's my fault, I forgot... Do you think I should apologize to the respected Mr. Monster for this incident?"

Another kid said: "Bills, I think you should find a good time to apologize! But we need to enjoy Mr. Monster playing football now."

Several children were talking like adults, and they were heard by several other passers-by standing nearby. They all smiled and watched the children's actions. Every action he makes, as if every action of his is very important, if it is missed, it will be a huge loss.

Oh!This place in Salford has been more and more marked with the mark of Manchester United, or the mark of the monster Ronando!

But even a native of Salford would appreciate it, it would be an honor for the whole town to have a great celebrity there, people in England now, and even a lot of Europe, Speaking of Salford, the first reaction is: it belongs to Manchester United's sphere of influence, and it is the second home of the Manchester United monster in England.


After the training on Saturday, Ronando returned home according to his usual habits. With Nani as a free driver, Yang Xiaotong no longer needed to drive for Ronando, but she still waited at home and gave Ronando handed over a cup of steaming hot tea.

"Oh! Tongtong, you don't need to be so troublesome. I can do it myself... Our Chinese oolong tea is the best!" Ronando took a few sniffs from the glass to enjoy it, and then drank it I took a few big mouthfuls.

Yang Xiaotong pursed his lips and said with a smile: "You are an old cow chewing grass! Others drink oolong tea in a small porcelain teacup, but you are better off, but you want to use a glass cup!"

Ronan laughed loudly, put his arms around Yang Xiaotong's waist and said: "We are rough people, arty is not something we rough people do! ...Tongtong, are you ready? Nani will come to pick you up later We still have some time, I'll go to practice for half an hour first, remember to remind me to take a shower."

Yang Xiaotong twitched, "Am I really going? Isn't it inconvenient?"

"Convenience! Who dares to say it's inconvenient!" Ronando laughed and said, "My wife is the princess tonight, and without anyone, I can't miss my Tongtong!"

"Bah! You little rascal who can't spit out ivory!" Yang Xiaotong spat in a low voice, but then a faint red cloud appeared on his tender face.

In other words, today is the 25th, which is the birthday of Ronando's new teammate, South Korean midfielder Park Ji-sung. Park Ji-sung has just arrived in England for two months, and his position in the team is not yet stable, but there happened to be a South Korean camera crew. Going to England to shoot locations, the Koreans also save face, so Park Ji-sung invited Ronando to a birthday party.

After the return of Ronaldo, Park Ji-sung immediately lost his position as a right-midfielder. In the second half of the battle between Manchester United and Real Madrid, he still got 20 minutes of playing time. The substitute was left-back Ryan Giggs.

Park Ji-sung is a talented player on the court. He is a bit of a midfielder. Although he is not the best in every position, he has balanced skills and outstanding endurance. Make do, such a player is what Manchester United needs, and Park Ji-sung outside the stadium is also very humble and polite, and has always been very polite to Ronaldo.

Park Ji-sung had a birthday party, so he had to give some face, as he was of East Asian race, Park Ji-sung was a potential ally.

Ronando agreed to attend Park Ji-sung's birthday party, and there was another important factor, that is to let Yang Xiaotong gradually appear in the public eye. Participating in any social activities will make Yang Xiaotong look like a "servant" of Ronando's family. Such a thing is not what Ronando wants. He wants Yang Xiaotong to come to the fore.

Soon, night began to descend on Salford.

When Nani wore a very formal black suit and drove his broken Ford to Ronan's house, he was immediately taken aback by Ronando's and Yang Xiaotong's outfits.

"Oh! Monsters, you don't just go to the party dressed like this, do you?"

"Haha! Why can't you? Don't you think it's cool! Nani, these clothes are very nice, do you want to have a few sets to wear?"

Ronan laughed out loud. He and Yang Xiaotong were dressed very differently today. He himself was wearing a sportswear-style outfit with emerald green as the main color, supplemented by large pieces of black, and his pants were also emerald green. And Yang Xiaotong is also a sports model of the same style, the color is rose red + black squares, both of them have long leather boots on their feet, and the trousers are stuffed into the boots. This outfit is like two A traveler, not the usual party-going look.

Jacket!The clothes on the two of them are this kind of versatile clothing that will be popular all over the world.

Europeans and Americans like to exercise, and they always have a jacket in their closet. When they are exercising, they are warm and lightweight. Asians even wear jackets as clothes that are suitable for various occasions.

When a production manager under Mendes, the agent, found Ronando with a jacket of the model type, Ronando immediately made a decision, and this was the jacket!

Not long after Park Ji-sung came to the UK, his own house was too small, so he temporarily borrowed a friend's house to hold a party. This friend is also a well-known Korean, named Ahn Kyung-chan, who is from the famous Korean company Samsung in the UK. The executive of the branch, whose home happens to be in the Tameside borough in the Greater Manchester region, which, like Salford, is actually a big town.

An Jingcan's home is very grand, with a big garden. This is a high-end villa. It is not comparable to Ronando's small yard of a hundred square meters. Even Ferguson's home in Cheshire is not comparable to this. It's the farmhouse.

An extended version of the Lincoln sedan enters the large iron gate of the garden. Not far from the large iron gate is a welcome area covered with red carpets.

The famous Manchester United first-team star held a birthday party. The local news media always wanted to show some face. Not only many Korean journalists gathered at the scene, but also many British journalists. There were many guns and short guns. The award ceremony is nothing more than that!
The extended version of Lincoln entered the welcome area, and the reporters on the scene immediately became energetic, especially those Korean reporters, and quickly pointed their cameras at the car door.

Sure enough, the reporters were not disappointed. When the doorman opened the car door, three oriental beauties dressed in costumes came out of the car hand in hand. They were all wearing evening gowns with long skirts and British hats , even wearing long black silk gloves on their arms, if not for their appearance, you would definitely think that these are the three Miss England.

"Oh! That's Park Ye Jin and Miss Ha Ji Won!"

"The last one is Ms. Han Xiaozhou who just debuted! They are the protagonists of tonight's party!"

"Beautiful! This Manchester night will belong to Korea! I'm calling it a Korean night in Manchester!"

Of course, most of the admiring ones are reporters from South Korea. Many of them came to South Korea to report the series of news about Park Ji-sung joining Manchester United, because it coincides with Park Ji-sung’s birthday, and there are several South Korean stars led by well-known Korean director Cui Wenxi The actors came to the UK to shoot exterior scenes, and they stayed in Manchester, waiting for Park Ji-sung's birthday party, and then they will return to China.

However, the British reporters at the scene all looked lazy. They took a random shot and gave up their position to their Korean counterparts.

Korean film and television dramas have achieved great success internationally, but they are mainly aimed at the Asian market. For English people, there is a huge difference in aesthetics between the East and the West. Korean beautiful female stars are not very popular in England. Those creamy Greasy little boys are even more unsuitable for the British. If photos of Korean stars are placed in an important position on the newspaper page, readers will scold them!

At this moment, a British reporter pointed in the direction of the big iron gate of the garden, and shouted happily: "Here he is! He is here!"

I saw those British reporters who were lazy at the scene immediately became energetic after the shout. They swarmed up with long guns and short cannons in their hands, quickly passed their Korean counterparts, and moved towards the extended version of the Lincoln sedan. He ran behind, and then, the Korean reporters who reacted, who did not know who yelled, followed behind the British reporter, turned around and rushed out.

The three beautiful Korean beauties who had just stepped out of the car petrified on the spot.

They turned their heads and saw a seemingly ordinary red sports car slowly approaching from the direction of the big iron gate of the garden...

(End of this chapter)

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