Chapter 298 Terrible People Around You

Xiaomei walked downstairs happily, and Huihui followed closely behind.

"Mommy, where did you find Huihui?" Xiaomei happily hugged Huihui, but she couldn't even carry her because of her huge body.

"I found it at Uncle Su's house." Ou Ruoling replied.

"Why did you go to his house again? I really hate that you go to his house." Xiaomei immediately became unhappy when she heard that it was Su Jiaxing.

"Xiaomei, can you tell Mommy why you hate Uncle Su so much?" Ou Ruoling felt that Xiaomei hated Su Jiaxing maybe not just because he lost Huihui.

"Because he's a big villain. Not only did he lose Huihui, but he's not as good as he looks." When Xiaomei mentions Su Jiaxing, she immediately gets angry.

She hated Su Jiaxing from the very beginning and thought he was hypocritical.Of course it was also because she overheard his phone call that day.

"How do you know he's a villain?" Ou Ruoling glanced at Ou Zixi, and the two nodded tacitly.

They knew that Xiaomei might be able to ask clues that were crucial to the matter they were investigating now.

"Because once I accidentally overheard Uncle Su saying that he wanted to kill something with a ferocious face." Xiaomei tilted her head and recalled the scene at that time.

That was the first time she saw Su Jiaxing looking fierce.

"Did you really hear it with your own ears?" Ou Ruoling was a little excited.

"That's right, so I think he is a bad person. But at that time, Mommy would never believe what Xiaomei said, and I didn't tell you at that time."

"It seems that what we saw just now must have been done by Su Jiaxing." Sitting on one side, Ou Zixi said maturely.

"It's shocking. How could he do such a thing when he usually looks so gentle?" Ou Ruoling sighed.

"Know people, know face, but don't know heart, so don't contact him alone in the future." Ou Zixi felt that Su Jiaxing would definitely do something when he saw Huihui go back today.

If he had attacked Huihui back then, now Huihui came back alive and was brought back to Ou Zhai by them.Su Jiaxing probably knew at this time that they suspected him.

At this time, their personal safety, especially the safety of Xiaoling, Xiaomei and Huihui must be guaranteed.

"Understood. Xiaomei, you and Huihui must not go out recently, do you know?" Ou Ruoling confessed.

"Understood, Mommy, are you going to catch that villain?" Xiaomei's eyes were shining with gold, looking forward to it.

"We don't have evidence now, but evil is rewarded for evil, and those who do evil will have their retribution sooner." Ou Ruoling narrowed her eyes slightly and said.

In order to clarify this fact, Ou Zixi went back to the shelter alone at night to search for evidence.Because he suspected that there must be a secret about Su Jiaxing in this shelter.

When he quietly returned to the shelter, the scene in front of him surprised him.

I saw that the staff in the shelter threw some of the animals inside into the car overnight, and the animals were locked up in huge cages.

Ou Zixi couldn't guess what they were going to do, so he could only get as close to them as possible to see if he could overhear their conversation.

"Why do you think the boss asked us to move out temporarily? Hasn't it been well here for the past two years and no one has found out?" A staff member of the shelter chatted with another staff member.

"Since it was moved away, something must have happened. You also know that the drug that the boss is currently researching is banned by the country. It's just that these animals have become guinea pigs, which is a bit cruel."

When Ou Zixi heard this sentence, she instantly understood.

At first he thought that Ou Ruoling's headache was due to being hypnotized as Alan said, but now he thinks it may not be as simple as hypnosis.

Maybe Su Jiaxing gave Xiaoling some medicine to control her under the effect of hypnosis.Of course, these are just Ou Zixi's inferences.

Now he had to find evidence to see what drug Su Jiaxing was researching.

Ou Zixi's eyes finally fell on a kitten that was left aside by the staff.If they had given the drug to an animal, it must have had what he was looking for in its body.

Taking advantage of their inattention, Ou Zixi took the cat's body away.

It was almost dawn when he returned home, and Ou Ruoling, who hadn't slept all night, knew that Ou Zixi had been waiting for him in the living room after he went to the shelter alone.

I didn't feel relieved until I saw that he came back safe and sound.

Ou Zixi told Ou Ruoling what he had gained from going out tonight, and after the two discussed, he found Zhao Yihuan and asked her to help test the cat.

After all, Zhao Yihuan is the person they trust the most, and before there is any evidence for this matter, they can't easily spread it and clean up the green snake.

Ou Zixi and Ou Ruoling have arrived at Zhao Yihuan's house, they are waiting outside the living room for Zhao Yihuan's autopsy results.

As a well-known person in the medical field, Zhao Yihuan also has her own small laboratory at home.Just happened to come in handy now.

"Why do you think Su Jiaxing researched these drugs?" Ou Ruoling looked puzzled.

"I don't know, but Xiaoling, didn't you find out that Su Jiaxing was tricky when you were in the Su residence?" Ou Zixi asked.

"No, and at that time I had a severe headache and often couldn't remember things." Ou Ruoling gently rubbed her head.

"It seems that if you want to know the reason behind Su Jiaxing's actions, you must investigate further." Ou Zixi gasped.

"What do you mean?" Ou Ruoling asked.

"There must be hidden secrets in Su's house. I will go in and have a look when I have time. But Xiaoling, you must not go to Su's house again. I'm worried that he will harm you."

Ou Zixi reminded Ou Ruoling again that he did not tell her what he did last night because he was worried that she would be in danger.

Ou Ruoling just nodded.

"It's finally extracted." Zhao Yihuan walked out of the laboratory, holding a test tube filled with a yellow liquid in her hand.

"What is this?" Ou Ruoling got up and asked.

"This liquid has no name in the medical field. I only know that its ingredients can cause people to completely lose their minds for a certain period of time, resulting in hallucinations." Zhao Yihuan explained.

"Why did Su Jiaxing develop this drug?" Ou Ruoling was very surprised.

"The effect of this drug is very similar to hypnotism. If this drug is used together with hypnosis, wouldn't it be possible to truly control a person?" Ou Zixi was also shocked.

"I also know a little about hypnotism, as Mr. Ou said, it can indeed produce such an effect." Zhao Yihuan replied affirmatively.

"So would Su Jiaxing use this drug and hypnotism to control me before?" Ou Ruoling felt a chill behind her back.

Su Jiaxing was the so-called scariest person around her.

"It's possible, and if this drug is used for a long time, it will stimulate the human brain to produce some headache symptoms." Zhao Yihuan's analysis of this drug is very thorough.

Because this drug is not allowed to be sold in China, and it cannot be bought.It may be for this reason that he can only find someone to refine it by himself.

However, ordinary doctors can't refine this medicine at all. The reason why Zhao Yihuan was able to analyze the ingredients in this medicine is because she is a leader in the medical field.

"So that's the reason. This is the cause of my headache." Ou Ruoling recalled that she was afraid of being raised by Su Jiaxing like a guinea pig in the Su residence.

"That's right, Xiao Ling, you will go to the hospital with me and I will give you a full body examination. I didn't find out the root cause because I didn't conduct a targeted blood test on your blood." Zhao Yihuan was worried about her body.

"Okay, will there be any sequelae?" Ou Ruoling asked.

"I'm not sure now, so we need to check as soon as possible." Zhao Yihuan frowned tightly, and she didn't know what would happen if Ou Ruoling had this drug in her body.

All in all, everything may be worse than they imagined.

"Xiao Ling will be fine." Ou Zixi comforted her while holding her hand.

The three of them went to the hospital together to give Ou Ruoling a comprehensive physical examination, but it took time for the results of the physical examination.So Ou Zixi sent Ou Ruoling home first.

After Ou Zixi sent her home safely, she went to work in the company. Before leaving, she repeatedly told Ou Ruoling not to go out alone.

Ou Ruoling was at home with Xiaomei, and Xiaomei was very happy because Huihui came back, playing with Huihui at home was not counted, so she went to the back garden to play.

Ou Ruoling searched for some knowledge about hypnotism on the Internet alone at home.

At the same time, she was constantly guessing why Su Jiaxing did such an illegal thing, and he didn't know if there were any other victims of these drugs besides her.

For most of the day, Ou Ruoling's thoughts were very messy, and she still couldn't recall the memories lost in Su's house.

"Miss, you haven't eaten since morning. Let's eat something first." Chen Ma brought the food to her room.

"I'm not hungry, Mama Chen will help me to see Xiaomei." Ou Ruoling was worried that Xiaomei would become very vigilant when going out to play.

Chen Ma nodded and walked out.

After a few minutes, Ou Ruoling also got up and walked to the balcony. From her balcony, she could have a panoramic view of everything in the back garden.

She saw Chen Ma looking for something in the back garden.

"Mother Chen, where's Xiaomei?" Ou Ruoling shouted.

"I haven't found Xiaomei yet, maybe she's hiding it." Chen Ma replied.

Ou Ruoling was worried and immediately went downstairs to find Xiaomei in person. Just as she walked outside the living room door, her cell phone rang.

She took out her mobile phone and saw that the person who sent the text message on the mobile phone turned out to be Su Jiaxing.In the text message, Su Jiaxing said that he wanted to meet her and asked her to go to Su's house.

Coincidentally, when Xiaomei disappeared, she received a text message from Su Jiaxing, which made Ou Ruoling associate these two things.

"Did Su Jiaxing kidnap Xiaomei?" Ou Ruoling said to himself.

She didn't stop for a moment and drove directly to Su's residence!

(End of this chapter)

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