Chapter 408

Mo Yuxuan and Long Shaoling led a total of 20 soldiers. They surrounded the Moerte King City, feinted an attack every day, and kept spreading the news they concocted to the Beichuan people who were defending the King City.

The winter pasture of the Xiluote tribe, one of the eight tribes, was captured by the Daqing army; the holy tiger army formed mainly by the Mahe tribe and the Tiemuer tribe among the eight tribes was wiped out, leaving only orphans and widows in the two tribes Mother, the herdsmen of several surrounding tribes have directed their cattle and sheep into the traditional pastures of their two tribes; a certain tribe married another tribe, because all the descendants of the tribe leader died in battle and were annexed by the in-laws...

All kinds of news that might be true made the nobles of Beichuan Kingdom who were trapped in the royal city very anxious, but the royal city was in the hands of the emperor and Molt soldiers, and they couldn't even leave the city to surrender.

On August 20th, the traditional Mid-Autumn Festival passed, the Zhen Guo army personally led 40 troops and the siege weapons transported from the rear of Daqing, and Daqing's [-] troops besieged the Moerte King City.Two days later, Moerte King City surrendered, and Emperor Moerte and the prince were pushed out with their hands bound by the rebellious ministers in the city.The Molt Dynasty of Beichuan Kingdom perished.

In October, the imperial envoys of Emperor Daqing came to read the imperial decree.General Zhen Guo led the army to escort Emperor Moert, Empress, Crown Prince, Prince, and many grandsons to Beijing.

During the more than two years of war, Daqing mobilized a total of 80 troops, and nearly 20 were killed or injured.

I can finally go home.

The soldiers who set out on the expedition were eager to return home. It took two and a half months to walk from the capital to the northwest border two and a half years ago, but now it only took one and a half months to return.The army returned to their original camp to celebrate and rest. The generals were busy with military affairs. General Zhenguo and Mo Yuxuan Long Shaoling and other major generals handed over their military affairs to the deputy generals and escorted the emperor of Beichuan Kingdom Prince Sun and his family members went to Beijing to offer captives.

The imperial court is always paying attention to the news of the return of the army, and predicts the day when they will return.When General Zhenguo, Mo Yuxuan and other important generals led their own soldiers and [-] soldiers to escort the Beichuan royal family to the capital, Prince Yunqin and a dozen or so officials stood waiting three miles outside the city to welcome the generals Return to victory.

In the Golden Luan Hall, the emperor was very pleased to see the royal family of Beichuan Kingdom, but he still treated them with courtesy and kept them all in the post house for the time being.For the generals with outstanding military exploits, the emperor rewarded them generously.Ten days ago, the Ministry of War had already received the merit book sent by the general of Zhen Guo Babaili urgently, asking for credit for the meritorious officials.

The emperor's imperial case was filled with a pile of imperial edicts, which were read out in turn by the Minister of Rites, Liu Hanlin of the Imperial Academy, and several other important court officials.

The emperor named Long Zhongjing, the great general of Zhenguo, as Duke of Zhenguo, hereditary for two generations, and rewarded him with a thousand pieces of fertile land, a thousand taels of gold, a hundred pieces of silk and satin of various colors, and several gold, silver and jade wares;

The emperor named Mo Yuxuan, the Dragon and Tiger General of the Left Army of the Phoenix Army, as the Duke of Dingguo, hereditary for two generations, rewarded with a thousand pieces of fertile land, a thousand taels of gold, a hundred pieces of silk and satin of various colors, and several gold, silver and jade wares;

The emperor sealed...

The emperor sealed...

Today, all the generals who visited the emperor at the Golden Luan Hall were high-ranking generals, and all of them had meritorious service. Everyone knew that Mo Yuxuan had made great contributions, and felt that the emperor would definitely reward him, but he didn’t expect that the emperor would reward Mo Yuxuan after rewarding the great general. , and his title is actually the same as the Great General Zhen Guo, he is a "public", and can be hereditary for two generations. The emperor's love for Mo Yuxuan is just like the previous emperor's love for Mo Yuxuan...

After all, he is a person who is very close to the two generations of emperors. As long as he is loyal to the emperors, the emperors will not hesitate to reward him.The new Duke of Zhen looked at Mo Yuxuan with a smile, happy that the former General Mo had such a descendant.

The emperor and several ministers read out all the imperial edicts, and then sent someone else to award the imperial edicts individually, but he himself did not come to send the imperial edicts to various military camps for reading.

In the Palace of Preserving Harmony, the emperor held a celebration banquet to reward the generals and officers who had returned from the expedition, accompanied by the crown prince and many civil servants.The task of the generals has been completed, and the rest is for the civil servants to do.

"Everyone, Beichuan Kingdom presents ten beauties. I dare not enjoy them all to myself, so I decided to give nine beauties to the generals." After drinking for three rounds, the emperor smiled and slightly raised his hand towards the eunuch who was close to him.The eunuch who was close to him immediately said, "The emperor has a decree to announce the beautiful woman to the palace." The late emperor's chief eunuch, Shang Nian, had a high life in the next year, and because there was no one in his hometown who was unwilling to return home for the elderly, the emperor sent the late emperor to serve the late emperor for nearly 60 years. The meritorious officials of the year have been raised.

The beautiful music sounded, and nine beauties of different races in gorgeous palace costumes of Daqing filed in and danced to the music.

The officials sitting on both sides either smiled and enjoyed the singing and dancing, or whispered and pointed.Mo Yuxuan looked around calmly, and took a bite of the dish.Alcohol is indispensable for a man when he is out, but now that he is back, he must drink as little as possible.He has always remembered Zhao Ganniang's words that "a man who drinks too much will have poor offspring".

The music stopped, and the beauties settled in a graceful pose, and then slowly knelt down in front of the emperor in a line of four and five, silently waiting for orders.Their fate has been decided since they were selected. They only hope that they can be picked by young generals, not veterans.

"General, you are the most meritorious general in this dynasty in the past hundred years. You should pick two first." The emperor said with a smile.The beauties presented were also spoils of war. He only took one princess of Beichuan Kingdom who might be of some use to him, and generously shared the rest with the meritorious ministers.

(End of this chapter)

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