Monkey King's Infinite Devour

Chapter 1146 The Truth That 1 Accepted

Chapter 1146
Chapter 1147
In a remote cave, a group of people who wanted to dig out the historical truth found a person in this cave.

To be precise, it was a frozen corpse.

When everyone looked at these corpses, they always felt something strange.

Because this corpse was covered with a layer of frost from the inside to the outside, and a layer of ice sculptures appeared outside the body.

But that layer of ice didn't make them feel cold, as if it was frozen specifically for these people.

"What kind of power is this?"

Someone stroked the ice sculpture and didn't feel any cold temperature. He said something magically.

At this time, a woman in a black robe took a careful look at the ice sculpture, and even glanced at the person inside the ice sculpture.

"This is the old age, when the way of heaven is shattered. In the end, the people who are shattered under the way of heaven will also become like this after the way of heaven is shattered. This is something that cannot be changed. It is even impossible for people to imagine The cruelty of that era."

Everyone was stunned.

Immediately afterwards, they glanced at the ice sculpture again, and were silent for a long time.

The change of the times, or a reincarnation, is really cruel and cruel.

At the same time, they are also wondering whether one day their era will also end, and then they will become like this.

The mysterious woman looked at these people and seemed to understand what they were thinking.

"Maybe it will be like this one day, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen at the moment."

But at this time, everyone is a little strange.

According to the display on the map, they seemed to have only found such a corpse, and it was a completely frozen corpse.

It seems that the harvest is not very big.

What does this have to do with the truth of history?
But at this moment, the mysterious woman glanced at the frozen corpse, her eyes flickering a few times.

"Although these corpses have been frozen for many years, their memories will also be frozen at the moment. That is to say, there are still memories in this corpse. We can completely see some things about the past from this corpse. memory."

Hearing this, everyone started experimenting at this time.

It turned out that they actually saw the memory of the corpse.



It was in a dark and dark prison.

There is only one person in this world, quietly watching everything around him.

There was no fear, not even sadness, in his eyes.

Some only have a kind of despair, because he knows that he can't escape his current fate, and he may be destroyed by monsters in the next step.

Sure enough, not long after, a group of ugly black shadows appeared in front of this woman in an instant, and then they used various methods to torture this person.

Immediately afterwards, they heard roars, which were painful and angry.

But then, those black shadows also went out.

Because those shadows didn't want this person to die so quickly, they would continue to torture this person.

Because he thinks this person is their most fun toy.

Jiang Pi actually wanted to commit suicide, but whenever he wanted to commit suicide, there was always a dark shadow that stopped him directly.

I was tortured like this day after day, and I didn't know when the end was.

Finally one day, the man smiled.

Because, he felt that his body was full of frost.

The frost covered his whole body, making him feel a burst of relief.

In the end, because of the sinking of the Great World, his body was completely turned into an ice sculpture.

Those dark shadows felt bored for a while when they saw the man turned into an ice sculpture.

Finally threw him off the cliff.



This is the end of the review.

Although the time was very short, everyone saw that it was extremely tragic, that is, a dark period of history.

This history fully tells how hateful they are.

And it also tells how ugly their bodies are.

At this time, some people can't stand it anymore.

"I don't think this can be the real history, this history is fake, I can't accept this history."

In fact, other people at this time also know that this history should be true, but they really can't accept this kind of history, this kind of history and those people are really hateful, and their bodies are so ugly .

Can even that kind of shadow be considered a living being?
That kind of shadow is not even a living being.

At this time, the woman in black robe said again.

"It seems that Master Xiaozhe is right. Even if you people get the truth of history, what can you do? Without a little thinking and judgment of your own, even if you see the truth of history, you don't know whether the truth is true or not. Fake."

At this time, an old man glanced at the woman who could not see her face at all.

"Then do you think this truth is true or false?"

The woman shook her head.

"If only relying on the memory of this person's corpse, I am not at all able to tell whether the truth is true or not. We may have to dig up a few more such corpses and look at their memory fragments, so that we can see it. Is this truth true or false?"

At this time, everyone nodded.

And this frozen corpse, they didn't touch it, but let him stay here.

In fact, at this time, all the people have a very heavy heart, because they are afraid that such a thing will happen again, if they find another frozen corpse, what if they see the same clip again?

Does that mean that everything they see is true?

But after knowing the truth of such a matter, they found that they were not in a good mood at all.



A year passed in the blink of an eye.

Those people on the mainland who were full of sentiments against the old era began to gradually calm down.

After digging out the truth of history bit by bit, everyone in this world fell silent.

They don't make a big splash about this historical truth because it's not a very glorious thing to do.

Even defeating the old era is a very disgraceful thing.

It is precisely because of this that most of them chose silence, and even in silence, they felt a little bored and heavy psychologically.

At this time, those who were digging for the truth gathered in a room, and while drinking wine, they seemed a little depressed.

They don't know if they want to continue.

Because they have dug too many things, they have roughly understood the truth of the matter and the trend of history.

But the more they understand these things, the more they understand how cruel the predecessors of this era are.

(End of this chapter)

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