Chapter 166 Warmth in Autumn

The sky light pushed through the gray, the golden glow pierced through the clouds, and dyed the red morning glow.

The morning light spread across the ridge where the grass man was erected, and shone on the solid yellow mud road.

The door of the workshop has not yet been opened, and there is already a long queue in front of the door.

The peasant woman with the basket on her arm stroked the tied rooster in the bamboo basket like a baby, turned her head with a smile, and looked at the mature man carrying the sack behind him.

"Ahu, it took a lot of time to dig up so many wild vegetables, right? Are you afraid that the official won't be able to eat them?"

The young man glanced over the peasant woman's flower rooster, feeling a little embarrassed, he grinned and showed his yellow teeth.

"Aunt Jing joked about me, you see, you catch chickens and ducks, they are all treasures in the village."

"My mother-in-law spent a lot of money on giving birth, and I'm afraid the officials won't want these wild vegetables."

"If it's really possible to change to a coal stove so that my child can live a warm winter, and the official allows me to work as a free laborer in the workshop, I'm also willing."

The rural people are honest, and after repeated confirmation last time, they all became excited when they knew that Li Xian's exchange for the coal stove was true.

It is not a shocking thing to freeze people to death in the cold winter, but it is a common occurrence in these years.

After all, the charcoal in the imperial city is something that these people are not blessed to enjoy. Of course, it would be great to have this kind of coal stove to keep warm.

Especially when they heard that the coal stove would be traded in the imperial city, the simple people were delighted, and they spared no effort to part with their loved ones and searched out many "treasures" in the family, so that they could feel at ease when they could switch to the coal stove.

Therefore, in front of the workshop, many villagers carried chickens, ducks and geese, as well as baskets of eggs, as well as mushrooms picked up in the mountains and some wild vegetables dug up.

Originally, these things were to be sold at stalls in the imperial city, but after all, the exchanged items were too expensive, and many people were still drumming in their hearts, stretching their necks and looking forward, fearing that they would not be able to exchange them.

The door of the mansion was pushed open from the inside, and the courtyard guard with a knife was startled when he saw the grand scene, and he calmed down a few words to disturb the crowd before he opened the door.

Not long after, Li Xian appeared at the door of Dongkai's mansion, rubbing his sleepy eyes in a nightgown, and stared at the warm-hearted people outside the door, his expression startled.

His eyes skipped over the things mentioned one by one, and there was a warm feeling in his heart.

Chickens, ducks, big fish, and big meat, maybe these things that these people are usually reluctant to taste, can be given away at this moment.


Li Xian was a little moved by the vibrato of a sentence, and his eyes were a little moist.

"This is just an ordinary stove, so it doesn't have to be."

"The chicken, duck, fish, and the lamb are too expensive. Take them back..."

Before he finished speaking, the boy named Ahu took off the sack on his shoulder and opened the sack, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

"Officer, we are all villagers. These things are not as good as your food, but this is the best in our family. Don't dislike it."

"Looking at the weather, it's going to be cold. My child is not yet a year old, and I can't afford charcoal. I don't have much money left after selling the firewood."

"I also hope that the official can use a coal stove on credit to survive the cold winter. When my child is a little older, it will be easier to have a baby, and it will be fine in the early spring."

Speaking of this, Ah Hu wiped away the tears that were about to fall, with a look of pleading in his eyes.

"I don't have enough wild vegetables and I can still dig them. I have plenty of strength. As long as the officials don't mind it, I can stay and do odd jobs!"

"My lord, look..."

The leading lady pulled Ahu past him and stood in the queue, looking at Li Xian with a simple smile on her sun-tanned face.

"Guan Ye, look at the pity of this baby in the village. If it doesn't happen, my chicken will also be replaced."

"I know that your coal stove is expensive, but the folks in our village only have these, so why don't you accept it, we have something to discuss!"

It would be superfluous to say more, so Li Xian simply waved his hand.

"One per household, registered in the register, then take it away!"

"In the future, bring the household registration booklet and receive two coals a day, which is enough for the evening!"

After the words were finished, everyone cheered and jumped up, excitedly stuffing the chickens and ducks they brought, and reported a brand new stove.

Cheng Chumo, who had rushed back from the outside, looked at the crowds in and out of the workshop, all holding the stove in their hands. He was stunned for a moment, and then ran to Li Xian's side, with an anxious expression on his face.

"You! You are the master who doesn't worry! Rumors about you in the imperial city have spread, and you still have time to do good things here!"

"The sons of the literati started a riot in the wine shop, saying that they want to condemn you for making such unscrupulous utensils, producing poisonous smoke, and harming the people!"

"I also heard that there was movement in the court! Even the Changsun's mansion issued an announcement, and he will not be held responsible for the sale of the charcoal."

"Oh! You, you..."

Slumped on the seat, Cheng Chumo's mood fell to the bottom, and he took a sip of the teacup, but it did not dilute the anger in his heart.

Ah Hu wrapped his hands around the stove, and when he passed by, he just finished hearing this, and he smiled with dark cheeks.

"The official has a kind face and kind eyes. He looks like a kind-hearted person. How could he harm people who are familiar with us?"

"From my point of view, some people must have taken the opportunity to spread rumors, fearing that the price of charcoal hoarded would collapse."

"Don't worry, the official. When I set up a stall in the imperial city, I will go door-to-door and tell them how useful this coal stove is! It's too late to make them regret it!"

Although the friendship is not deep, but after at least two months of getting along, the villagers also have a judgment in their hearts.

How can a person who doesn't even have an official style produce any poison?Why give it to them so cheaply.

Many people came forward holding the coal stove they had received and said a few good words.

"Your majesty can see the kindness of the official, and God can see it! If your majesty wants to punish, we will go to the gate of the palace to ask for an explanation!"

"Yes! That's right! A good man like Guan Ye can't be wronged in vain!"

"My lord, I'll take the stove away first, and I'll come to thank you another day. I have a relative in Qingzhou. I don't want the one in the imperial city. We will sell it to you when we carry it to Qingzhou."

Every word and every sentence comes from the heart, although it is simple, there is no doubt.

Li Xian got up and bid farewell to everyone, the touch in his heart was still warm until the last person.

Looking at the back with a full load, Li Xian's face is full of spring breeze, with his hands behind his back.

"Look, this is our Great Tang."

"People who have never had close acquaintances, even without knowing their names, have drank tea at the same desk and talked freely from all corners of the world."

"On the contrary, it's the colleagues in the hall who bow their heads but don't see them. They know you well, but they are stumbling you in private."

Cheng Chu sighed silently, and looked away from the people who had gone away.

Perhaps infected by the gratitude from the previous villagers, he calmed down a lot. Looking at Li Xian beside him, he spoke slowly.

"Even if the people say so, they can't really let them do so."

"Tell me, how do we deal with it?"

Lying back on the seat again, Li Xian put his hands on his head and closed his eyes comfortably.

"What else can I do? Soldiers come to cover the water and earth."

"Hurry up and order some coal stoves. How much have you got? Let's give it away tomorrow, and we won't give it away anymore."

"Don't let our biggest boss know, or I don't know how much it will hurt!"

(End of this chapter)

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