Chapter 208 Night Ten and Bright Moon

Fenglinyuan bowed her head.

He was indeed naked... his upper body, and a robe hanging messily on his lower body above his hipbones, revealing his flat and firm belly, as well as the equally provocative mermaid thread.

"When I heard the voice of the master, I hurried over to open the door so I don't care about getting dressed, but..." Feng Lingyuan's slender fingers brushed her long hair, "Don't the master think that I am beautiful like this?"

Beautiful, so beautiful that it makes people's skin crawl, but how did he hear her voice?

Mingyue suddenly realized the life lock on her feet.

It seemed he could hear well too.

"Beautiful, you are the most beautiful." Mingyue smiled and walked sideways beside him, "I brought breakfast, wash up and come eat."

I went into the yard and saw, I'll fuck it, is this just hit by a tornado?

The roots of the flowers, plants and trees in the yard were broken to the ground, the steps were shattered, the pillars of the corridor were toppled, and the roof tiles were about to collapse.

Ye Shi, who was sitting under the eaves, stared at the bright moon with dull eyes.

Mingyue suddenly turned her head and stared at Fenglinyuan.

Fenglinyuan pouted in grievance: "It was all done by that little fox..."

"Kongyinxue..." Mingyue made a cross on her forehead, saying no to fight!

"He's talking nonsense!" Kong Yinxue stuck out her head from behind the door, her white face blushing, "Zhao Mingyue, don't come in!"

Ye Shi leaned against the wall and looked through the door: "Cover me, you're only six years old and you're nothing to look at, and Zhao Mingyue is still a man...they made a bet, one piece of clothing in ten rounds, and the fox loses so much that even his underwear will be destroyed." Picked up."

The little fox blushed.

Get out from behind the door immediately.

The white and clean child's body was puffed up with anger: "That's because Fenglinyuan cheated!"

chirp chirp chirp
Although it was very immoral, after Mingyue looked him over, her eyes still fell on his little pink bird, and then she covered her forehead to laugh but felt that she should be angry, she gave the box to Ye Shi with a strange expression.

"Cough, breakfast."

"Yeah, breakfast." Kong Yinxue ran over naked.

"You stop for me..."

Kong Yinxue was not convinced but stood still, Mingyue was a man anyway, so he didn't feel ashamed anymore, just let it be naked.

"Did I say no fighting?"

"We didn't fight, we just exchanged ideas..."

"Shut up!" Mingyue turned around and said to the sophistry Fenglinyuan.

He also lost only one robe to hide his body, and said glibly that he had no time to put on clothes in order to pick her up. He dared to stand naked behind the door at that time!
"You two's task today is to fix this yard."

"Ye Shi asked us to gamble..." Feng Lingyuan immediately shifted the responsibility to others, and winked at the little fox.

Kongyinxue came to her senses and nodded vigorously: "Yes, Ye Shi said whoever loses will take off his clothes."

Mingyue looked at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi hurriedly stuffed the shrimp dumplings into his mouth, and carried the carrying case into the house.

Mingyue blew her bangs, what kind of family combination are these? !

A divine tomb keeper, a fox spirit, and a goblin!
Mingyue stepped into the house, Kongyinxue and Fenglinyuan also followed, Mingyue turned her head and stared: "Fix the house before coming in."

"But we haven't had breakfast yet..."

"Do you want to fix it?"


The fox spirit and the goblin went back to repair the house honestly.

Mingyue told Ye Shi that she wanted to learn art from him, and Ye Shi readily agreed. The two had similar personalities of doing what they said they would do. Ye Shi roughly analyzed the advantages and cultivation skills of the gravekeeper's technique compared to human techniques.

The two came to the backyard to start training.

Ye Shi started the first tutorial with three bells.

The three bells are arranged in a triangle, and Mingyue is required to catch the bells so fast that only one sound can be made by the three bells.

This is not so simple, if the triangle is small, at the same time grasping the natural bells will sound naturally in unison, but if the triangle is enlarged to a side length of one meter, two meters, one battle?
This seemingly simple training method is actually a way to unlock the speed limit of human beings. This is the "shape-shifting" given to Mingyue by Ye Shi.

Later, he took Mingyue to the Yeshi Temple, where he remembered that there were cheat books suitable for Onmyoji cultivation.

Yeshi Temple is located in Nanshan surrounded by aura.

At the end of a ladder is a gray-blue magnificent temple, surrounded by floating clouds outside the temple, which is quite fairy-like.

However, the hall was extremely deserted, and the empty temple could walk out of the echo, and not many people walked around.

Ye Shi explained: "The keeper of the grave is a low-level god, but it can barely be regarded as a divine book. Even the law popularization conference in the heavens can't notify us."

At this time, he saw the grave guard Zhuang Shixiu near the Fragrant Bone Cemetery that night, and he saw Ye Shi walking over to say hello: "The first one is back."

"Well, take me to the study."


Yeshi Temple is quiet and quiet, with elegant flowers and plants and gurgling springs.

The temple looks magnificent from the outside, but the buildings inside are very ingenious, many of which are built against the mountains, enclosing the natural scenery inside the temple, which makes people feel very comfortable.

Along the way, I saw several tomb guards saluting Ye Shi respectfully.

Zhuang Shixiu took Ye Shi to the gate of a palace: "What else do you want from the Chief?"

"You go down."

The study room needs the handprint of the first master to open, and Ye Shi was a little uncertain at the beginning, but when he put his hand on it, the door was still opened.

The two entered the study.

Mingyue said: "Even if there are two deities, no one can tell them apart, right? After all, they are all the same god."

"I can tell, but you can tell that Zhuang Shixiu is a magic weapon?"

"Huh?" I couldn't tell at all.

The study room of Yeshi Temple is built inside the huge sacred tree, which is similar to the pattern of a duplex building.

A space of about [-] to [-] square meters was carved out inside, with spiral bookshelves on the circular wall, and a bedroom at the end of the spiral staircase.

Ye Shi led Mingyue up the stairs: "Most of the members of the tomb guard's family are artifacts of the god seat. The biggest advantage of the grave guard is that they can contract many artifacts. It is said that one grave guard can contract a thousand Horcruxes during the peak period."

A thousand Horcruxes? !
This is how big a capacity.

The maximum number of Horcruxes that humans can contract is said to be nine so far.

Gods or immortals can contract dozens of them, so a thousand horcruxes is already a very large number.

Ye Shi: "But I don't know which generation is so boring, at least the first generation isn't it? This guy is very lazy, probably only a dozen Horcruxes."

"The horcruxes of the previous generation of tomb guards will be passed on to the next generation, but the new generation needs to be retrained after taking office, otherwise the power to control the artifacts will be weakened, so it may not be so...obedient for me, a thousand generations, to control the artifacts of the first generation. "

"Fortunately, the artifacts can act and fight independently. Otherwise, do you think he can use a thousand artifacts contracted by the gods? Some artifacts have been contracted for thousands of years and have not been summoned once. Over time, it is more like living together with the same clan, becoming The so-called grave guards."

It turned out to be the case.

So if Ye Shi couldn't control Zhuang Shixiu and the others, it would be easy to see that he was not the first generation.

"But being able to summon a thousand Horcruxes is too powerful to have no friends, right?"

Ye Shixiao: "Perhaps this is also the reason why grave guards can't go to heaven. You said that a person who can carry a thousand dead souls or demons on his body can easily enter heaven?"

Mingyue suddenly realized.

Indeed, in terms of security risks, a thousand artifacts can already form a small team.

After Mingyue arrived in this room, she couldn't help but wow again.

The room is so cool too!
It doesn't matter if it is built inside the big tree. The big tree grows on the mountain, so open the window to see the vast scenery of the mountains outside.

There are many mountains passing through the sea of ​​clouds, suspended flying waterfalls, and a group of white cranes flying gracefully.

"Ye Shi, living in this room is really cool!"

Seeing her stretching her head out to look around, Ye Shi laughed and rushed over to push her butt, making a gesture to push her out.

"Yeshi, you don't want to live anymore!" Mingyue yelled while hanging half of her body outside the window.

Ye Shi laughed and brought her back, and Mingyue said pleasantly, "Wait! Give me a hand, and I'll pick the ganoderma outside the window. The ganoderma under the window is so big, give me a hand..."

Have Ganoderma lucidum?
Why didn't he see it?

Ye Shi hugged her waist from behind.

Mingyue is also so bold, as soon as he hugged her like this, he rubbed her body out to reach the Ganoderma lucidum, Ye Shi broke into a cold sweat and quickly hugged her tightly.

"Zhao Mingyue, do you really believe that I can hug you?"

Nonsense, can he let go?

"Put me down a little more, I'm almost hooked...Put me down a little more..."

Her fingers touched her but she couldn't hold it, Mingyue moved her body out again: "Ye Shi... I want you to let go, don't you go back and catch me..."

This guy can't understand human language?Mingyue looked back at Ye Shi.

Ye Shi's expression was a little evasive: "You want that ganoderma so much?"

"Of course, this must be a hundred-year-old Ganoderma lucidum. It would be great to take it back and make alchemy. Help me."


Ye Shi bit the bullet and hugged Mingyue again, Mingyue lying on the window sill rubbed out a few times, Ye Shi blushed a little, trying to move her lower body away from her buttocks.

He retreated... But the reaction in front of him blocked the distance again.

Mingyue didn't realize it, and went down to pick the ganoderma lucidum in one go.

"got it!"

This time Ye Shi moved forward a bit.

"Uh." Ye Shi let out a muffled grunt, and suddenly pulled Zhao Mingyue back and threw him on the ground.

"Oh..." Mingyue fell until her butt blossomed.

Ye Shi turned around and said, "Hey, I didn't bring you here to find the cheats, but I didn't ask you to pick the ganoderma."

Mingyue rubbed her butt and stood up holding a large ganoderma: "How big do you think the ganoderma is?!"

How big is Ganoderma lucidum?

Ye Shi stroked his robe in embarrassment.

Nima actually reacted?And... can't hold back!
Hehe, a man's body is inherently sensitive, so even if Mingyue is a man, it's normal for him to react by rubbing his butt around, right?
Ye Shi was a little hot, and with a flick of his slender fingers, the scroll was pulled out from the bookshelf and flew into his hand.

Mingyue saw the scroll floating in mid-air, and walked over holding the ganoderma lucidum: "Hey Yeer, you are quite handsome when you perform magic."

Mingyue stood very close, and he paid more attention to her breath than the scent of Ganoderma lucidum. When his mind moved, Ye Shi broke his power in an instant, and a large volume of books on the bookshelf crashed down.

Mingyue was dumbfounded, looking at the pile of messy scrolls on the first floor, she turned her head to Ye Shi with a helpless smile and said, "Here again, your mana is too unstable."

With bright eyes and bright teeth, this smile made Ye Shi feel depressed again. He thought... Zhao Mingyue was pretty, and he had always thought she was pretty recently.

(End of this chapter)

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