Chapter 222
The fruit knife in Xiaotian's hand was trembling constantly.

"If you come here again, I really want to do it."

"I don't believe you really dare to do it. A child is so courageous. Don't let me down!" The man walked over and walked up to grab the fruit knife from him.

Nervously, Xiaotian took the knife and slashed across the man's body, and the man's thick arm was dripping with blood.

"You dare to do something to me, I'll let you know what's wrong!"

Ruan Wenyu explained that even if Xiaotian can keep alive, he cannot be allowed to leave in such a healthy way.Only an unhealthy mate would not pose a threat to her.

The man immediately rushed to Xiaotian, snatched the fruit knife from his hand and kicked him against the wall.

"Even if you don't die today, you will be crippled!" The man gritted his teeth, walked up and grabbed Xiaotian by the collar, and threw Xiaotian viciously against the wall.

Xiaotian was almost paralyzed by the kidnappers!He fell to the ground in pain all over his body, but he didn't shed a single tear.

"You bad guys, my mommy will definitely come to save me." Xiaotian said angrily.

At the same time, he kept paying attention to the surrounding environment from the corner of his eye.

This is an abandoned warehouse, and the outside is covered with straw, which is not clear.But what surprised Xiaotian was that there were some daily necessities here, and he noticed a gas tank in the warehouse.

Xiaotian had already made the worst idea in his heart when he heard the man say that he would not let him go.If they really want to deal with him, then she chooses to die with them.

"At this time, you still want someone to save you? Is it whimsical?" The man laughed loudly. No one can find the place they brought Xiaotian.

Xiaotian had already made the worst plan in his heart, he slowly got up and moved towards the gas tank.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, do it." Another man said angrily.

The man walked towards Xiaotian, grabbed him again and threw him in the direction of the gas tank.

Xiaotian's thin body was ruthlessly thrown against the wall again, his hands and feet were fractured in some places, and he lay beside the gas tank, unable to move.

He finally couldn't help but shed tears and began to cry silently.

"Mommy, Xiaomei, Uncle Ji, I may really never see you again." Xiaotian muttered to himself.

At this moment, he misses his family very much, and the pain in his body is almost unbearable.

"Just cripple his leg, we can explain it when we go back." The man continued.

Xiao Tian looked at them angrily, wiping the tears on his face with his small hands.

"You still dare to stare at us, this child is really kind! It's a pity that such a cute child will lose his legs in the future."

The man had already picked up an iron rod in his hand and walked towards Xiaotian.

Xiao Tian tried his best to crawl forward, and he finally saw a lighter next to the gas tank.

The man didn't expect that such a young child would have the idea of ​​dying together, so he didn't have any precautions at all.

"Be a good useless person!" The man raised his iron bar and hit Xiaotian's legs.

Xiaotian screamed, and his whole body was trembling non-stop.Then blood flowed down his legs.

Ou Ruoling and Ji Yan who heard the screams rushed to the scene.

"Stop it!" Ji Yan rushed to grab the iron rod from the man immediately.

Standing at the door, Ou Ruoling felt distressed when she saw Xiaotian's injury.

"Xiaotian!" Ou Ruoling also rushed forward desperately.

Another man immediately grabbed Ou Ruoling, took out a fruit knife and pressed it against Ou Ruoling's neck.

"If you dare to disturb her, I will kill her immediately." The man warned Ji Yan.

Seeing Ou Ruoling being arrested, Ji Yan had no choice but to put down the iron rod in his hand.His eyes fell on Xiaotian's legs, and the shocking blood stains made his eyes red.

"Xiaotian, we are late." Ji Yan choked up.

"Xiaotian is because Mommy is not able to protect you well." Ou Ruoling was already sobbing.

Xiaotian resisted crying, raised his head slightly and looked at Ou Ruoling with a smile.

"Mommy, I knew you would come to save me, I knew you would come."

Because of the pain in his legs and feet, Xiaotian turned pale and broke out in cold sweat.He knew that his legs might really be useless like this.

Thinking of this, Xiaotian felt very desperate, and then looked at Mommy, his favorite relative, he didn't want them to get hurt because of him.

"You let my mommy go." Xiaotian said.

The man who was snatched by Ji Yan walked up to Xiaotian and picked him up.

"If you can't protect yourself, you still think about your mommy. Don't play any mother-child love in front of us. Get out of here immediately."

The man who kidnapped Ou Ruoling threatened.

Seeing Xiaotian's pain, Ji Yan wanted to tear the man into pieces, but he had to take Xiaoling into consideration.

"Get out right away, right away!" The man who kidnapped Ou Ruoling forced Ji Yan to leave. Their purpose was to transfer Xiaotian.

"No, brother save Xiaotian and leave me alone." Ou Ruoling would rather sacrifice her directness than direct her precious son to be hurt again.

"If you don't go out again, believe it or not, I'll make her fall in front of you immediately." The tip of the knife in the man's hand had already been inserted into Ou Ruoling's snow-white neck.

There was blood on her neck, and Ji Yan had to retreat immediately when she saw it, and walked out.

As soon as he walked to the door, Xiaotian's low voice suddenly came.

"Let my mommy and Uncle Ji go right away, or I will die with you." Xiaotian had already got the lighter and held the gas tank while everyone was not paying attention.

The two men never expected that Xiaotian would make such a move, and they looked at each other in blank dismay.

One of the men was so frightened that he immediately dragged Ou Ruoling away, and the other man hurried to the door.

Ji Yan took advantage of the man's panic and strangled the man's neck with one hand.

"Let Xiao Ling go, or he will die too." Ji Yan threatened.

But what Ji Yan didn't expect was that the man who was strangled by him suddenly took out a knife from his pocket and pressed it against his abdomen.

"Do you think you can really threaten us?" The man smiled triumphantly.

Both Ou Ruoling and Ji Yan fell into a trap, and Xiaotian couldn't sit still.He knew that their methods were cruel, just now was an example.

"If you dare to touch them, I will light the gas tank immediately and let them go quickly." Xiaotian lit the lighter and warned.

In any case, he will not let Mommy and Uncle Ji get hurt.Besides, he may be disabled now, and he doesn't want to go back and drag Mommy down.

Thinking of this, Xiaotian strengthened Xinzhong's mind.

"No, Xiaotian, don't light the gas tank." Ou Ruoling shouted immediately.

Now the person closest to the gas tank is Xiaotian, once the gas tank explodes, he will be the first person to be injured.

"Mommy, Xiaotian said that he wanted to be a boy who can protect Mommy. Today I think I can do it!"

Seeing Ou Ruoling's sad look, Xiao Tian's heart felt as if a knife had been stabbed.He was content to see her again.

"Let go of my Mommy and Uncle Ji soon." Xiaotian gritted his teeth and shouted again.

The two men let go of Ou Ruoling and Ji Yan one after another.

But Ou Ruoling wanted to run to Xiaotian, but was stopped by Ji Yan.Because Ji Yan smelled a smell, it was the smell of gas.

However, the lighter in Xiaotian's hand was lit again...

Then there was an explosion, and Ou Ruoling's eyes were pitch black.

When she woke up again, there was already a sea of ​​flames in front of her eyes. At that moment, Ji Yan dragged Ou Ruoling outside to escape the catastrophe.

But Xiaotian and the two men had disappeared.

The warehouse after the explosion ignited a raging fire. It turned out that the warehouse was originally stacked with some chemicals.Caused a secondary explosion in the warehouse.Fragments of the explosion fall towards the river near the warehouse!

Exploding and burning black gas was flying in the air, and there was the sound of Ou Ruoling's heart-piercing crying.

"Xiaotian, I'm going to find Xiaotian."

"Xiao Ling calm down, Xiaotian doesn't want to see you like this." Ji Yan couldn't help but shed tears.At the same time, he pulled Ou Ruoling hard to prevent her from passing.

They all knew that Xiaotian was in danger, because the scene had been burned to ashes.

"No, it's all my fault! Everything is my fault. I shouldn't have married Ou Zixi, and I shouldn't have agreed to his request.

"It's not your fault. If Ou Zixi hadn't forced you, nothing would have happened." Ji Yan blamed Ou Zixi for all his faults.

Ou Ruoling finally passed out from crying.

By the time firefighters arrived, the scene had been burned to the ground, and the bodies of two men were found at the scene.

But Xiaotian's body was not found. According to expert analysis, it may be because Xiaotian was too close to the fire source and had already been cremated.In the end, there is no dead body!
Ou Ruoling, who was lying in the hospital, woke up from the nightmare, opened her eyes and saw Ji Yan and Xiaomei sitting beside her.

Xiaomei kept crying!

"Where's Xiaotian?" Ou Ruoling asked immediately after waking up.

"They have tried their best. The fire at the scene is too big and they have been cremated." Ji Yan replied truthfully.

"No, Xiaotian must still be alive, I believe he must be alive." Ou Ruoling was extremely excited.

"Mommy, I miss my brother so much." Xiaomei cried even more when she saw Ou Ruoling like this.

She is still young, but she already knows the parting of life and death.

"Xiaomei, let's go find Xiaotian together." Ou Ruoling pulled out the needle stuck in her wrist and got off the bed.

"Don't look for it anymore, Xiao Ling, you have lost Xiao Tian and me and Xiao Mei. You must face this fact with strength now!" Ji Yan pulled Ou Ruoling back.

"No, I want to see people when I live, and I want to see a corpse when I die! I must find Xiaotian." Ou Ruoling refused to listen to persuasion at all and insisted on going to the scene.

Ji Yan had no choice but to go with her in the end, and Xiaomei also went with her.

In the scorching sun, three figures appeared in the ruins.

Ou Ruoling's hands were scratched, and the sweat on his forehead kept rolling down.

"Where is Xiaotian? Mommy knows you must still be alive. If you are alive, please answer Mommy?" Ou Ruoling shouted with sobs.

"Brother, Xiaomei misses you, brother."


The three of you searched for the ruins all day until the evening when their hands were already scratched.

Ou Ruoling walked to the river and looked at the river in despair, shouting Xiaotian's name loudly, and tears fell into the river water drop by drop.

"Mommy, what should I do if I still can't find my brother?" Xiaomei grabbed Ou Ruoling's skirt with her scratched little hand.

The corner of the skirt was soon stained red by Xiaomei's blood, and on weekdays Xiaomei would cry for a long time even when she bumped against the table.But today she is extraordinarily brave.

At this moment, she just frowned and looked at Ou Ruoling anxiously.The injury on her hand was completely ignored because she really missed her brother.

Ou Ruoling lowered her head, saw Xiaomei's hands, and held them in her palms with distress.

"Xiaomei, why are you so careless with your hands?" She felt sorry for these two children!
"Xiaomei is not in pain, as long as I can find my brother Xiaomei, I am not afraid of anything." Tears swirled in Xiaomei's eyes again.

She always believed in her heart that her brother was still alive, and she couldn't accept Xiaotian's sudden departure just like Ou Ruoling.

(End of this chapter)

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