Who is my upstairs

Chapter 131 Tree Burial

Chapter 131 Tree Burial
"It can be considered solved... We set up a heating body with a temperature similar to that of the human body as a trap to trap them, lock them into a special crystal bottle, and freeze them. I just don't know if there are any omissions..."

Xiangzi said that he was helpless. This case was very unlucky. Dozens of corpses of different ages were probably found in the antique shop. The owners of these corpses had no way to trace their identities.

In addition to those who were killed by fireflies, there were also people in their group who were said to have seen ghosts and were directly frightened into a mental hospital.

This time, the bureau lost a lot of manpower in this case, which has attracted the attention of the superiors. I don't know if they will conduct a thorough investigation of the antique shop.

At that time, if there are many twists and turns involved, it will be troublesome.

"How do you deal with the corpses found in the antique shop?" Yang Xiaofan asked.

"They were all sent to the crematorium to be burned..."

Hearing what Xiangzi said, Yang Xiaofan was a little relieved, and he didn't know if the female ghost's body was burned together, if it was burned, the female ghost would be saved.

Then Li Shaohuang didn't need to fulfill his promise to follow the female ghost.

Yang Xiaofan chatted with Xiangzi for a while, Li Shaohuang came back with photocopied materials, Yang Xiaofan gave Li Shaohuang his mobile phone.

Li Shaohuang answered the phone, just about to put the cigarette in his mouth, but he put it in his pocket again.His expression changed, he deliberately avoided Yang Xiaofan, and walked out quickly to talk to Xiangzi on the phone.

These two people didn't know when they became mysterious, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Yang Xiaofan has no penchant for prying into other people's privacy, he sits quietly on the sofa in the living room and translates the photocopies of the blue leather notebook brought back by Li Shaohuang.

The place she translated was the tomb of the Han Dynasty excavated by Li Chongwen and his daughter Li Yuan alone. It was clearly written in the record book that this tomb had been robbed by other tomb robbers before they came.

There are more than 50 burial pits around the main mausoleum, which surround the main mausoleum in a radial shape. Most of the burial pits are ordinary funerary objects, such as pottery figurines, cattle and sheep, and barns, which are not very valuable.

What is really valuable is the main mausoleum, which is outside the current city of Xi'an, near the city of Chang'an at that time.It should be the mausoleum of one of the emperors of the Han Dynasty. The specific geographical location is marked on it, but it does not indicate which emperor of the Han Dynasty it belongs to.

Li Yuan and Li Chongwen judged the direction of the main tomb by entering the robbery hole of the burial pit and judging from the orientation of the figurines kneeling in the pit.

In fact, Fengshui secrets are not as magical as in the legends. After all, from ancient times to the present, the landforms of people today are hardly the same as the landforms of ancient times.

Therefore, even Li Chongwen, who is proficient in yin and yang mystic arts, did not rely solely on Feng Shui to find the exact location of the tomb. At critical times, he still needed to judge according to the actual situation.

In the burial pit, all the terracotta figures bowed to the west, which proves that the emperor's main tomb is located in the west.

That is to say, the queen's main tomb is located in the east, and the two tombs are under the mountain bag, facing each other from a distance, and corresponding to each other.

During the Han Dynasty, the tomb style was very different from that after the Tang Dynasty.

In the Tang Dynasty, the emphasis was placed on the joint burial of the emperor and empress. Even after the death of the empress Wu Zetian, she was buried with Li Zhi in the same place as the empress.

In the Han Dynasty, the concept of the emperor and empress jointly governing the world was emphasized, so the mausoleums looked at each other and set off each other's role.

In the manuscript, there is no description of the time, only the record of the tomb robbery.Among them, only the part of how Li Chongwen and Li Yuan entered the Houling was recorded.

When Li Shaohuang came in, his face was heavy, but he didn't say much, just silently took out the pen from his pocket, and translated with Yang Xiaofan.

Difficulties such as place names, classical Chinese, typos, typos, and large amount of information appeared in the notes, which brought great difficulties to the translation work of Yang Xiaofan and Li Shaohuang.

Until dinner time, the two people translated only half of the tomb robbery in Yang Xiaofan's hand and the Zhou Dynasty tomb in Li Shaohuang's hand.

After dinner in the evening, Xu Gang came back panting with a big black bag on his back.

He gave everyone a bright flashlight, a canteen filled with water, and other equipment, such as Swiss knives, ropes, sneakers, and some compressed biscuits, making it look like a march.

He put the remaining things in his backpack, glutinous rice, first aid medicine, black donkey hooves, candles, chopsticks...

In the end, he didn't think it was enough, so he took three engineering shovels with him from the broom closet.

Seeing Xu Gang bring these things, Yang Xiaofan couldn't help frowning, "Will it be a burden to bring so many things? Some things shouldn't be needed, right?"

"I told Xu Gang to buy these. There are many organs in the antique shop, and there may be corpse changes. Some I Ching gossip layouts, even if I go, I may not be able to decipher every answer. There is dry food in it and you can hold on for a while. There is also a mysterious cellar in the basement of the house. Police officer Guo said on the phone today that two policemen went down from their police force, but they didn’t come up in the end. Mr. Jin suggested that they should not send anyone down , the air below is very dark, so no one has dared to go down and investigate."

Li Shaohuang seems to have had a secret with Xiangzi. Xiangzi didn't tell her about the cellar under the antique shop.

Xu Gang exclaimed: "That place is not the same as your house, there is an ancient tomb underground?"

"Impossible! The feng shui in that area absolutely cannot bury the dead. It is impossible for someone to choose that location for the tomb!"

Li Shaohuang resolutely denied Xu Gang's idea. As for what's in the underground of the antique shop, he can only know by confirming it with his own eyes.

After eight o'clock, the city is still brightly lit and extremely prosperous.

Li Shaohuang drove a grass-green jeep, took the three of them and drove all the way, and finally stopped at the alley of the ancient street.In fact, this ancient street is not an alley, at least it can be used by cars.

The purpose of parking at the alley is to allow other vehicles to pass through here.

Yang Xiaofan was carrying the backpack bought by Xu Gang on his back, wearing a pair of light cloth shoes on his feet, and followed Li Shaohuang slowly to the door of the antique shop.

A seal was pasted on the door, and a handful of black iron chains were attached, which cost only 20 yuan in the world.

"Huangzi, we can only climb over the wall to get in. The rope used for climbing comes in handy." Xu Gang whispered to Li Shaohuang to go over, "Come here, you are flexible, so it's easier to go up. When you go up, put the two of us together." Pull it up too."

Li Shaohuang stared at the banyan tree at the door, frowned, but said: "Hehe, your fat intestines weigh so much, I will dislocate your arm if I pull it."

"We agreed before that you are not allowed to laugh at my weight." Xu Gang retorted, and followed curiously to see what kind of tricks this tree could have.

Isn't there a sign of the Forestry Bureau hanging on it, saying that it is a century-old tree?
"Trees are generally not allowed to be planted in front of a mansion, right? When I was a child, my father told me that if a tree is planted at the gate, it will damage Feng Shui. If it is still a shady tree, it should trap the ghosts in the house and prevent them from leaving... unless Cut down the tree..." Yang Xiaofan touched the trunk of the tree, and could feel a gust of wind blowing up from the tree hole.

Li Shaohuang lit a cigarette, but didn't smoke it. Instead, he put the cigarette butt in the fist-sized tree hole, and the smoke actually poured into the hole.

It's as if something is sucking in it...

Yang Xiaofan couldn't help staring at the movements of Li Shaohuang's hands to see what he would do next, but unexpectedly Li Shaohuang snuffed out the cigarette butt and stuffed it into his pocket.

"If I'm not mistaken, this is a tree burial style that gathers energy, and there should be a zongzi inside." Li Shaohuang said word by word.

Xu Gang started booing, "Huangzi, didn't you just say that Fengshui here is absolutely not suitable for tombs? Why? Now you want to talk back?"

(End of this chapter)

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