Who is my upstairs

Chapter 120 The man who came back from the dead

Chapter 120 The man who came back from the dead

Yang Xiaofan first told Li Shaohuang that his mobile phone was about to run out of battery, and then quickly told Li Shaohuang the general situation of the house and the difficulties they were facing on the phone.

The mobile phone was about to run out of battery, and they were trapped in an infinite loop of stairs. The most important thing was that among them was Xiangzi, a wounded person who was bleeding profusely. Such a situation was not an ordinary emergency.

Li Shaohuang hesitated for three seconds, and said in a calm voice: "If it's a stone ladder, it's more troublesome. You need to use some algorithms in the Book of Changes to calculate the level and angle of the stairs. But if it's a wooden ladder, this ladder should come out alone One of them. Try to pry open a staircase, the bottom should lead directly to the bottom of the building, and you should be able to get out by tearing up the clothes and making a rope."

"What if the roof is blocked below or there are other things blocking under the stairs?" Yang Xiaofan knew that his phone was out of battery, and if he couldn't understand some questions, he would only be trapped here to death in case of an emergency.

"I'm in front of the computer now, and I sent your address to Xu Gang through MSN. He has already set off to rush over. Listen, no matter what happens, keep calm. After hanging up, I will calculate the cracking method based on what you said. The blind footwork, send it in the form of a text message."

Li Shaohuang was able to think of several different ways to deal with various emergencies at the same time in a short period of time, which made Yang Xiaofan calm down, "Well, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xiaofan originally wanted to discuss with Xiangzi, the two of them would divide the work and cooperate, one person would be responsible for the stair boards in one direction, so as to speed up the efficiency.

However, under the dim light of the screen, Xiangzi was lying on the steps, his eyes closed tightly, and he fell into a coma.Yang Xiaofan knew that Xiangzi's injury did not wait for others, it would take a certain amount of time for Xu Gang to find their location, at this time he had to find a way to get out by himself.

She found the Swiss knife on Xiangzi's body, and used the knife with the hook to open the bottle cap to try to break open the wooden board and the nails on the wooden board.

Maybe it is really a critical moment, and the potential has exploded, and it has something to do with the fact that the stairs are not so strong after a long time.

Relying on the strength of a woman, Yang Xiaofan actually knocked down the wooden boards of the stairs.

The phone only had [-]% battery left, so Yang Xiaofan turned on the flashlight function of the phone, and shone the light beam. Below was an old-fashioned toilet with an old-fashioned cesspit inside.

The toilet may not have been used for too long, and a layer of dust has accumulated everywhere, so it no longer emits that unpleasant smell.

Yang Xiaofan's luck counted, the position where the plank was lifted was not too far from the ground.You don't need to tear your clothes and make it into a rope to climb down.

The distance from the stairs to the ground is just less than one or two meters, and you can jump down as soon as you bite your teeth, and you don't need to prepare a rope.

There were two people beside Yang Xiaofan who couldn't move independently, which made her sweat profusely. At this time, Xiangzi snorted and opened his eyes in a daze.

Yang Xiaofan patted Xiangzi's shoulder, Xiangzi seemed to be still unconscious, and muttered, "Why did I fall asleep?"

"Xiangzi, look quickly, we can escape, can you do it at this height?" Yang Xiaofan used the beam of the flashlight to illuminate the staircase on which Yang Xiaofan removed the wooden boards, and Xiangzi saw a room below. Rubbing his eyes, he seemed to wake up a lot.

He took a deep breath and jumped straight down the stairs.

Following Yang Xiaofan, he asked Xiangzi to meet Yang Ziming below, and only after Yang Ziming went down did Yang Xiaofan come out from the stairs.

The door of the toilet was locked from the outside, but the wooden door was already rotten. Even though Xiangzi was injured and weak, he still kicked a big hole in the door.

A few people got out from the door opening, and outside was a garden in another garden. The cold moonlight shone in the lotus pond, and a female corpse was floating on it.

The female corpse was wearing a cheongsam embroidered with a picture of the moon lotus. She had a slim figure, but she was not rotten.

Her eyes were closed, her facial features were demure and beautiful, and the emerald green bracelet on her slender wrist reflected the moonlight, so it should be a real thing.

Yang Xiaofan remembered a sentence said by the old woman who was burned to death by fireflies, and unconsciously repeated this sentence: "The girl came out to light the lamp, fell into the river and couldn't come back..."

At first, she and Xiangzi thought that the old lady uttered this ballad on purpose to scare people, but they didn't expect that it was all true. They seemed to have fished dead floats out of the river and kept them in lotus flowers.

"They don't know how many people have been killed in this store. This matter has to be reported to the superiors. If it is thoroughly investigated, it will be a bag of secret files that cannot be revealed." Xiangzi said weakly while being supported by Yang Xiaofan. .

Although the results and process of some cases cannot be disclosed to the general public due to various reasons, the police must thoroughly investigate them.

Only by finding out the truth, blocking the source, and punishing the culprit can a case be considered closed.

He didn't expect that the wound on his hand would bleed so much, and the wound was gradually festering. His body seemed to be prone to poisoning.

But he didn't want to say it out, making Yang Xiaofan feel worried.

This courtyard is actually a veritable quadrangle, surrounded by old-fashioned buildings, Yang Xiaofan confirmed the direction, walked along the lotus pond, walked from the back door of the courtyard to the lobby on the first floor of the antique shop.

Walking through the lobby and walking to the door, Yang Xiaofan seemed to see a black figure coming out from behind the banyan tree, and quickly ran towards the dark alley.

The figure of this person is a bit like the black figure they saw on the second floor, and his appearance could not be seen clearly in the dark.

At this time, suddenly, there was the sound of the engine starting, and a BMW drove into the alley, blocking two-thirds of the road.

The black shadow was stopped for a while, and then escaped from the side.

The headlights illuminated the road in front of him, and it happened to illuminate the back of the man. Behind him was a big braid, and he wore a "Liuhetong" round cap on his head.

There was a red rope around his waist, and black trousers on his feet, which were tied up with rope at the ankle.

It felt like the blind man in the night market dressed up.

A person got out of the car, under the light of the car, Yang Xiaofan could clearly see that person's appearance, it was Xu Gang.

Just as Xu Gang was about to walk here, he heard Yang Xiaofan shout loudly: "Quick... Hurry up and grab him, grab the person who just ran past."

Xu Gang stretched out his hand better than Xiangzi's. He rushed forward like a gust of wind, blocking the black shadow's way.

Directly like a chick, in front of the three of Yang Xiaofan.

Both Yang Xiaofan and Xiangzi recognized him. This person was the blind fortune-teller who had died in the detention room of the police station.

(End of this chapter)

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