Chapter 128

But, would Meng Xiaocomo really do this?

Others may not know it, but Concubine Lan Gui knows it. Meng Xiaosuo is a smart person, even if she wants to take revenge, she will not use such indecent means.

After calming down, her face was no longer so ferocious: "Who do you think did it?"

"How do I know this? Madam, think about it carefully, did anything different from usual happen before the scar appeared?" Meng Xiaocom asked.

Concubine Lan Gui thought for a moment, then shook her head: "No."

"Then, who have you come into contact with today?" Meng Xiaocom continued to ask.

Concubine Lan Gui thought for a while, and said uncertainly: "As usual, they are all trustworthy people."

"Among these people, is there anyone who is more suspicious?" Meng Xiaosuo asked persuasively.

Concubine Lan Gui's eyes flickered for a moment, but she didn't make a sound.

"Your Majesty must have thought of something. It's okay if you don't want to tell me. However, if the best timing for diagnosis is missed, I'm afraid it will make the scar difficult to heal." Meng Xiaosuo said.

Lan Gui asked suspiciously: "Even you have no way to heal?"

"I'm a medical girl, not a fairy. I really don't dare to prescribe reckless medicine for a mindless disease." Meng Xiaoshu said solemnly.

"You go back first, don't mention this matter to anyone." Lan Guifei said.

"Then, if someone asks, what should I say?" Meng Xiaocom asked.

Concubine Lan Gui thought for a while, and said: "Let's just say that I had a nightmare, and my mind is restless, so no one will bother me."

"Okay." Meng Xiaoshu nodded and stepped back, thinking to herself, tomorrow is the wedding day, and the disfigurement is just a slap in the face, she wants to marry Yin Yichan, and still spend time with that Bixiao, dreaming!

After returning to the room for a while, Qiu Lian pushed the door open and came in, and said happily: "Miss Meng, it's really as you guessed, as soon as you left, the empress called Bi Xiao away!"

"Yeah." Meng Xiaocom nodded, looking at the bright moon above, "Be safe and don't be impatient, the fun has just begun."

"By the way, you haven't eaten yet. You must be hungry, right? The imperial dining room just delivered the food. I saw that you didn't go back to your room, so I asked them to bring the food back to warm it up. If you want to eat, I will Bring it to you." Qiu Lian said.

"No, I have no appetite. Have you done what I asked you to do?"

"It's already been done." Qiu Lian smiled and said, "However, I still can't figure out why you did this."

"You can't figure it out, it just shows that my method is not bad. If you can figure it out right away, I'm afraid it won't work." Meng Xiaocoma smiled lightly.

"Girl, you should smile more, it looks so pretty when you smile, it's easy to get old with a straight face all day long." Qiu Lian said.

"Really?" Meng Xiaocom touched her face, "I always keep a straight face?"

"Well," Qiu Lian nodded earnestly, "In the entire Xining Palace, except for Mrs. Sun and Mrs. Tang, you are the only one like this."

Hearing what she said, Meng Xiaosuo involuntarily glanced at the bronze mirror on the dressing table behind her.

In the mirror, there was a blurred figure with a melon-seeded face, smoky eyebrows, a pair of almond eyes with distinct black and white pupils, and extremely dark pupils. All the facial features were small and delicate, but there was no coquettish and weak attitude at all, instead exuding a kind of dismissive arrogance.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Meng Xiaosuo suddenly became a little flustered, because this expression was too similar to Yin Yichan.Before, she often said that Yin Yichan had facial paralysis, but how could she have become like this.

Seeing her expression changed, Qiulian quickly asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I just thought of an annoying person." Meng Xiaoshu waved his hand, as if he was waving a nightmare away from his eyes, "Don't talk about this, you can go outside and watch, and tell me immediately if there is any movement."

"Yes." Qiu Lian turned and walked out. After walking a few steps, she suddenly turned around and said, "Miss Meng, there is something that I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Don't say such things in front of me from now on, just say what you should, and don't say what you shouldn't." Meng Xiaocom frowned slightly.

"Yes." Qiu Lian bit her lip, with an angry look in her eyes, but this anger was not aimed at Meng Xiaosuo, "Just now I heard Grandma Sun say that the imperial concubine suddenly screamed because she had a nightmare , she also said, tomorrow is your wedding day, and this nightmare of the imperial concubine is an ominous omen..."

"And then you said something like I'm an ominous person?" Meng Xiaocom pouted indifferently, "Let them talk. I'll take this ominous person for granted."

"Girl, you have to be careful, the palace is dangerous, I'm always afraid that you will offend someone who shouldn't be offended..." Qiu Lian reminded.

"Anyone I offend should be offended. Don't worry, I'll be fine. Go out and listen. If anything goes wrong, come in and call me." Meng Xiaosuo said.

After Qiu Lian left, she sat in front of the dressing table, wiped her face carefully, painted her eyebrows and eyes on a whim, unexpectedly, she hadn't dressed for a long time, and she was a little rusty, so she drew her two eyebrows higher One low, one thick and one thin, it was so strange to see, so I simply wiped it off with a face towel.

The night is getting darker, and somewhere, there are autumn cicadas singing, and the sound is a bit depressing.

This night is doomed to be restless.

Not long after, Mrs. Tang came and said, "Miss Meng, Madam asked you to come over!"

Before, Mrs. Sun used the word "please", but this time, Mrs. Tang used the word "called". It seems that Concubine Lan Gui was really out of temper.Meng Xiaosuo twitched the corner of her mouth, and followed her again to the door of Concubine Lan Gui's room.

It was Bi Xiao who opened the door, looking at Meng Xiaosuo with undisguised hatred.

"You're here? I thought you didn't have the guts to come." Concubine Lan Gui had a veil on her face, her voice was dull, her gaze was as sharp as a sword, as if she wanted to poke a hole in Meng Xiaocom's face, " What did you do in that basin of water?"

"What water?" Meng Xiaocom asked.

"You still want to argue?" Concubine Lan Gui grabbed Bi Xiao's hand beside her, and raised it to Meng Xiaosuo's eyes, "What is this?"

Bixiao's pair of catkins has become scarred and ugly.

Meng Xiaosuo pretended to be surprised: "Hey, this scar is exactly the same as the one on your face, ma'am, so it's Bi Xiao who did the manipulation?"

"Don't treat me like a three-year-old child!" Concubine Lan Gui was furious, "Tell me, what exactly did you mix in the basin of water you washed Bi Xiao with?"

"Sister Meng, you have such a vicious mind. Bi Xiao has no grievances or enmities with you. Why did you frame me? If it weren't for the imperial concubine and empress to see clearly, I'm afraid I'd be your scapegoat!" Bi Xiao hated hate to say.

"The conscience of heaven and earth, this matter really has nothing to do with me." Meng Xiaoshu spread his hands and said.

"Hmph, now that things are going on, you still want to deny it?" Concubine Lan Gui gritted her teeth and shouted outside, "Grandma Sun, come in!"

Grandma Sun pushed the door open and entered. Normally she would look at people with cold eyes and nostrils, but now she lowered her head and looked at her toes.

Meng Xiaoshu saw the ugly scar on her forehead at a glance, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong with your face?"

"It's not a good thing you did!" Seeing her innocent face, Concubine Lan refused to admit it all the time, she was almost out of breath, "Don't blame me for not giving you a chance, if you come up with the antidote, I might let you go Life, if you still don’t realize it, I will immediately report to the emperor and imprison you in the clan’s mansion, let’s see if you say it or not!”

If Grandma Sun hadn't had the same scar on her face, she might not be so sure that this matter was done by Meng Xiaosuo.

After asking Bi Xiao and Mrs. Sun carefully, she realized that the problem was the basin of washing water in Meng Xiao's dressing room.Bi Xiao had washed her hands in that water before coming over to rub her head and shoulders. Grandma Sun was also doused in that water. At this time, Bi Xiao's hands, the sides of her forehead, and Grandma Sun's face all grew out. She had the same scar, how could she not suspect that it was Meng Xiaoshu's hands and feet?

"Please." Meng Xiaosuo said calmly.

"Good! Good! Very good!" Concubine Lan Gui's voice suddenly became sharp, and she shouted outside, "Grandma Tang, go invite the emperor!"

At first, she just wanted to find out the truth, even though she found a way to remove the scar, she covered it up without anyone noticing it. After all, such an ugly scar was not good for her if the emperor saw it.

Since ancient times, the women in the harem have always served the emperor with color. Once their appearance is ruined, sometimes even the most humble court lady can't compare.Even if her natal family holds part of the military power, even if she has the prince Yin Yichan, she cannot escape the fate of being neglected by the emperor.

But at the moment there is really no way, Meng Xiaoshu refuses to admit it, she can't abuse lynching to force her to admit it, it's better to tell the emperor about it and let the emperor decide it, so as not to cause any controversy in the palace.

"Come on, show me this bitch!" She glared fiercely at Meng Xiaosuo, wishing she could pluck a piece of flesh off Meng Xiaosuo's face.

Soon guards and eunuchs came in and surrounded Meng Xiaoshu.

Bi Xiao stood beside Concubine Lan Gui, her eyebrows lowered, but her face was full of smiles—tomorrow was the wedding day, if something happened to Meng Xiaosuo, she would have a chance to take her place.

After all, the emperor bestowing a marriage is a big event, and the list of guests is a long one. If tomorrow she only married herself as a side concubine and did not see Meng Xiaosuo as her main concubine, Concubine Lan would not be able to afford to lose face.

There is such a possibility, which Bi Xiao is full of hope-to let her replace Meng Xiaosuo and marry as the main concubine.

Of course, there is another possibility that she doesn't want - the news that her side concubine is going to get married is not known to everyone, even the third prince Yin Yichan, the groom official, doesn't know. Therefore, if Meng Xiaoshu can't get married, She was afraid that she would also be implicated, and the wedding that was about to be held might have to be cancelled.If things develop like this, she will definitely muster up the courage to propose to Concubine Lan Gui to marry herself as the main concubine, so that the whole matter will not be so ugly.

A few days ago, she had already been thinking about how to deal with Meng Xiaosuo, but Meng Xiaosuo couldn't hold back the first and moved her hands.For her, it was a greater joy than marriage.

As long as Meng Xiaosuo can be brought down, everything may belong to her, Bi Xiao!
(End of this chapter)

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