Princess Chen arrives

Chapter 109 The new concubine took office 3 fires

Chapter 109

Chapter One Hundred and Eight

After applying the medicine for Joey, Baili Mufeng saw that the garden of Qingquan Pavilion was getting a little cooler, so he quickly picked up Joey and explained as he walked, "My concubine, the weather is about to change, It's time to return to the palace."

Joey looked around, and looked at the plants and trees in Qingquan Pavilion garden with some nostalgia in her eyes. She didn't know if she would have a chance to go to Qingquan Pavilion again, and she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Baili Mufeng seemed to see Joey's thoughts, looked into Joey's eyes, and asked dotingly, "Princess, are you reluctant to part with this place?"

Joey shook his head in Baili Mufeng's arms, nodded again, and then, very spineless and unscrupulous, pursed his lips, pouted with a small face, and looked expectantly, "Then... ...My lord...I...Can I come again in the future?"

In Baili Mufeng's arms, Qiao Yiyi, who was carefully questioning, couldn't help laughing, and deliberately teased, "If you are the king's concubine, you can come again!"

When Joey saw that Baili Mufeng was stubborn and called himself Concubine Ai, he felt inexplicably angry, and a voice from the bottom of his heart blurted out, "I don't want to be your Concubine Ai, I want to be your wife, I want to be your concubine with Come here as your wife, no other woman will set foot here."

After yelling these words, Joey almost wanted to bite off her tongue, and she buried her head on Baili Mufeng's chest in embarrassment.

"Wife?... Wife?" Baili Mufeng kept repeating Qiao Yiyi's words, but his thoughts fell into the past that he would remember his whole life.

Baili Mufeng still remembers that it was an afternoon more than 20 years ago, when his mother stood in front of the gate of Fengque Palace with a disappointed face, hugged him at a young age, and murmured, " Feng'er, my mother hates that I am in this imperial palace, how much my mother wishes that I was born in a commoner family, marry an ordinary person, be his wife, take care of her husband and teach her son, and sing with her husband..."

Baili Mufeng still remembered that the reason why the mother was so sad at that time was because the father had accepted a new concubine, and the father had not set foot in Fengque Palace for a long time.

At that time, when he looked at his mother's longing for an ordinary life, the sparkle in his eyes, the young Baili Mufeng didn't quite understand the sorrow, and he didn't understand why his mother, who was well-clothed and well-fed, envied the lives of ordinary people.

Until his thirties, Baili Mufeng had seen too many joys and sorrows in the palace, and Baili Mufeng had truly experienced the emptiness and loneliness that his mother once had.

The mother's deathbed instructions were still echoing in Baili Mufeng's mind. "Feng'er, although you are a prince and have power and status beyond the reach of ordinary people, the empress mother wants you to understand that power and status are all illusory things. The empress mother has loved the wrong person and mixed her heart all her life.

If it is possible in the future, the queen mother hopes that Feng'er will be an ordinary prince, don't care about the throne, don't care about power, find a woman who loves you as a wife, and hold the hand of the son to accompany her until she grows old. An ordinary life is safe and happy. wish. "

Baili Mufeng pulled himself away from the memories, looked at Joey in his arms with unprecedented gentle eyes, leaned down and kissed Joey's tender red lips emotionally again, and tasted it Finally, he whispered softly in Joey's ear, "The king only allows you here, because you are the first wife of the king."

When Qiaoyi looked at Baili Mufeng, she was shy, puzzled, and shocked. Various emotions made her stunned for nearly half an hour.In Joey's ears, Baili Mufeng said that she was his first wife.

Not real, really not real.In order to verify whether he was in a dream or reality, Joey suddenly took a deep bite on Baili Mufeng's shoulder.

When Joey looked at Baili Mufeng's black face twisted into a ball as he endured the pain, he felt for the first time that he had a very cowardly day.She stuck out her tongue, buried her head in Baili Mufeng's chest again, and complained with embarrassment, "Hehe, I thought it was a dream just now, I want to bite it, try to see if it's real!"

Baili Mufeng glanced at Qiao Yiyi's embarrassment, and there was no displeasure on his face. On the contrary, he said dotingly, "If a bite can make my concubine happy, I don't mind it!"

During the time he was speaking, Baili Mufeng had already carried Joey to the gate of Qingquan Pavilion, and the servants who had already knelt on the ground at the gate shouted in unison, "Send off the prince, send off the princess!" !"

When Baili Mufeng was about to carry Joey into the carriage, Joey suddenly remembered that Baili Mufeng had written in black and white in the contract that Baili Mufeng had handed her before she passed out. missing words.Suddenly, there was a pause around Baili Mufeng's hand, and Joey secretly looked at Baili Mufeng in front of him with one side of his face. Seeing that Baili Mufeng was also looking at him, he hurriedly avoided and dodged.

Baili Mufeng frowned, seeing Joey with his worry written all over his face, he hurriedly asked with concern, "What's the matter, is the foot injury hurting again, if you bear it, it will soon be gone." You can go back to the palace!"

Because Joey was struggling with whether to ask or not to ask, the expression on his face became more and more complicated. In the end, he still couldn't resist the voice in his heart, and Joey said timidly, "That... that, how did you lose it? Taste?"

"Loss of taste" is definitely a taboo word in Baili Mufeng's nearly 20 years of life.

Baili Mufeng's eyes suddenly darkened, and he felt the cool air overflowing from his body, which invisibly covered Baili Mufeng's body with a thin layer of frost.Baili Mufeng replied bluntly, "Don't ask any more! When it's time for you to know, this king will tell you!"

As soon as Joey saw Baili Mufeng say that he turned his back on him, he turned his back on him, feeling a lot of uneasiness in his heart, he wrapped Baili Mufeng's little hand and unconsciously drew circles on Baili Mufeng's back, making the already dark-faced Baili Mufeng Feng, gritted his teeth and threatened, "Tickle me again, be careful, this king will kill you right away in the carriage!"


After being so excited by Baili Mufeng, it took Joey a moment to react.She stared at Baili Mufeng with black lines all over her head. "The peacock spreads its tail to be passionate, which eye of yours saw me flirt with you. Just now people were thinking, now that my foot is injured, how can I fulfill your job as a cook in the palace for you, why are you so ugly!"

Baili Mufeng's face was as indifferent as ice, and he roared angrily, "Woman, don't take this king's words for granted. Just now this king made it very clear that you just need to rest for the next two days, and wait for your leg injury to heal." , this king will let you fulfill the contract!"

Joy was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in. She didn't know why her high IQ, which had always been invincible, had no brains when she came to Baili Mufeng. She was very annoyed that she was often led away by Baili Mufeng .

["The Concubine's Tale: The Lord's Life" is on the shelves, please subscribe, please recommend tickets, please reward!The old work of the old saying "Power and Conspiracy: The Two-Faced Emperor and the Adorable Concubine" has been completed, please feel free to enter the pit.Fanyi's <Modern/Little Fresh/Marriage and Love Text> "Lianlian囧Marriage: Online Dating with True Love" has been published and serialized, if you like it, you can accept it first, and watch it after getting fat! 】

(End of this chapter)

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