Who is my upstairs

Chapter 178 The Legend of the Black Cat

Chapter 178 The Legend of the Black Cat
According to Kuixing, he was born in the Han Dynasty and belonged to the person implicated in the chaos of witchcraft at that time.At that time, he was wanted by the imperial court and the government, and accidentally discovered that the world of clay pots could hide, so he fell into a dream and refused to come out.When he thought he had escaped the disaster and came out again, his body would have rotted away.

From then on, he could only stay in the world of clay pots, worrying all day long.Until one day, I met a Western Zhou alchemist in the deep mountains of the pottery world.Seeing that the alchemist is very capable, he can enter the world by virtue of alchemy in the mountains, so he learns from his master and learns all his kung fu.

Incorporating his own witchcraft skills, he spread these witchcrafts. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, Kuixing's organization grew to the largest, and it became a secret technique believed by some court figures.

There are even princesses who practice this alchemy during pregnancy to live forever, and even capture a lot of pregnant women, make them dead and use them to promote their own male fetuses.

In short, if this kind of magic continues to be practiced, it will only make people more and more trapped.The princess gave birth to a big black cat in the palace, and was executed with a stick in court.

The black cat was supposed to be thrown into the water and drowned, but the black cat was born to float and was not afraid of water at all.Floating all the way to the downstream, the descendants have continued to this day, that is, the Yueling Jinpu cat.

As soon as the princess died, Kuixing's organization was in turmoil. It was supposed to destroy the bronze tree together.

Fortunately, although the princess died, she still had to be buried according to court etiquette. These sorcerers were all moved into the mausoleum by the princess' confidantes during her lifetime.

Let the princess be able to enjoy these longevity props after death, and Kuixing can continue to use the bronze tree in the mausoleum to be reborn repeatedly.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the eyeball sacrifices he had brought back from the ancient city of the Western Regions that he planned to use for sacrifices disappeared overnight.It was only found out later that it was stolen by a Captain Mojin in the capital, and put into an extremely exquisite box, which he hid in an ancient tomb.

If the box is not a master lockpicker, it is absolutely impossible to open it.

Moreover, it is equipped with a self-destruct device, as long as it is forcibly broken open, it can only be opened in a normal way.

It is no wonder that the box is still so exquisite even today. In fact, it is a box from the late Qing Dynasty, and it will not be oxidized by the air too much, resulting in qualitative changes.

In this matter, Kuixing has been sending people to investigate and search for this box, and finally found out the news about the tomb of the Han Dynasty, but encountered a warlord scuffle, and has been unable to steal it.

Until Li Chongwen discovered the secret of the Tang Dynasty tomb, he asked craftsmen to build a house on top of the tomb, restricting Kuixing's access.For a long time, Kuixing could only stay in clay pots, and finally had to rebuild the altar in the basement of the ancient street.

The grievances between Li Chongwen and Kuixing are deep, and it has continued to the world of clay pots.In the human world, Li Chongwen has always been against Kuixing, until he entered the world of clay pots after his death, and found that Kuixing is the master of this world, and he has controlled the lives of many people, so he began to surrender.

It wasn't until 04 that Li Chongwen's self-cultivated forces rose up, and he fought against Kuixing.

However, Li Chongwen's resistance resulted in Kuixing's frenzied plundering of life. In the world of pottery pots, the time is extremely long, five times slower than outside.

This feeling makes people suffer even more.

When Kuixing said this, everyone thought there was more to come, but he suddenly stopped talking.

Inside the ancient tomb, there was an unknown tranquility. In the darkness, everyone’s flashlight beams were gradually dimming, but in this environment, once the flashlights were turned off, they would only fall into darkness.

No one wanted to turn off their flashlights to save power. In case Kuixing suddenly launched an attack, it would be difficult to react in a dark environment.

"Kuixing, are you talking? Why don't you talk..." Xu Gang yelled and cursed.

The corpse-smelling konjac was still standing there quietly, and there was no movement inside.

"Kuixing, don't play tricks, there are so many of us, you can't beat us at all." Yang Xiaofan already felt that Kuixing just hid in the magic flower and dared not come out, in order to be able to accurately delay the time.

In the darkness, there were a few cat meows.

"Damn it!" Yang Xiaofan and Li Ying said these two words from their mouths at the same time, maybe no one in this world is willing to save Kuixing.

Because everyone has selfishness, Kuixing can't believe it.

The consequences of Kuixing asking others to help with matters related to these secrets are likely to end up the same as that alchemist in the Western Zhou Dynasty, who was betrayed when he learned the method.

However, if it was a cat that helped Kuixing, then it would not necessarily be the case.

Only then did Yang Xiaofan think of the Yueling golden-eyed cat that belonged to Zhang Dahai, when he heard a few meows in the darkness, he saw a man come in with a black cat in his arms.

Terrible laughter came from the corpse-smelling konjac, "Because there is no need to continue talking, the time has come, and you guys should report to the world I rule. Didn't Li Chongwen coax me to cut my life? ? When I arrived in my world, I was still obedient."

Kuixing walked out of the stinky konjac, only to see that the black cat was brought by a man, he couldn't see his face clearly in the dark, but when he spoke, Yang Xiaofan could hear it.

He is Zhang Dahai.

"Hey hey...Kui Xing? When you taught me this sorcery, did you ever think that from now on I will be immortal. Unless someone grabs me by the door, it's a pity that girl Li Ying is too tender."

Zhang Dahai slowly approached Kuixing, and the dagger in his hand was inserted into Kuixing's throat.

Not only was Kuixing short in stature, but he was also slow to react. In the end, he died in the hands of Zhang Dahai, a deadly blind man. He didn't even groan and fell sideways.

"Xu Gang, kill Zhang Dahai quickly." Li Ying came to her senses, she was too far away from Zhang Dahai.

Xu Gang groaned, and shouted: "No way, the bullet...the bullet jammed, the chance of this is too small. Heroine, go up and chop him."

Zhang Dahai didn't seem to be afraid that someone inside would kill him at all, so he snorted coldly and said to the dead Kuixing: "If you hadn't asked for the box, I wouldn't have entered the tomb of the Han Dynasty because of you, got hit by the poisonous mist trap, and went blind for a while." Right trick. You didn’t teach me the technique of longevity until after that incident. No matter how many times I’ve died, I’m still blind. Do you think I’ll be grateful to you?”

After his words fell, Li Ying had already rushed in front of Zhang Dahai.

Suddenly, Yang Xiaofan felt like he fell into darkness for some reason.

There was no one in the long street, surrounded by familiar ancient buildings.

Yang Xiaofan had been to this place before, she had met in the night market before, it was Zhang Dahai who used the Yueling golden pupil cat in his hand to get her in.

No matter which direction you go on this street, there will be no way out.

Because this is a dark street, the woman who drowned in the well will lead everyone to the city of death in unison, and then bid farewell to the world forever.

So, where did Li Ying and Xu Gang go?
Could it be that he was also trapped in this world by Zhang Dahai?

(End of this chapter)

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