Who is my upstairs

Chapter 168 Eschatology

Chapter 168 Eschatology

Only a "plop" was heard, and the water splashed in all directions.

Xu Changchun fell into the water. He was going to grab the rubber boat and climb up, but he was dragged down by the three piranhas in the water.

There was blood mist in the water for a moment, and everyone was stunned. Almost everyone saw that it was Lily who pushed Xu Changchun down.

In such a short time, Xu Changchun disappeared in the water.

The white human bones soaked in the blood water slowly sank, making one's scalp numb.

Er Yu's body was still scratching the air on the shore, his body was covered with colorful corpse spots, which made people feel disgusted.

No one dared to touch it at all, so they could only hang it on the bank of the river and wait for it to fend for itself.

Otherwise, this corpse-changing thing cannot be carried on the rubber boat at all. As long as it bites anyone on the rubber boat and causes more infections, it will be a big deal.

The people of the search and rescue team rowed two boats in total. Seeing this scene, they quickly deployed personnel to slide the rubber boat so that it could go down the waterway.

The piranha in the water seemed to hit the rubber boat below, causing the rubber boat to bump violently, scaring the people on board to panic.

The captain of the search and rescue team, Chen Hua, quickly ordered his team members to steer the boat forward quickly, so as not to let the fish in the water capsize the boat.

Otherwise, everyone has to explain here.

This kind of rubber boat actually has a little motorized device, which can generate power by itself in the water.

But even so, everyone still felt that it was too slow, holding the oars in their hands and sliding forward desperately.

Xiangzi was sitting on a boat with Lily and He Qian. Xiangzi grabbed Lily's wrist forcefully and asked her, "Young girl, why are you pushing Xu Changchun down?"

Lily couldn't understand what Xiangzi said, and spoke quickly in foreign language, which made Xiangzi's head dizzy.

In fact, Xiangzi's English level is not bad, he has passed CET-[-] at least, but China is an exam-oriented education, so he had no problem with the written test, but he was caught blind when he came to the oral test.

Yang Xiaofan's spoken English was also very blunt before, but after entering a foreign company, he often had contact with blue-eyed foreigners, and his English level gradually improved.

What Xiangzi lacks is the opportunity to communicate with foreigners.

He Qian, who was on the same boat, seemed to be able to speak a little English. She translated what Xiangzi said to Lily.

A little girl pushed a strong man down, but she was still careless. The search and rescue team next to her felt uncomfortable when she said this.

A female search and rescue officer communicated with her in English and told her that such behavior is murder and is not allowed in China. Although it may not be sanctioned by Chinese law, it will definitely be deported.

Deportation is a terrible news for Lily. Li Shaohuang, a local tyrant, didn't get any money, and even paid Yang Ziming to go in.

She desperately explained that she really didn't do it on purpose, and the fangs in her mouth also grew out, which looked quite ferocious, and everyone wanted to let her go.

She felt uncomfortable in her heart, and shook her body violently, almost overturning the rubber boat.

After going on like this, no one in the boat can survive.

"You foreign girl, can you be less troublesome?" Xiangzi really became more and more disgusted with this foreign girl, wishing to throw her down to feed the fish.

But he is a police officer, but he really can't do things like a case officer.

Lily was really going crazy this time, she didn't push Xu Changchun down on purpose, who knew she would die if she fell down, now everyone blames her.

She also felt aggrieved, just when she felt her teeth itching, scratched her sharp fingernails, grabbed Xiangzi's arm, and opened her mouth to bite down fiercely with her fangs.

If you bite it down, you must be poisoned by the corpse.

There was a search and rescue team in front of Li Shaohuang who had no time to react. Yang Xiaofan was in a position where he could focus on Lily with his gun.At that time, Yang Xiaofan saw that his hair was about to be bitten by a corpse-turned foreign girl, he really reacted instantly, took out a gun from his pocket, and hit Lily directly on the wrist.

It just so happened that everyone was negligent at the beginning, they didn't pay attention, the gun seized from Xu Changchun was already loaded and could fire bullets at any time, so it was handed over to Yang Xiaofan for safekeeping.

Lily's wrist was bleeding profusely, and she let go of Xiangzi's hand at once. Xiangzi's arm was scratched by her nails, and he was frowning, not sure if he would be poisoned by the corpse.

She hugged her wound and cried loudly, but no one dared to talk to her, fearing that something might happen again.

When the search and rescue team landed, the captain of the search and rescue team unceremoniously reported the incident, reporting everything about Lily's death and the occurrence of piranhas with corpse poison in the waters.

The case of the piranhas was closed at the beginning. I thought that there were no fish that slipped through the net, but as a result, more than three appeared in the waters of the underground river at once.

If calculated according to probability, then the inland river of this city should have been captured, and it can even be said that all the dead fish were eaten. Near the waters, they can plunder life at any time and infect the entire city's water veins .

This situation is already quite critical, but it is beyond the reach of Li Shaohuang and his group. It can only be seen how the people above think of a countermeasure.

If one is not done well, it may be the same as in the doomsday movie. Everyone becomes a cannibal zombie, and the whole city is infected.

Thinking about this kind of eschatology makes people feel horrified, and the three of them dare not think deeply about it. They can only ask God to bless the impact of piranhas on the city from expanding further.

After Li Shaohuang thanked the personnel of the search and rescue team, he took a group of people back to Li's ancestral home, and first helped Lily look at the injury. Lily remembered that when everyone was in the ancient tomb and the underground river, they didn't care about her at all. She was so angry that she ran away, saying that she would go to Yang Ziming to get the protective shield and return to the United States.

In the end, Xiangzi chased her directly, pinned her down on the ground, and tied her back. How could Xiangzi, who has turned into a corpse, let her go back to Yang Ziming's house to cause trouble.

And He Qian was terrified when she saw how people treated Lily so brutally. She cried and wanted to go home to see her children and husband, and refused to go to Li's ancestral house together.

Faced with such a situation, everyone couldn't really tie He Qian back, but let her take a taxi home by herself.

Opening the box requires the cooperation of two people at the same time. He Qian just left. It is impossible to find someone to open the box in a short time. I can only slowly contact the lockpickers who used to live among the people.

If they are lucky enough to meet them, they will be able to open this box, otherwise, several of them will be in trouble.

Originally, Li Shaohuang and his party were in a depressed mood. After returning to the house, there was a woman sitting in the living room of the house. This woman was sitting on the sofa drinking tea gracefully.

She looked exactly like Li Shaohuang's grandmother, and the three people who saw her gasped.

The person in the clay pot came out?
(End of this chapter)

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