Who is my upstairs

Chapter 161 Eyes in the Darkness

Chapter 161 Eyes in the Darkness
The foreign girl's eyes with tears in her eyes froze for a moment, and she fell into thinking. After thinking for a while, Lily said: "I touched those children just now, and I thought they were alive."

Yang Xiaofan realized immediately that Lily directly touched the boys and girls who were filled with mercury with bare hands. If the mercury touches the human skin, it will be poisoned.

As long as the mercury is not eaten, or it comes into direct contact with the wound, nothing will happen in a short time.Just wash it with clean water after touching it.

"It's okay, I just touched a small amount of mercury, just wash it with water." Yang Xiaofan comforted Lili in a low voice, took out a bottle of water from his luggage, and poured it on Lili's hands.

After washing with clean water, it seemed that the pain was not as painful as before, Lily showed a happy expression on her face again, and kissed Yang Xiaofan's face.

Xiangzi said, "Miss Xiaofan, why do you bother with her? It's so good that the scar has forgotten the pain."

Li Shaohuang made a silent gesture, and there was no sound in the quiet ancient tomb. Lily was obviously more stable than before after being frightened.

In fact, she was regretting coming down with everyone, but the rope to go up was tens of meters long, and she couldn't climb it alone with her own strength.

If the strength in the hand is not enough, if you let go, you will be smashed into meat sauce.

Right now, she can only bite the bullet and follow these three people into this weird and mysterious oriental basement. She has not realized in her heart that this is the place where dead bodies are buried.

Several people moved forward slowly. This is a partial tomb room. There are not many burial objects in it, and it is estimated that they have been emptied by the previous tomb robbers.

The murals on the wall were also cut directly by people with modern tools, and the bare piece gave people a particularly weird feeling.

There were a few cries of infant spirits from inside the tomb, because the tomb was closed, and the sound did not know where it came from, but the cries of infant spirits could be heard everywhere.

But the cry was very weak, and it didn't make people feel very scared.

There was a circular groove on the floor of the tomb, which seemed to be the size of a clay pot. Li Shaohuang put the pot in his arms on it to have a look. Sure enough, the pot was going in such a tight direction.

And there seems to be a magnetic force on this groove, which can adsorb the clay pot on it.

A circular trace can be seen vaguely on the ground. It seems that there was a wooden barrel or a stone barrel beside this groove before.

I am afraid that this is also the place where people in the Tang Dynasty pursued eternal life and placed sacrificial utensils.

Lily suddenly screamed and shouted: "Many children, many children, they are coming around."

What is a lot of children?

Could it be that the baby spirit appeared again?
I saw a group of four or five-year-old children running out of the corridor. They were all the kind with delicate features and very cute looks.

They came from the darkness, with a faint white light on their bodies.

Yang Xiaofan felt her throat was dry, she couldn't see anyone around, she knew this was another ghost covering her ears.

After experiencing a ghost covering her ears once, Yang Xiaofan's heart was easier to calm down. She took a deep breath, and said silently in her heart: when the soldiers are about to fight, all the fighters are in front, so let's take courage.

One was caught off guard and was pushed to the ground.

The vest was pressed, and she fell on the cold floor tiles, her whole body was numb with coldness, and goose bumps appeared on her head.

The little feet of the children just stepped on Yang Xiaofan's back, bouncing back and forth, making Yang Xiaofan feel like he was going to die.

Yang Xiaofan wanted to get up with his own strength, but he couldn't.

In the darkness, the only place where she could feel the light should be Li Shaohuang, but she was trampled so hard that her body was about to freeze into a zombie.

There is no way to get close to the light where Li Shaohuang is.

If Li Shaohuang didn't come to help her, she knew she couldn't get up.

"Shaohuang!" Yang Xiaofan shouted to Li Shaohuang in the dark, and she could feel that someone helped her up, and when she touched that person's skin, she could vaguely see his face in the dark.

It's Li Shaohuang!

"Beware of ghosts covering your ears, you hold my hand, so that accidents will not be so easy." Li Shaohuang and Yang Xiaofan clasped their hands and index fingers tightly.

A warm feeling surged from Li Shaohuang's hand to Yang Xiaofan's palm, and then passed all the way to his heart.

After the warmth poured into his heart, Yang Xiaofan heard the voices from all around except Li Shaohuang.

"Why are there so many brats here... Fuck, they can even push people." Xiangzi stretched out his hand well, and was surrounded by a few little ghosts. In an instant, he was pushed to the ground and fell into the mud.

Seeing these four people, they were all children with cold faces, surrounded them, and pushed hard from behind one after another.

Such blatant pushing of people made Xiangzi very angry. After being pushed by these brats, Xiangzi swore loudly while waving guns in his hand.

But these little ghosts are all shadows in the dark, and the gun can't hit them at all.

After pushing these people down, they all ran into the tomb again, except for a few small black handprints on their bodies.

Those handprints, printed on the body, can make people chill to the bone.

The foreign girl's reaction was the biggest. After she was pushed and fell down, her chest was held down by the brat again. She was shivering shivering while hugging the choppy lump of flesh in front of her chest.

"It's so cold, Shaohuang, what should we do now?" Yang Xiaofan's waist was pushed heavily by the little ghost, the chill seemed to penetrate into her bones, making her feel unable to breathe.

The symptoms this time were worse than those at the entrance of the antique shop last time, where a few little ghosts pushed them down together.

The cold feeling made them feel like they were suffocating from the cold.

These little ghosts were probably ordered to stay here to prevent tomb robbers from coming in to steal things, so they knew how to divide and cooperate, and even Li Shaohuang was caught when they rushed over just now.

Now all four of them have the same symptoms, and the only solution is to go up to find a massage parlor, and they will be fine with cupping.

If you have just reached the first tomb and are about to go up, the speed of getting cold feet is too fast.

Is it too difficult to back down?
"Before coming here, Xu Gang asked someone to make a lot of Tusu wine, and put them in the luggage. Everyone can drink some Tusu wine to drive away evil spirits." Li Shaohuang took out a metal wine bag from his backpack, which seemed to be quite healthy. Some simple and European style, it should still be an antique.

Xiangzi took a sip of the wine and didn't pay attention to what was in it. He now has absolute trust in Li Shaohuang. If the four people here don't trust each other, then this operation will definitely fail.

After Tu Su drank the wine, everyone felt the warmth flowing through the body, and the place where the little devil pressed him was no longer so icy cold.

Lili looked at the wine pouch in her hand, and immediately understood its value, thinking in her heart, could it be that Yang Xiaofan is a housewife, she can't beat her?

In this Chinese-style basement, she wants to deal with Shaohuang Li, the rich second generation of local tycoon.

"Oh, Li, I'm drunk, can you give me a hand?" Lily took the opportunity and wanted to fall into Li Shaohuang's arms, but Li Shaohuang lightly dodged and she fell to the ground.

They seemed to be the only ones in this tomb. They made such a big commotion, yet no second group of people came to find them...

In the dark, Yang Xiaofan always felt that there was a pair of eyes staring at them.

(End of this chapter)

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