Allure Doctor

Chapter 114: Nowhere To Go

Chapter 114: Nowhere To Go (2)
Sleeping soundly, in a daze, seemed to hear the noise and crying downstairs.Consciousness has been gradually awakened, she wants to open her eyes, but her eyelids are tightly attracted together like two magnets that attract breath, and she can't break free no matter what.After a while, she opened her eyes suddenly, the piercing light made her eyes hurt a little.

His eyes were opened, but his mind was not clear again.She sat in a daze for a while, then threw off the quilt, put on her coat and ran down.In the mix of voices, it seemed to hear miserable cries.

There was no one in the restaurant, and those who ate mediocre meals let people know that it was a sudden incident that aroused everyone's curiosity, so they all ran out.Zi Niang squeezed in from the crowd, and when she got to the center, the smell of blood made her heart skip a beat.A woman was crying heartbreakingly while holding a child. The child was covered in blood and remained motionless.On the child's white chest, a huge horseshoe print was shocking.

Seeing this scene, Zi Niang only felt cold all over.In a trance, it seemed that she had returned to the past that made her miserable...

Blood, blood all over the world, invaded and ravaged the entire field of vision, leaving nowhere to escape...

Zi Niang seemed to have been tapped on her acupuncture points, and also seemed to be frozen in ice, unable to move no matter what.Only her eyes like black pearls were wide open, full of panic, which was completely different from her usual calm and breezy...

no, do not want!I want to save him, I must save him!Baby, mom will save you, mom will save you!You will be fine, mom is a doctor, a very powerful doctor...

He muttered silently, and kept talking to himself.The consciousness is still not clear, but the movement is extremely fast. "Pearl Fen, go upstairs and get my medicine box right away! Everyone help block the aisle, and don't let horses or carts pass here; you, put him on the ground carefully, be careful; you go and hug him Two quilts, they must be soft and good..."

Subconsciously, I regained the quickness and courage I had when I was doing surgery in the hospital.It was this kind of decisiveness and courage that made everyone not express any doubts about her words. Everyone obediently followed what she said, and everything seemed orderly, like a well-trained team.No one even said a word, for fear of interfering with her saving lives.The surroundings are quiet, even breathing is suppressed.

But Zi Niang didn't pay much attention to the environment and people around her, she took out a silver needle from her bosom, and stuck it on the child's important acupoints, protecting his weakened heart veins.The situation was critical, but she was unusually calm.

Everything was going on in an orderly manner, everyone stood where they were ordered to stand, and obeyed her every instruction to pass and pick things up.Time slipped away quietly, and I don't know how long it took, Zi Niang straightened up slowly, staggered due to excessive exhaustion, her eyes were so dark that she could hardly see clearly, she was supported in time.When she was able to see clearly, she realized that all the people in front of her were people.Everyone spontaneously formed a circle, and the center of the circle was her and the injured child.Everyone looked at her with complicated eyes.

It was almost dusk, and the sky was dotted with fiery clouds, making it gorgeous.The people and objects embellished by the sunset are peaceful.

"My child...he, he..." The mother was still not sure if her child was okay, but because of Zi Niang's order, she didn't dare to touch him casually.Because my heart was still hanging in the air, and my fear was still entrenched in the letter, I couldn't even speak clearly.

Zi Niang wiped the sweat from her forehead, and smiled softly at her. "He's fine. As long as he rests well, he will be fine!"

Seeing the child lying on the blood-stained quilt, she directed to a certain direction: "Come over with another quilt and a stretcher, and carry the child to the house. Have someone set up the bed immediately on the first floor." A bed, and put the child in that bed to recuperate."

It didn't take long for the stretcher and quilt to arrive.Zi Niang helped to carefully move the child to the stretcher covered with a soft quilt, watching the four people carefully carrying him into the house on the stretcher, she was greatly relieved.

The crowd automatically moved out of the way, and some subconsciously followed the four stretcher-bearers and moved carefully, keeping their eyes on their movements.Breathing, I was held again, afraid that a gasp would scare the stretcher bearer, and then fall to the child.

Zi Niang thought, if her child was rescued like this back then, it would be great.She was stubbornly unwilling to accept this cruel fact, but she was enlightened by everyone's words, which actually forced her to accept the reality.For many nights, in the baby room that she personally arranged so warmly, she recalled the scenes of joy and laughter in the past, and shed tears until dawn.How many times she stood on the balcony, looking at the gap that was small for adults but low for her children, as if she lost her soul, and just jumped to follow the immature soul of the child.She was not reconciled, not reconciled to the tragic death of her angelic child, while the bitch who deserved to be hacked into pieces continued to enjoy himself shamelessly.She wants justice for her innocent children, she wants them to pay the price...

The stretcher was carried in, and at the end of the aisle where the crowd stood, her little baby called mother and ran over quickly.Zi Niang knelt down and opened her arms towards him.Eye sockets, I don't know when they are already wet.There is a complete feeling in my heart, which is indescribable, and I can only hold the body with purple pupils exuding the fragrance of milk tightly in my arms.

In the crowd, there was sudden thunderous applause, and everyone smiled warmly when they saw the warm embrace of the mother and son.In that smile is appreciation and acceptance.

Then, the child's mother came slowly, knelt down in front of her with a snap, and kept kowtowing. "Thank you! Thank you for saving my child! You are truly the Guanyin Bodhisattva who saves suffering..."

Zi Niang didn't go forward to help her up, but stood up holding Zi Tong.Seeing another mother weeping with joy, she couldn't help but start to reflect: Was her decision really right?

However, starting today, whether her previous decision was right or wrong is no longer important.Because there is no arrow to turn back when opening the bow, it is impossible for her to go back to the past.Unless you leave here and go to a place that no one knows.

(End of this chapter)

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