Dad is here

Chapter 18 My Grandpa Is So Powerful!

Chapter 18 My Grandpa Is So Powerful!
After Xu Luofeng left, Mu Fengying went to the small bedroom to see Mu Xiaotao. The little guy was sleeping soundly with her mouth pouted. This uncle," he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although Mu Xiaotao is young, her heart is pure and clear. In her eyes, the world is very simple. Looking at a person is just divided into either I like you or I don't like you.

Since starting the wedding company, Mu Fengying has contacted a lot more people, and there are three or four single men who pursue her.At first, Mu Fengying was as calm as water, and she refused everything. Later, her parents, relatives, and friends persuaded her, and she gradually figured it out.She is still young, so even with a child, she can continue to pursue happiness. After thinking about it, her mind is much calmer, and she no longer speaks coldly to those suitors.

Of course, picking a man at this time is the direction of getting married. Mu Fengying is extremely rational, and she will never allow herself to put all her effort into it foolishly.

However, most men were still scared away by Mu Xiaotao. Although Mu Xiaotao was healthy, cute and smart, her male self-esteem always made it difficult for them to accept her existence.There was a man who liked Mu Fengying very much, and he said to her: "Yingying, my mother said, as long as you promise to let your parents raise Xiaotao, we will visit her once a week, and my family can agree to it." , we can get married right away. However, Xiaotao can't come to the wedding, and I can't let my relatives and friends here know that you have a child."

Mu Fengying looked at him with a smile and said, "Whoever said that I want to marry you, you think too much."

When Mu Fengying was dating someone, Mu Yang asked Mu Xiaotao, "My dear Xiaotao, mom will find you a new father, okay?"

Mu Xiaotao didn't say a word at the time. She struggled with this issue for a long time before she figured it out. A few days later, she pulled Mu Fengying by the corner of her clothes and said, "Mom, the new father must be handsome."

Mu Fengying laughed to death, hugged her and asked, "How can I be handsome?"

"As handsome as Prince Clover!"

Prince Clover is the boyfriend of the animated character Princess Jasmine, a brave knight who will wear armor after transformation, with big eyes, high nose bridge and strong muscles.

Among the three or four men Mu Fengying had contact with, only You Xinyang was affirmed by Mu Xiaotao.

After meeting You Xinyang for the first time, Mu Xiaotao shyly said to her mother, "Uncle Xinyang is handsome."

Mu Fengying didn't take it seriously at first, until You Xinyang pursued her with all her strength and met Mu Xiaotao often, then Mu Fengying realized that Xiaotao really liked You Xinyang.

Indeed, You Xinyang is tall, sunny, handsome and generous. He seems to be really nice to Mu Xiaotao, but how can an adult compare to a child? Mu Xiaotao's liking for You Xinyang is definitely from the heart, without any flaws. You Xinyang likes it Mu Xiaotao's purpose is self-evident.

This is also one of the reasons why Mu Fengying refused to agree to You Xinyang's pursuit. Of course, there are other more important reasons.

But now, Mu Xiaotao saw the kissing scene between Mu Fengying and Xu Luofeng, and she so clearly showed resistance to Xu Luofeng, which made Mu Fengying dumbfounded and deeply moved.

She thought, did the little guy regard Xu Luofeng as You Xinyang's imaginary enemy?Still subconsciously, she doesn't like this man as her father.

Mu Fengying actually felt a little pleasure in her heart, baby girl, well done!

The children of Wangmiao Kindergarten do radio exercises in the open space of the park every morning.

The children in the small class are still too young, so the exercises are naturally not up to standard. Some are extremely excited, some are lazy, and more are like Mu Xiaotao, who really want to do exercises seriously, but it falls to the adults. In his eyes, the way the little short hands and legs were flung up was ridiculous.

There are quite a few parents who will not leave after sending their children to the kindergarten. They wait outside the kindergarten railing to watch the children go out of morning exercises before leaving. Most of them are the children's grandparents or grandparents.

Xu Luofeng is really eye-catching among these middle-aged and elderly men and women who are over fifty years old.

He also couldn't explain why he came here, and once again had an unpleasant quarrel with Mu Fengying, Xu Luofeng didn't fall asleep half the night after returning home, and lay on the bed thinking for a long time.

Why, he thought, did things turn out like this?Why did Mu Fengying become so strange?This should be a very simple matter. Mu Fengying used to like him so much that she was willing to give birth to his child. Now that he is back, unmarried men and women are unmarried, he offered to marry her. She should feel touched. Isn't Xiaotao supposed to be happy when she has a complete family? Why wouldn't she agree?
Xu Luofeng really couldn't figure it out, recalling Mu Fengying's ruthless eyes when he gritted his teeth and said "unless I die", he felt baffled.

After thinking carefully, he thought of You Xinyang, the man who claimed to be Mu Fengying's boyfriend.Xu Luofeng felt a little upset, he thought, what is the origin of that person?How long has he been dating Mu Fengying?How is he getting along with Xiaotao?What is Xiaotao's attitude towards him?Does he really plan to marry Mu Fengying?If they got married, would Xiaotao call him daddy?

These questions made Xu Luofeng more and more unhappy. He got up and smoked a cigarette, and when he thought of Mu Xiaotao's frown and guarded eyes when he looked at him, he felt a little hurt.

He thought, he should get in touch with Xiaotao more and develop a relationship.

In the crisp autumn season, the kindergarten children are all dressed in colorful clothes, huddling together and chattering non-stop.Xu Luofeng's gaze has been following Mu Xiaotao. The little girl is wearing a pink jacket today, with jeans and sneakers underneath. She has a high ponytail and bangs on her forehead, but they are not trimmed well. Flat, as if Mu Fengying cut it at home.

Xu Luofeng just kept staring at Mu Xiaotao. After Mu Xiaotao finished the exercise, the teacher asked the children to line up to go back to the classroom. The little girl was not restless at all, she used to jump when she walked, and she was muttering to another little girl while walking. She was talking about something, and then she laughed so heartily that two small pits were printed on her chubby cheeks, and a row of small white teeth were exposed in her mouth.

Xu Luofeng couldn't take his eyes off at all, he seemed to see Mu Xiaotao looking back at him, smiling sweetly at him, and bouncing back to the classroom.

The parents outside the railing gradually dispersed, those who went home, those who exercised, those who bought groceries, until Xu Luofeng was the only one left.

He stood quietly for a long time before he put on his sunglasses to pick up the car and go back to work.

When Mu Yang came to pick Mu Xiaotao up from school, he greeted Zhu Baoan in the kindergarten and handed him a cigarette.

Zhu Baoan is a honest middle-aged man in his 40s. He pulled Mu Yang over and said in a low voice, "Brother, didn't you say last time that there is a pervert who is close to Xiaotao? I seem to know who it is."

Mu Yang was very nervous: "What about you?"

"Wear a suit or windbreaker. He's a pretty young man. He's not short. He's white, tender, and handsome." Zhu Baoan pointed to the opposite side of the road. opposite."

Mu Yang was taken aback: "Every time?! He still comes here often!"

"Yeah." Zhu Baoan said, "I didn't pay attention before, but after you told me, I paid attention. There is such a person who is always wandering around, and the person is standing across the road and looking towards the kindergarten. This morning he also I came to see the children doing exercises, and those eyes stared straight at me, and I felt terrified."

Mu Yang asked: "He, who is he looking at? Me, our Xiaotao?"

"you do not say!"

Mu Yang was angry.

A few days later, Mu Yang went home holding Mu Xiaotao's hand.

The little guy didn't know anything, he jumped up and down all the way, pestered his grandpa to eat this and that, and sang the nursery rhymes he learned in kindergarten, but Mu Yang was so nervous that his palms were sweating.It was okay if Zhu Baoan didn't say it, but after he said it, he began to pay attention. The past few days were calm, but this day, he felt bad.

Someone is following them.

Mu Yang was a soldier when he was young. Although he is over fifty now and his strength is not as good as before, he is not afraid of Mu Xiaotao anymore.

Mu Xiaotao was brought up by Mu Yang, Mu Fengying, and Feng Yunxiu together. He spent as much effort on Mu Xiaotao as he did on Mu Fengying, almost as a little girl.At this time, he knew that someone was following Mu Xiaotao with ill intentions, and maybe he was still coveting and lusting after such a young girl with disgusting psychology, so he became angry and said to you, you bastard, don't be planted in it. In my hands, if I catch it and don't interrupt your dog legs, my surname will not be Mu!

Thinking of this, Mu Yang calmed down. He didn't show any abnormalities. He took Mu Xiaotao to the vegetable market, bought vegetables slowly, and took her to the community park to play.When Mu Xiaotao was playing on the slide, Mu Yang pretended to watch someone playing cards, but his eyes scanned around like a scout, and he really spotted a figure hidden behind a tree in the distance.

The man was wearing a soot suit and sunglasses. He looked like a dog. Mu Yang gritted his teeth with hatred, and cursed a beast in his heart, you still have today.

After seeing the target clearly, Mu Yang called Mu Xiaotao to go home. Mu Xiaotao had only played for more than ten minutes, and she was not satisfied yet. After eating some, Mu Xiaotao was immediately happy. After eating her mouth full of fresh milk, she followed Mu Yang back home with satisfaction.

After arriving home, Mu Yang handed the child over to Feng Yunxiu, and went to the window to look downstairs like a spy. He lives on the eighth floor, and he could still see the people downstairs clearly.Mu Yang became angry when he saw it, thinking that this pervert is too arrogant, he followed him from the kindergarten to the vegetable market, then from the vegetable market to the park, and now he has followed him all the way downstairs.

Old people are upright, and they will never bow their heads to such evil forces.Mu Yang immediately went to the kitchen to fuck the guy. He originally wanted to take a kitchen knife, but he thought it would be too worthless if he saw blood, so he finally picked a rolling pin with a thick wrist and went downstairs.

Xu Luofeng watched the old and the young go home, stood for a while as usual, then turned and walked back.Before he reached the gate of the community, he suddenly had a strange feeling in his heart. Before he could turn his head, he felt a gust of wind behind his head. In desperation, he turned around and raised his right arm to block it. It took a stick.

Mu Yang's all of a sudden was also a test, so that he wouldn't break his bones, but it also caused Xu Luofeng's heartache.After all, Xu Luofeng was young. Seeing Mu Yang's rolling pin coming towards him for the second time, he stretched out his left hand and grabbed it.

"Stop!" he yelled.

Mu Yang got out his rolling pin, beat and scolded: "You bastard! Smelly rascal! You are shameless! How can you think of such a small child? Are you still a human being!"

Xu Luofeng knew that he had misunderstood, and he didn't know how to explain it. He just blocked him blindly, but he was hit several times, and he blurted out: "Uncle! It's not like this..."

The sound of an uncle stunned Mu Yang, and he stomped his feet angrily: "Who is your uncle! I don't have a bastard nephew like you!"

One beat and the other hid, which attracted many residents passing by, even the security guards came.Mu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to see the man's face clearly. He competed with him for the rolling pin with his right hand, and grabbed the sunglasses off Xu Luofeng's face with his left hand.

"Finally I caught you perverted son of a bitch! I will tell you to expose it today! Tell you to beat our Xiaotao's master again..."

While roaring, he glared at Xu Luofeng's face angrily. After seeing his facial features clearly, he was completely dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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