Chapter 226 I Like This Dad

After hearing this, Ou Zixi was very upset, because it was not Lin Sisi's turn to comment on his emotional matters.

Since he drove Lin Sisi out of Ou Zhai, she sent messages to Ou Zixi repeatedly, hoping that he would change his mind.

In Ou Zixi's eyes, she was a woman who would sacrifice everything for her feelings, and he had already seen it from the messages she always sent.

It's no wonder that today she knew that he and Ou Ruoling were married, but she was still there whenever she was called. Ou Zixi didn't like such a casual woman.

Back then she had Ou Shengtian's backing to become his fiancee, but that has become a thing of the past.

"No matter what, it's better than loving someone without dignity." Ou Zixi countered Lin Sisi.

After speaking, he immediately walked out, Ou Zixi didn't want to stay here for a while.Especially in the same space as Lin Sisi.

Ou Ruoling returned to Ji's house, holding the contract from Ou Shengtian in his hand.This 5.00% stake is like a pie falling from the sky to her.

With this, she doesn't have to worry about the people around her being controlled by Ou Zixi. After all, she is also a shareholder of the company and has the right to interfere with every decision Ou Zixi makes.

When Ji Yan returned home, Ou Ruoling had already comforted Xiaomei to let her fall asleep, and she was sitting alone in the living room waiting for her brother.

She knew that Ji's company was in an economic crisis again because of her, that's why her brother came home so late.She felt very sorry, this was the third time that the company was in trouble due to the intervention of the Ou family.

She holds the 5.00% share contract from Oushi Group in her hand, hoping to help Ji Yan.

Ji Yan returned as tired as before, and as soon as he opened the door, Ou Ruoling went to pour a glass of water and brought it up.

"Brother is still coming home so late, is the company very busy?"

Ou Ruoling felt very guilty. Seeing her brother's exhausted appearance, she regretted it even more.

"It's okay, the company's business is very good recently, so many things need to be busy." Ji Yan never made Ou Ruoling feel guilty, he knew his sister well.

Even if the company is in trouble now, he will not tell Ou Ruoling, lest she worry about herself.

"I know everything about the company, because of Ou Zixi." Ou Ruoling pointed it out directly, and showed Ji Yan the contract that Ou Shengtian gave her.

Ji Yan took the file bag and was very surprised when he opened it.

"Is this true? The Ou family really gave you the shares?"

Everyone knows how huge the Oushi Group is, and even 5.00% of the shares are enough for them to spend their entire lives.Not to mention a [-]% stake!

Ji Yan couldn't even believe that the Ou family would treat his sister so well, and suspected that this was a trap.

"I also find it incredible." Ou Ruoling replied calmly.

"You have to be careful in everything. How could Ou Shengtian give you the company's shares just after you passed the door?" Ji Yan said while carefully looking at the contract.

"It should be true. Ou Shengtian is no longer the same Ou Shengtian." Ou Ruoling believed in Ou Shengtian's sincerity this time.

"But in this way, you will never be able to get rid of the relationship with the Ou family." Ji Yan was surprised and worried at the same time.

As long as Xiaoling has contact with the Ou family for a day, the mysterious Muzi may threaten him with the past.

Besides, Ou Zixi has hurt Xiaoling more than once, Ji Yan doesn't want them to get involved again.

Wouldn't Ou Shengtian's doing this make it impossible for Xiao Ling to leave, and the shares of Ou's Group could not be transferred to other people casually.

"I don't know what to do in the future? Now I can only take one step at a time." Ou Ruoling sighed slightly.

"By the way, have you heard about Xiaotian?" Ou Ruoling asked.

Today is a whole month since Xiaotian left them, and every time this time comes, she always thinks of him and can't sleep all night.

After coming down, Ou Ruoling haggarded a lot, and she couldn't feel at ease until she found Xiaotian.

"Xiao Ling, I have sent people to search for it as much as I can, and I have started to search for it in the lower reaches of the river. It's just that there is no whereabouts yet. I only hope that you can be mentally prepared."

In fact, they all knew that Xiaotian's chance of surviving was too slim, but Ou Ruoling was unwilling to give up like this.

"I know."

Under the dim light, Ou Ruoling's eyes began to turn red, and thoughts flooded her again.

At this time, there was a burst of crying upstairs, which came from Xiaomei's room.

The two hurried up to Xiaomei's room and saw Xiaomei calling her brother non-stop, holding the toy Xiaotian gave her in her hand.

Xiaotian's departure made this originally happy family no longer peaceful.They were all missing him and waiting for his return.

Ou Ruoling spent the whole night with Xiaomei, and couldn't close her eyes all night.

When Ou Ruoling woke up, she heard Xiaomei talking.

"Mommy is sleeping now because I didn't sleep well last night. Where do we meet? Tell me the time and place, and I will write it down and tell Mommy."

Ou Ruoling immediately got up and snatched the phone from Xiaomei's hand to answer it, and Ou Zixi's voice came from the opposite side.

"What do you want to do again? I tell you that you must never get close to my daughter." Ou Ruoling was very worried and afraid that the child would have something to do with Ou Zixi.

Xiaotian is an example, now she can no longer lose Xiaomei.

"I told your precious daughter the location, remember to meet on time today." Ou Zixi's commanding tone did not allow Ou Ruoling room for negotiation.

"Ou Zixi...

The other end of the phone has been hung up and there is a beeping sound.

Xiaomei looked at Ou Ruoling inexplicably. She felt that Mummy was very unhappy, so she went over to ask.

"Mommy, is this Xiaomei's new father?"

Xiaomei remembered this voice, she had seen him last time at their wedding scene, and she liked this new dad very much.So at this time, I can't wait to meet Ou Zixi.

"No." Ou Ruoling denied it.

"It's him, his name is Ou Zixi. I saw him last time, Mommy, can you take Xiaomei to see Dad?"

Xiaomei called her father very naturally, which made Ou Ruoling even more angry.

"Who told him it was your father? Can't you call him father?" Ou Ruoling immediately corrected Xiaomei's slip of the tongue.

"Then what should I call him?" Xiaomei frowned, she didn't understand that Mommy married him to find a father for them?

But why does she seem so unhappy?
"It's called Ou Zixi." Ou Ruoling replied angrily.

"But Mommy said that it's impolite to call adults by their names, so Xiaomei prefers to be called Dad." Xiaomei laughed happily as she said that.

As long as she thinks that she will have a new father who loves her, she will be very happy.

Seeing Xiaomei's bright smile, Ou Ruoling was so distressed that she didn't say anything.Since Xiaotian disappeared, Xiaomei hasn't smiled for a long time, and she spends her days crying almost every day.

"Mommy take me to see Dad, okay?" Xiaomei asked again.

Ou Ruoling wanted to refuse but couldn't bear it, Xiaomei also lost a lot of weight in a month.I stopped eating snacks and became less hypocritical.

Maybe she really shouldn't be so selfish, the meeting between Xiaomei and Ou Zixi will happen sooner or later.

Because she knows what Ou Zixi is like, and knowing that she still has a little beauty, she will definitely do everything possible to find a chance to meet her.

In the end, she still took Xiaomei to the place agreed by Ou Zixi.

For a month, Xiaomei stayed at home and was immersed in the haze of Xiaotian's disappearance.Speaking of going to meet Ou Zixi Xiaomei today, I was very excited along the way.

"Mommy, will the new father like Xiaomei dressed like this?"

This is the fifth time Xiaomei has asked Ou Ruoling about her attire.It could be seen that she was very concerned about meeting Ou Zixi this time.

It was rare to see her so happy, and Ou Ruoling couldn't spoil the atmosphere.He also didn't emphasize that she should not call Ou Zixi her father.

"My baby girl is a little princess, everyone loves her, she's so cute." Ou Ruoling also adjusted her emotions to cooperate with Xiaomei.

Seeing her baby happy is her greatest happiness.

"That's good. I hope the first meeting can give the new dad a good impression." Xiaomei dragged her chin and fell into the fantasy of meeting.

She has always longed for her father's love, and finally has it in the days to come.

Soon the mother and daughter came to the restaurant invited by Ou Zixi.They came to the place reserved by Ou Zixi, but they didn't see Ou Zixi's figure.

Just now Xiaomei kept yelling to go out, and they arrived half an hour earlier.

"Where's Dad? Mommy?" Xiaomei looked around and asked.

"He hasn't arrived yet, let's sit down and wait." Ou Ruoling said.

"Okay, Xiaomei is a little nervous. I'm really worried that Dad doesn't like me." Xiaomei's eyes were full of expectation, which made Ou Ruoling very uncomfortable.

She prayed in her heart that Ou Zixi would treat Xiaomei better, otherwise Xiaomei would be so disappointed.

Half an hour passed, and Ou Zixi still hadn't arrived.Ou Ruoling was no longer in the mood to wait, she didn't want them to meet at all.So ask Xiaomei to leave together.

But Xiaomei didn't want to go, and Lai couldn't pull it on the chair.

"Xiaomei, don't be so stubborn, okay?" Ou Ruoling was a little angry.

Xiaomei has always been the most clingy to her, but now she is looking forward to it before meeting Ou Zixi. If she treats her better when she meets Ou Zixi, won't she follow Ou Zixi and leave her?
"No, I must see my father today." Xiaomei pursed her mouth and replied unhappy.

"He might not be able to come today, let's go back first, and Mommy asks him out later, shall we?" Ou Ruoling persuaded Xiaomei patiently.

"No, I want to see Dad today." Saying that, Xiaomei jumped off the chair and walked towards the hotel entrance, she wanted to see if Ou Zixi had come.

Ou Ruoling picked up her bag and followed her out, but Xiaomei was in such a hurry that she almost ran away.

Xiaomei ran to the door of the restaurant. Because she was too short, she walked in a hurry and didn't look at the road.The little head slammed into the tall body walking in front.

With an ouch, Xiaomei fell to the ground, and she clutched her little head, which seemed to be in pain.Tears were already circling in her big eyes, and she started to cry loudly.

Ou Ruoling followed behind to see this scene, looked up and saw Ou Zixi standing in front of Xiaomei, and immediately cursed angrily.

"Did Ou Zixi not see the child?"

She found that every time the children met Ou Zixi, they would definitely end badly, without exception.

Xiaomei, who was about to cry, immediately raised her head when she heard the name Ou Zixi.The person standing directly in front of her was Ou Zixi, and a smile immediately appeared on her face.

"Dad, it's Dad." Xiaomei completely forgot the pain of being knocked down, and hope was shining in her eyes.

At the same time, Xiaomei stretched out her small hand, signaling Ou Zixi to pick her up.

Ou Zixi looked down at Xiaomei who was sitting on the ground with cold eyes, there was no pity in her eyes.Because he knew this was the child of Ou Ruoling and Xia Chuanyang!
How could he feel sympathy for this woman who betrayed the bastard she and other men gave birth to?

"Daddy, hug." Xiaomei looked at him pitifully, hoping to get his warm embrace.

(End of this chapter)

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